The city of Jerusalem will be"utterly obliterated," unless the Khazarian Mafia surrenders, according to a Gnostic Illuminati source. The destruction of that city is needed to"put an end to messianic delusions" held by religious fanatics including U.S.President Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, the source says.
Any move against Jerusalem would be part of a massive worldwide counter-attack against the Khazarians following their recent offensive actions against Russia, the UK, the United States, Japan, and other countries, multiple intelligence agency sources agree.
As a part of this offensive, the U.S.and Japanese military are ready to respond because the recent attack on their forces near Mt.Fuji(fire at base of mountain on left side) has been traced to that city. This is in part because Kiyosu Takayama, a self-declared Knight's Templar, has been traced as the source of disinformation about the February 3rdattack. He claims that in the attack the"U.S.Navy destroyed the world's largest adrenochrome factory."
In fact, according to an official in the Pentagon's Space Command:
"The Mt.Fuji fire was caused by a directed energy weapon very similar to what was used 2+ years ago in Paradise, California. It was a warning by the dark forces to the U.S.and Japanese military forces conducting joint exercises in the area. The very top brass in both countries knows what it was. There is a gag order in place. The Chinese Communist Party was involved. The 7.1 magnitude earthquake off the coast of Fukushima on February 13th was done with a DE weapon as well. The dark side is throwing everything they have at Japan to stop them from breaking free from the Khazarian cabal."
The fact that this message appeared on the Telegram messenger service on my iPhone, but not on the same application on my Windows PC, indicates that Bill Gates et al, –including the Rockefeller family– were involved in the attack and subsequent attempt at misdirection.
In any case, Takayama's source in turn was a senior Mossad agent in Tokyo who reports ultimately to the Duke of St Petersburg, according to the NSA. We are now trying to find out who currently holds that title but apparently it is no longer held by a British Royal family member, the sources say.
Russian FSB sources for their part directed our attention to the following video showing then U.S.Secretary of State Mike Pompeo standing in front of a model of the Third Temple to be built in Jerusalem that does not contain the Al Aqsa Mosque.(minute 1:01):
The sources also say the link below shows a"photo of the Super Intellect Logos, in the underground Synagogue3Temple in Jerusalem. Super Intellect is a golden shell was dug up in Karabakh."
消息來源還稱,下面的鏈接顯示了「『超級智力』(Super Intellect)標誌物的照片,在耶路撒冷第三座猶太會堂的地下,在卡拉巴赫(Karabakh)挖出的一個金色外殼超級智力。」
Whatever this item may or may not be; what people need to understand is that these messianic fanatics want to build a temple of death where living beings will be murdered as offerings to Molech, Ba'al, Set aka Satan.
不管這件事情可不可能;人們需要瞭解的是,這些宗教狂熱份子想要建造一座死亡神廟,在裏頭將人活生生的殺害,作為祭品獻給莫洛奇、巴力、瑟特(Molech, Ba'al, Set),又名撒旦。
The White Dragon Society and its allies will support the creation of a third temple when this war ends but it will be a temple of life, not death. Here offerings will consist of pledges to promote life, environmental protection of vulnerable species that will support Earth's biodiversity not destroy it.
In any case, the civil war raging in the west involving these fanatics has now pitted MI5 again MI6, and the CIA against the FBI among others.
In the UK, after MI6 triggered Article5of The United Nations Universal Declaration on Human Rights in both Great Britain and Ireland the head of Britain's Armed Forces, General Sir Nick Carter took the side of MI6 when he went on the record on February 11th to say his nation was about to go on a war footing:
在英國,當軍情六處在英國和愛爾蘭觸發了《聯合國世界人權宣言》第5條後,英國武裝部隊司令尼克·卡特將軍(Nick Carter)站在了軍情六處一邊,在11日公開表示國家即將進入戰爭狀態。
"What you generally find with a crisis like this [Covid-19], which becomes an economic crisis, is that it then undermines the security and stability situation as well. And what often follows a very significant economic event is a security challenge. If you look at the Thirties, that started as a very significant economic crash and that acted as a very destabilizing feature."
These public comments by the current head of the British armed forces are tantamount to a declaration of war.
Britain is not alone.On Feb.12, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Russia is ready to break off relations with the EU if the bloc imposes new, economically painful sanctions.Even in diplomatic language, severing ties is one step short of a formal declaration of war.
It is interesting that traditional enemies Russia and Britain have allied against a common enemy, as they did in World War II.In this case, the enemy has taken over the EU and is waging economic war against Russia and Britain.In case you missed it, the EU is now Nazi-occupied territory.
This is why Goldman Sachs asshole Mario Draghi has taken over Italy, say P3 Masonic sources.France, Germany and Holland have also been taken over by satanic regimes, the sources say.What the criminals who have taken over the EU don't realize is that if Russia and Britain attack the EU, the United States will not defend the EU or the pedophile NATO murderers hiding in Belgium.
This means that within a few weeks they would be defeated by a Russian, British alliance.There was also a declaration of war by the Japanese, US and patriotic Chinese against the Khazarian Mafia and their proxies within the Chinese Communist Party in Asia.
As a sign of this war, former Prime Minister Yoshihiro Mori, in Japan, was removed from power on February 11.This means that, according to Japanese right-wing sources close to the emperor, the Japanese imperial family and the Shinto priesthood have taken the highly unusual step of intervening in day-to-day politics.
Officially, Mori has been removed as head of the Tokyo Olympic Committee, but unofficially this means that Japan has declared its independence from the Khazarian mafia.Therefore, shortly after this declaration, Fukushima was hit with an earthquake weapon.The attack on Japan was also linked to the Japanese government's refusal to sell out to unnamed private interests, as seen on page 30 of Japan's annual report submitted to the U.S.Securities and Exchange Commission on August 6, 2020.
The report notes that in 2015, the Japanese parliament passed a law allowing the Japanese government to maintain a veto share of more than one-third in the Japan Development Bank.In addition, it says it will control half or more for DBJ's special investment businesses.
Since this bank basically owns Japan financially, it means that former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, for all his faults, has refused to hand over control to the Khazarian mafia and their proxies like KKR Japan.
由於這家銀行在財務上基本擁有日本,這意味前首相安倍晉三雖然有種種過錯,但他拒絕將控制權交給KKR投資公司(Kohlberg Kravis Roberts)等可薩黑手黨及其代理人。
By the way, we have noticed that the United States Corporation has disappeared from the SEC lists and has been replaced by the United States Corp Co by a SEC CIK # 000101575.The SEC noted that United States Corp Co did not file any forms with the SEC other than the initial registration of the company.
順便一提,我們注意到美國公司(United States Corporation)已從證交會名單上消失,被美國企業(United States Corp Co)所取代,證交會CIK#000101575。美國證券交易委員會指出,除了企業的初始註冊外,美國企業沒有向美國證券交易委員會提交任何表格。
We did not have time to dive further, but noted that companies such as the People's Republic of China and the Government of Mexico are also registered with the SEC.
Mexican company:
Interestingly, we also found a registration for Planet Earth under Earth Co.and found that Security and Exchange Commission registration information for Earth Co.documents included ownership statements and insider trading documents and that Earth Co.has not filed any forms with the SEC aside from the company's initial registration.
Our own sources tell us that it is the Rothschild family that claims ownership of Planet Earth.
Let us now delve a little into what the self-proclaimed owners of planet Earth are doing.The biggest business seems to be crowd control.Take a look at this picture:
If that's too esoteric for you, look at what they've done with so-called corporate propaganda news.Last week, in a studio that was obviously not in the, they staged a fake impeachment trial of ex-President Trump(no matter how you impeach an ex-President).
It looks like the previous wild cards like Nancy Pelosi who used to appear on the government reality show have been replaced.The show was largely staged with a whole new set of actors.Two people who were not there were the defendant himself and Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, whose refusal to preside meant that the entire act did not have even a hint of legitimacy.
看來,以前在政府真人秀節目中出現的佩洛西爛牌等已被取代了。這個節目主要是用一套全新的演員來演的。有兩個人沒有到場,一個是被告本人,一個是最高法院首席大法官約翰·羅拔(John Roberts),他的拒絕主持,意味整個表演沒有絲毫的合法性。
They were also forced to end the charade after being caught with fabricated evidence.
An MI6 source noted:
The Jan.6 incident in the House of Representatives led to impeachment hearings infiltrated by ANTIFA(Soros for Rothschild et al.).A second impeachment would preclude a possible future second term for Mr.Trump.
In Illuminati language this is the dead card remain, never enough to just take a person down once.
They put a few extra nails in the coffin, so to speak.I think Americans, as I said, are just fed up with everything they've seen in our political establishment, General Mike Flynn said in an interview with the Western Journal.
Flynn also noted:If there is one thing that I have personally seen and that the American public has seen over the last four years, the level of corruption in our Department of Justice, in the FBI, and in other elements of our U.S.government has been incredibly high…
But as we all know and have seen over the last almost three months, we have seen incredible amounts of election fraud, both foreign interference and domestic [The military's job is to defend the freedoms of Americans and] …one of those freedoms is the freedom to vote for whoever we vote for in a free, fair, and transparent system.
And we clearly don't have that.So we're going to continue this fight.The relationship between Big Tech and Big Government that now exists in every aspect of our lives.We note that Flynn's brother, Lt.Gen.Charles Flynn, was named commander of the U.S.Army's Pacific forces late last month.
Hopefully he will work with the Russians, British, Japanese, Taiwanese, etc.who want to end Khazarian mob rule once and for all.
In any case, the Khazarian Mafia is gradually losing control of its justification Covid-19 to inoculate everyone into permanent slavery with gene-altering CRISPR technology.As proof, Pfizer has left India rather than undergo safety testing for its vaccines.Pfizer executives are being actively hunted and killed and will soon be an extinct species, WDS sources promise.
In addition, riots and demonstrations against Covid-19 fascism are occurring worldwide.For example, look at this unmasked crowd telling police to choose sides.
Even China's chief epidemiologist Dr.Wu Zunyou says,"The Wuhan virus has never been isolated and that is the problem.That is as close as he would come to saying that Covid-19 is fake.WHO is trying to keep up appearances by conducting a useless investigation into the origins of Covid-19 in Wuhan.
The Chinese Communist Party won't admit it killed millions of its own citizens with a misguided 5G launch, despite being warned by Western intelligence that 5G was an area denial weapon.In any case, the Covid-19 campaign will now be unwound and completed by May, the Russian FSB insists.
儘管西方情報部門警告說5G是一種區域拒止武器,但中共絕不會承認用5G殺害了數百萬的公民。無論如何,俄聯安局堅持認為,「新冠病毒」戰役將在5月前解除並完成。 Quaddel
The Khazarian mafia will be put to the test, apparently committing several acts of sabotage, such as destroying a German power plant and attempting to poison Florida's water supply.
They also apparently used a space-based weapon to destroy 500 gas-carrying tankers on the Iran-Afghanistan border.
The sudden polar vortex hitting Texas is also a space-based attack, U.S.Space Force sources say.That's why one Zero Hedge trader memorably said of the gas market,"We've officially hit "Holy Fu * King $ Hit Levels' here.It is no wonder that more and more observers are finding that the U.S.establishment has gone insane.
Finally, we would like to point out some growing evidence of an upcoming disclosure event.One is the massive earthquakes leading to the evacuation of the Antarctic base.
he other is the Pentagon's disclosure that it is testing materials taken from crashed UFOs.
We are definitely in uncharted waters now, so keep your feet in the boat.
(註: 作者經由各管道得到的幕後消息,因為各種複雜的因素與局勢的變化,有時候可能不見得100%符合事實或發展的情況,加上被掌控的主流媒體不可能如實報導這類消息,因此更加難以得知真相,讀者要用心判別,不需全然拒絕或全然接受,只需以開放的心態參考,冷靜理性看待所有訊息,放下不共鳴的部份就好,切勿散播恐懼或是傳遞尚未明朗的訊息給未準備好的人。 )