The two greatest inhibitors of manifestation are putting constraints upon your creation and not being willing to receive.
Are you being too specific with your desires? Do you think they can only show up or look a certain way? What is the essence of what you wish to experience underneath that desire? Are you willing to cast your net wider? So often what you think is possible and what is actually possible are two very different things! Your willingness to allow the universe to fill in the details for you makes for much better and more satisfying matches.
Do you say no to assistance? Have you remembered to ask the universe for help? Do you gratefully receive it or are you in the habit of doing everything yourself? Do you think what you want can't happen because you don't know all the steps of how it will come to fruition? Do you receive compliments? Do you ask for and receive help graciously? It can be helpful to pay attention to any ways you hold yourself separate from receiving and start to consciously say yes to the support that can show up for you in a myriad of ways.
Now is the ideal time to make a commitment to loosen up and allow yourself to discover the highest potentials that exist for you just beyond what you can see, and to embrace the joy that comes from being in a more balanced flow of both giving and receiving.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Ask Gabriel(請問加百利):