

P3 sources say Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is now the de facto Director calling the shots as interim caretaker, so-called President Joe Biden is holding his oval office appearances at the Castle Rock, Amazon Studios in Culver City, California.
據P3共濟會消息來源說,亞馬遜創始人貝佐斯作為臨時看護人,所謂的拜登總統在加州卡爾弗城(Culver City)的亞馬遜工作室城堡巖(Castle Rock)舉行橢圓形辦公室拍攝事項。

The White House in Washington DC remains unoccupied. According to a colleague with a White House Press pass:

"The White House…press office and WH press contacts phone numbers have been disconnected, but I am still receiving forwarded emails from another server other than the White House. Also, the public comment line at the White House has been closed…this is just on the surface and is playing out to wake the sleepwalkers but I don't see how they can keep up with this ruse for much longer."

The so-called regime now"controlling" the United States has already proposed to other countries the idea of holding online meetings. In other words, it is just a matter of time before the leaders of other governments realize there is no physical Biden competent enough mentally for them to meet.

The P3 now wants Bezos to oversee a transition to a new system based on meritocracy and real-time democracy. They say he was assigned following a failed attempt by the Rockefeller family and the Khazarian Mafia to hand the U.S.over to communist China in exchange for vast amounts of money.

When the Rockefellers were removed from control by the Illuminati, the Chinese Communist Party –also controlled by the Khazarian mafia,- retaliated by trying to invade Taiwan.

Now, following the CCP defeat in the air war over Taiwan, the CCP seized de facto control of Pakistan and Myanmar. They now have India surrounded and are threatening to invade it.

This week's military coup in Myanmar, which accounts for roughly 10% of global rare earth metal production, temporarily sent shares of Chinese rare earth companies surging, driven by fears that instability and U.S.sanctions could disrupt exports.

Also, on February 3rd, the U.S.and Japanese military were staging a live-fire drill at a training ground near Mt. Fuji when a massive, massive fire erupted that raged uncontrolled all night. It was briefly reported in the Japanese media before a news black-out was enforced. None of our contacts was willing to talk about what happened but it looks like they were attacked, probably by the Chinese.

However, according to Japanese military intelligence, the Chinese Communist Party is about to lose power. The reason is that the Taiwan faction, connected to the old Ming, Sung, and Tang royal families, has activated their8million secret society members in mainland China. T hey did this in reaction to the attempted invasion of Taiwan and because the CCP killed millions of people in Wuhan with their ill-advised 5G activation. This means the people of China and the U.S.are fighting the same Satanic enemy.

This is what this entire Covid-19 bio-warfare campaign against the people of the planet is all about. For example, take a look at how Egypt punished slaves and damaged their brains to make them more docile and then compare it with"Covid-19 tests."

Then look at the nano-devices they are putting into people's brains using this intrusion.

This is the real enemy we are fighting.

Also, in case you haven't figured it out yet, here is more proof Covid-19 is a fraud.

Furthermore, if you do not think the pedophilia stuff is real, take a look at what took place in just one Catholic orphanage. Young boys were sold as sex objects over decades. For sure, this was not an isolated incident, child sex slavery,etc.was systematic and took place all over the world.

In another example, establishment Republican insider Ruben A.Verastigui was arrested last night for allegedly soliciting possessing and distributing extremely violent child pornography depicting infants being raped by adult me, police say. He was quoted as saying"when a baby screams it's my favorite."
另一個例子是,建制派共和黨內部人士魯本·維拉斯蒂吉(Ruben A.Verastigui)昨晚被捕,警方稱他涉嫌索取擁有和分發描繪嬰兒被強姦的極其暴力的兒童色情製品。他引述說:「當嬰兒尖叫時,是我的最愛。」

We are fighting back, and fighting hard. For example, Mario Marin, who governed the central state of Puebla from 2005 to 2011 is the first governor arrested for acts of torture against journalists and linked, furthermore, with a ring of trafficking girls and boys,
我們正進行反擊,而且是艱苦的反擊。例如,2005至2011年執政普埃布拉州中部的馬裡奧·馬林(Mario Marin)是第一位因對記者實施酷刑而被捕的州長,而且他還與一個販運男女兒童的團伙有關聯。

The Russians are doing their part by successfully using an ordinary flu vaccine to replace the DNA altering vaccine being pushed by the Satanists.

Also, the systematic removal of all people involved in the Covid 19 crime is continuing according to MI6 and Russian FSB sources. That is certainly why Andrew Brooks a research professor at Rutgers University who developed the first saliva test for the coronavirus has unexpectedly died at the age of 51.
另外,根據軍情六處和俄聯安局的消息,所有參與新冠陰謀人士的系統性清除工作還在繼續。這當然是羅格斯大學的教授安德魯·布魯克斯(Andrew Brooks),是他開發了第一個冠狀病毒的唾液測試,他意外過世了,享年51歲。


Worldwide, meanwhile, as Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei tweeted"The post-U.S. era has started."He also tweeted"Their recent events were a fiasco. #Trump's fall wasn't just the fall of an unfit president. It was the decline of U.S.power & social order," adding that these"are the words of U.S.experts, not ours."

This, by the way, is what a high-level P3 Freemason source had to say about why U.S.President Trump left the White House:

"They got to Trump-they killed his brother with a "heart attack" [in August 2020]. Also his wife Melania was on a government plane that made an emergency landing due to a"malfunction"– so Trump gave up. That is why Barr, Durham, Huber did nothing–and nothing will happen. Trump was not going to sacrifice his family for all these elections and was removed because he was standing in the way of a"Star Trek future."
「他們針對川普家族,用『心臟病』殺死了川普的弟弟羅伯特·川普(Robert Trump,2020年8月)。另外他的夫人梅拉尼婭也在一架政府飛機上由於『故障』而緊急降落,所以川普放棄了。這就是巴爾、達勒姆、胡伯(Barr、Durham、Huber)什麼都沒做—什麼都不會發生的原因。川普是不會為了這些選舉而犧牲自己的親人的,被驅趕是因為他阻礙了『星際迷航的未來』。」

Although if many U.S.patriots are bitterly disappointed over this turn of events, they should not be. Instead of looking back at an imaginary past with rose-tinted glasses, they should participate in the ongoing second American Revolution by helping to create a better future.

Let's also remember recent developments like U.S.General Michael Flynn, who said in a 50-minute interview on Feb.6,"We have to accept the situation as it is, and now we have to do something about it.

Flynn noted that if they try to impeach Donald Trump, you still have to call him Mr.President because you can only impeach a sitting president.He also noted,"People don't believe the nonsense coming out of our current administration.

Possibly giving a misdirection for operational security, as the public can now view a summary of key evidence from the Absolute Proof documentary that will likely be used in Trump's defense during the upcoming impeachment trial, prompting many foreign nations to hack the vote .

What Americans need to understand is that their country was taken over early on by a cult of genocidal human slavers.

For example, while all or most Americans know that the Declaration of Independence reads,"All men are created equal…and are entitled to the freedom of life and the pursuit of happiness, they are mostly unaware that it also contains the following sentence:

The merciless Indian savages, whose well-known rule of war is an unmistakable destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.This false statement has been used to justify a deliberate policy of genocide against the first nations.

As a result, the United States now has less than a quarter of the peoples of the first nations than when the first European settlers arrived.Moreover, the United States has been at war almost constantly during its 245 years of"independence."

Since the end of World War II, the United States has killed tens of millions of people through biowarfare in Africa and elsewhere, and through wars in Vietnam, Iraq, and elsewhere.As someone with ancestors on the Mayflower, I do not forget that our ancestors were saved from starvation by the First Nations.That's why we celebrate Thanksgiving with Americans.

In Canada, we have never forgotten our original ties to the First Nations, which is why there are far more of them now than when the Europeans arrived.Now is the time for Canada and the United States to create a new republic that truly treats all people as equal.The P3 promotes Bezos as a supporter of meritocracy who wants to colonize space.

If you don't like that vision, we suggest you take Bezos off his pedestal by pushing for something even better.We also believe a more insidious enemy is the group of families that still control Fortune 500 companies.

For example, the old oil, gas and coal oligopolies are holding us back and keeping us poor by preventing the spread of hydrogen fuel.The technology exists where people can use a solar panel and water to make their own hydrogen fuel.The only exhaust these cars would produce would be water vapor.

Instead, they push green electric cars.The problem is that most of the energy used to power electric vehicles comes from burning coal, which pollutes much more than gasoline-burning internal combustion engines.That's why European oil giants Total, BP and Shell have been buying assets along the electric vehicle value chain.

The latest news is that Shell has agreed to buy 100% of Europe's power grid ubiquity.

The Japanese are struggling, in part, to break the Khazarian Mafia's control of their country because their efforts to create a hydrogen-based economy are being stifled by Rockefeller-type oil interests.Remember, these are the people who caused the Fukushima attack on Japan on the 11th.

March 2011 orchestrated in part to force them to buy more oil.Japanese right-wing sources say Japan will soon be an independent country as Khazarian proxies are systematically removed.

In India, farmers are also blocking roads across the country to prevent Prime Minister Narendra Modi from impoverishing them and selling them off to Fortune 500 agribusiness interests.

A series of regime changes are also taking place in other countries.Recently, there have been leadership changes in Holland, Myanmar, and Italy.

According to Japanese right-wing sources who successfully predicted the above three government changes, changes will follow in Thailand, Albania, Colombia, Germany and Mongolia.

One last item this week is that, Chinese New Year will last 16 days this year and will start on February 12 .This means that great things will happen in March.Then Asian secret societies say they are ready to resume negotiations with Western secret societies about the future of the planet.

Their basic attitude is no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation to focus on working together and managing differences.

However, be prepared for turbulence in the coming weeks as the Eastern and Western secret societies go to great lengths to strengthen their hands before talks begin again.

For its part, the WDS is preparing important steps for the year of the charging bull.Remember, the bull is by far stronger than the strongest predator.




(註: 作者經由各管道得到的幕後消息,因為各種複雜的因素與局勢的變化,有時候可能不見得100%符合事實或發展的情況,加上被掌控的主流媒體不可能如實報導這類消息,因此更加難以得知真相,讀者要用心判別,不需全然拒絕或全然接受,只需以開放的心態參考,冷靜理性看待所有訊息,放下不共鳴的部份就好,切勿散播恐懼或是傳遞尚未明朗的訊息給未準備好的人。 )









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