The grotesque psychological warfare operation against the American people known as the"Biden presidency"is run out of an underground base in Switzerland, MI6, NSA, FSB, CIA, and other sources agree.The base straddles the borders of Lichenstein, Austria, and Switzerland, allowing entry from any of those three countries, according to a CIA source.However, despite the overwhelmingly dark story of pandemic doom and"foreign enemies,"in the corporate media, the fact the ruling class has been forced to retreat to Switzerland is actually a sign they are losing the war for the planet.
We are getting word that not only the White House is unoccupied, but also Congress, Senate, Supreme Court, Federal Reserve Board, Treasury Department, Washington DC as well. We are also now hearing from the NSA that state government buildings too are unoccupied. We urge our readers who live in DC and near state government buildings to become citizen reporters and try to confirm if this is true. Certainly, live camera feeds indicate this is the case but, in this day of digital trickery, human eyes are the most reliable source.
In any case, the group that controls the Biden psy-ops is definitely the Rockefeller clan and their Swiss handlers, the sources concur. Last Friday MI6 sent the following message:
"We had confirmation today of the CIA involvement in the counter-coup of the coup that installed Mr. Trump. It appears Hillary Rodham Clinton [Rockefeller] is running the show in the background."
The NSA for their part says the current Hillary is the sixth one being used. We all remember how during the 2016 presidential campaign Hillary was stuffed into a black van and ABC news subsequently reported her death. However, she appeared 20 pounds lighter and much younger several hours later. Also, the picture below clearly shows the current"Hillary" is much shorter than the original.
Nonetheless, whatever Hillary avatar, body double, or clone they are using; the group known as the Rockefellers are clearly running the Biden horror show.
Their plans were outlined in a March 2020 article in the Rockefeller flagship magazine Foreign Relations that was supposedly written by Joe"green screen" Biden.
What this shows is the group now in charge of U.S.corporate media and the fiat money computers inside the U.S.are planning to take us back in time to the 1980s and the cold war with its easy to identify enemies. Lets' face it"commies" are easier to rally against than amorphous"terrorists" who keep changing their brand name.
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg described this new cold war against China and Russia as"a unique opportunity." While he tried to peddle this as an opportunity for Europe and North America"to open a new chapter in the relationship," it is obvious he is talking about a huge fiat money bribe to the military-industrial complex.
北約秘書長Jens Stoltenberg將這場針對中國和俄羅斯的新冷戰描述為「一個獨特的機會」。雖然他試圖兜售這是歐洲和北美「開啟關係新篇章」的把戲,但很明顯,他說的是向軍工體賄賂巨額錢財。
Russian FSB sources, for their part, say a very serious attempt to start World War III was now underway in Ukraine. On Monday, April 5th, Japan time, they sent us this message:
"A couple of hours ago a C-17 military transport aircraft(95-0107) with a certain military cargo arrived directly from the USA(with refueling in Seville, Spain) to Lviv Airport in Western Ukraine."
The FSB said the"military cargo" was…a nuclear device that was destined to be used in yet another attempt to start WWIII.
The FSB notes:"Ukraine does not control its own troops. Each brigade has NATO supervisors. They deeply do not care how Russia will act. Their task is to drag Russia into the war. Ukraine will be ordered to go on the offensive and they will follow that order."
The Russians said the operation was going to be carried out by NATO's Very High Readiness Joint Task Force(VJTF) which is under the command now of Turkish President Recep Edogan. The president of Ukraine is going to visit this task force in a few days, the FSB notes.
Needless to say, this group now promoting a new cold war will also be staging other weapons advertising events or"crises," featuring the usual suspects such as North Korea, Iran, China etc.
This group has also used its fake pandemic and vaccine campaign to install fascist rule across much of the G7. Since we have covered this previously in great detail we will only mention here that the fake pandemic campaign is so full of self-contradiction that more and more people are waking up. An army of whistleblowers is also pointing out this campaign is a massive war crime.
Last week Russian doctors dissected multiple COVID 19 victims confirmed what a Japanese doctor told us last week and that is that the real cause of death was"extended electromagnetic radiation."
註:一位在日本KKR醫院的醫生說,日本所謂的「新冠病毒」病例都在KKR醫院,他看到的所有病人都是電磁攻擊的受害者,而不是病毒。(摘自2021-3-15 每週快訊)
Now court battles against scamdemic start to bite. Last week a Belgian court ruled that all COVID 19 restrictions be lifted within 30 days because they had no legal basis.
In Japan meanwhile, Tokyo slave Governor Koike Yuriko was forced to stop pretending people were dying of COVID when she got sued by restaurant owners who provided evidence her pandemic measures had no scientific basis.
Regarding Japan, we were warned that the following creep was out of hiding with a capital C.
His name is Nakai Tenzan and he is so despised in Japan that even gangsters avoid him.
He went into hiding after a co-worker told me he bragged about killing my webmaster with a cancer-causing poison.He also once tried to get me to drink orange juice with amphetamines so he could film me in a high state, ruining my reputation with Asian secret societies.Tenzan has previously interrupted my public lectures to tell the audience that the murder of 90% of humanity was inevitable and there is nothing we can do to stop it.
The fact that he has now come out of hiding probably means that the Rockefellers could not find another assassin to do their bidding in Japan.He must be hunted down as quickly as possible and brought in for fierce questioning.If anyone can provide actionable intelligence to defeat the mass-murdering Khazarian Mafia, it is him.He is now hiding behind the banner of World Religion the Vatican and Unite Shinto, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity.
Make no mistake though, he is a cold blooded murderer.No, he is not a"cold-blooded" murderer, because he definitely takes great pleasure in torturing and killing people.He and his associates all need to be taken out of circulation before they can participate in another mass murder event.
The fact that these people have come out of hiding and are meeting openly in Kyoto is also a strong signal that some kind of mass casualty event is being planned for Tokyo.They were promised that the capital of Japan would move to Kyoto after Fukushima, but it never happened.They seem to expect it will this time.It's a good bet that the Tokyo Olympics will be scheduled as a massive sacrifice to Satan.
The fact that foreigners are banned is another sign that this event is meant as punishment for Japan.Remember, this is supposedly a disease that has not been scientifically proven to exist in an isolated and purified state for repeated confirmation.
Nakai also once told me that he took orders from aliens, i.e.from people hiding under the Swiss mountains.At this point I should clarify that last week, when I mentioned that Khazarian mafia bosses told me they took orders from aliens, I used quotes to make it clear that this is what they were saying.
My own view is that we are dealing with people who use aliens as a deception.Still, think of the dystopia these people are burdening us with.It is all hate, fear, disease, death and everything negative.They have betrayed their fellow man and are working to destroy life.They must be exterminated like vermin, without hesitation or guilt.
Certainly people want to do something about it.For example, last week someone almost simultaneously set fire to three Masonic lodges in Vancouver, Canada.
Another person hacked Rockefeller Facebook's Mindef Control operation and exposed personal data on 533 million users, including Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller.
Anonymous individuals also make themselves heard, which is why the Rockefellers were forced to delete 2.5 million dislikes of their Biden CG videos on their Google Mind Control operation.
We also note that Israel could not form a government because its former dictator Benjamin Netanyahu has disappeared, according to Mossad sources.The Mossad sources say Netanyahu talked about his masters before he disappeared.
Presumably, he pointed his finger at Switzerland.It is important to understand that the real enemy is hiding in the underground base complex in Switzerland.The forensic trails this author has followed of the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, P3 Freemasons, etc., all led to Switzerland.
Our advice to the Russians, U.S.Special Forces, MI6, etc.was to stop fighting the Octopuss weapons and instead go for the head.The most likely candidate for the current Pindar or leader of the pharaonic Octogon group is Karl von Habsburg.
我們給俄國、美國特種部隊、軍情六處等的建議是,擒賊先擒王,不要只打八爪魚的觸鬚,要嘛就打頭。現在的平達(Pindar)或者法老集團的領導人最有可能的人選是卡爾·哈布斯堡(Karl von Habsburg)。
Find him and take him in for questioning.
If Habsburg is not the Pindar, he can at least point us to who is.Then maybe we can finally put an end to the messianic satanic disease at the heart of the global power structure.If the Gnostic Illuminati are right and the real problem is a rogue AI, below is a possible diagram of its brain structure.
Maybe we really need to shut down the Internet temporarily and see what happens.
This needs to be done before it is too late and the AI gains the ability to completely hijack the human mind.It could be quite liberating.
(註: 作者經由各管道得到的幕後消息,因為各種複雜的因素與局勢的變化,有時候可能不見得100%符合事實或發展的情況,加上被掌控的主流媒體不可能如實報導這類消息,因此更加難以得知真相,讀者要用心判別,不需全然拒絕或全然接受,只需以開放的心態參考,冷靜理性看待所有訊息,放下不共鳴的部份就好,切勿散播恐懼或是傳遞尚未明朗的訊息給未準備好的人。 )