While the Western world wanders through the dystopia of a fake Joe Biden presidency and a manufactured pandemic, something huge is brewing.Athousands-of-years-old regime is facing systemic collapse and secret negotiations about its replacement are ongoing.

We cannot talk in detail about the negotiations yet for security reasons. All we can say is that it will be the biggest thing since monotheism began in ancient Egypt thousands of years ago. When it happens it will be on all the screens and news outlets. Until then operational secrecy is vital, so let's look at the signs of systemic collapse.

The biggest thing visible is hyper-inflation emerging in the U.S. This is something commonly seen during regime collapse. The cause is the people behind the Biden avatar printing money like there is no tomorrow(for them it is probably true). Government hand-outs exploded in March to an annualized $8.1 trillion, double the $4.1 trillion from February and $5 trillion above the pre-"pandemic" level of $3.2 trillion.


This is what it has done to commodity prices over last year, even though the party has just barely started:Lumber:+265%, WTI Crude:+210%, Corn:+84%, Copper:+83%, Soybeans:+72%, Silver:+65%, Sugar:+59%, Cotton:+54%, Platinum:+52%, Palladium:+32%, Wheat:+19%, Coffee:


Supply-chain experts say they have never seen anything like what is now happening.

"There is a total, global log-jam; goods cannot be shipped in some cases; and supply-side inflation on a scale we have not seen for a long, long time looks imminent."


There is also a food shortage emerging in the U.S.with food prices rising and basic items like chicken meat running in short supply.


As of last December, one in seven U.S.households was suffering food shortages. By January 41.8 million Americans were on food stamps—13%, more than a year earlier.


Meanwhile, all of the Biden funny money being handed out to appease the masses is also removing their incentive to work. The situation has reached the point where McDonald's franchises are paying people $50 just to show up for a job interview and convenience store chains are paying $500 signing bonuses.





"How do we get enough drivers, I don't know," was the answer Covenant Logistics CEO David Parker gave analysts last week when asked about the labor shortage.
「我不知道要如何才能聘請到足夠的司機。」這是聖約社物流公司首席執行官David Parker,上週在被問及勞動力短缺問題時給分析師的答案。


Uber insider Nathaniel Rothschild has given public hints—to those who pay attention—tweeting such things as:
優步內部人士Nathaniel Rothschild已給出了公開暗示—對那些關注的人來說;在推特上發表了這樣的言論:

"What if tomorrow the world changes as we know it?" and"The next crisis will hit you during your sleep, and you will wake up poor. It will happen lightning fast. Music is still playing. Few do realize that every market is deep faked. So prepare. Buy physical #Gold and #Silver!!"


The question that needs to be asked in these circumstances is why is the U.S.dollar so strong? The answer, of course, is that the Biden funny money is only being accepted inside the U.S. In other words, the U.S.dollar is no longer American.

The Chinese are lending the Biden regime real money to buy their stuff because Chinese American Katherine Tai, the U.S.Trade Representative, is the de-facto president of the United States, according to Asian secret society sources.
據亞洲秘密會社消息,中國正藉著給拜登政權真正的錢來買他們的東西,因為美國貿易代表戴琪(Katherine Tai)是美國事實上的總統。

Here is the avatar they are using for day-to-day interactions with the corporate propaganda media Jen Psaki, aka David Rockefeller's grandson Mark Zuckerberg.
這是他們與企業宣傳媒體進行日常互動時使用的化身珍莎琪(Jen Psaki,白宮新聞發言人),又稱大衛·洛克菲勒的孫子祖克伯。


What this family that sold the U.S.corporate government to China fails to realize is that, according to a senior European Royal,"all of the world's military intelligence agencies are allied and know what has happened."In other words, they know the West has been seized by a fanatic religious cult that is trying to vaccinate everyone on earth with gene-altering substances in order to permanently enslave them.

The agency sources say:

"The decision at top brass has been made to end this madness and get the world back to what was normal, not this so-called new normal this cult of lunatics are ramming down the global civilian population neck."

Speaking about lunatics, the public dialogue about this pandemic and vaccine is getting weirder and weirder by the day. They are now saying things like"vaccinated people will contaminate the non-vaccinated," and we have so-called Pfizer executives saying things like the vaccines will sterilize you, give you mad cow disease, turn you into an atheist, etc.

While some of this is certainly fear porn, there can be no doubt that some of these vaccines really are murderous. In India, it has now become clear their recent breakout of"new variants" of Covid-19 was directly linked to vaccinations. That is why India's vaccine czar has left the country for the UK due to"unprecedented" threats.


Then you have respected magazines like Scientific American noting how"influenza has disappeared," but failing to reach the conclusion that it has disappeared because its name was changed to"Covid-19."


Influenza did not disappear in Japan because the medical system refused to lie about it. That is why the only Covid-19 cases in Japan come from hospitals owned by cabal front KKR.

The move to use the pandemic as an excuse for strict social control and vaccine passports is also connected to an attempt to initiate a mark of the beast type financial system."Mastercard—Paypal—Visa All working with [privately owned] central banks now," tweets Nat Rothschild.

Here is the real explanation for the pandemic as forwarded to us by the CIA:

"The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by GlaxoSmithKline, which owns Pfizer! The one who makes the vaccine against the virus that started at the Wuhan Biological Lab and was funded by Dr.Fauci who promotes the vaccine!
「位於中國武漢的生物實驗室為葛蘭素史克公司(GlaxoSmithKline)所有,而葛蘭素史克公司擁有輝瑞公司!就是那個從武漢生物實驗室開始製造病毒疫苗的人,而且是由推廣疫苗的弗契資助的!」(註:Anthony Fauci是美國免疫學家,現任美國國家過敏和傳染病研究所所長、白宮冠狀病毒工作組成員及總統首席醫療顧問。)

GlaxoSmithKline is managed by the finance division of Black Rock, which manages the finances of the Open Foundation Company(Soros Foundation), which manages the Soros owned German company Winterthur that built a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan and was bought by the German Allianz that(coincidentally) has Vanguard as a shareholder, who(coincidentally) is a shareholder of Black Rock, which(coincidentally) controls central banks and manages about a third of global investment capital.
「葛蘭素史克公司由黑巖公司(Black Rock)的財務部門管理,黑巖公司管理開放基金公司(索羅斯基金會)的財務,該公司管理索羅斯擁有的德國溫特圖爾公司,該公司在武漢建立了一個中國實驗室,並被德國安聯公司收購,安聯公司的股東(恰巧)是先鋒集團,先鋒集團(恰巧)是黑巖公司的股東,黑巖公司(恰巧)控制央行,管理著全球約三份之一的投資資本。」

Black Rock is also(coincidentally) a major shareholder of MICROSOFT, owned by Bill Gates, who(coincidentally) is a shareholder of Pfizer(which—remember? Sells a miracle vaccine) and(coincidentally) is now the first sponsor of the WHO! Now you understand how a dead bat sold in a wet market in China has infected the WHOLE PLANET!"
「黑巖也(恰巧)是比爾蓋茨的微軟公司的主要股東,而比爾蓋茨(恰巧)是輝瑞公司的股東(輝瑞公司;還記得嗎? 銷售一種神奇的疫苗),並且現在(恰巧)是世衛組織的第一個贊助商!現在你明白了中國濕貨市場上出售的死蝙蝠是如何感染整個地球的了吧!」

In some ways, this is all too contrived which brings the question; What if this is all just a giant initiation ceremony?

We were told last year that humanity would be put through the equivalent of a tribal coming of age ceremony and that the whole thing would last until the autumn of this year. The idea would be to implement the type of changes to global governance usually involving a world war without actually having a world war.

In a sign this might be right, we are noticing more and more UFO and space opera stuff appearing in the"mainstream"corporate media.Here is a sampling from last week, with even the New Yorker magazine getting in on the action.








In any case, while the West is going through its nervous breakdown and seeing UFOs, the rest of the world is busy redrawing borders. This is especially true in the Middle East. The big story there continues to be the ongoing attempt by the Turks to revive the Ottoman Empire. Here is the sort of talk they are publicly putting out:

"They are telling us to refrain from altering the post-World War I order, to remain as the West's eastern front, to avoid any action that will bring the region to us and awaken the main axis of the Earth, which stretches from the Atlantic to the Pacific coasts. Turkey is much more effective than all European Union countries put together…The West is no longer the world's center."


These words are being backed with military action in Libya, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Ukraine,etc.


The country with the most to lose is the Israeli crypto colony of Saudi Arabia."The Saudis have no more power even with all that oil, Then can't "buy" respect anymore," according to the CIA.

In a desperate attempt to avoid a Turkish takeover, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and other Gulf countries have been trying to make peace with Iran."We are seeking to have good relations with Iran," Saudi Crown Prince avatar Mohammed bin Salman told Saudi television this week.
為了避免土耳其的接管,埃及、約旦、沙烏地和其他海灣國家一直在試圖與伊朗講和,這是一種絕望的嘗試。沙烏地王儲穆罕默德·薩勒曼(Mohammed bin Salman)本週告訴當地電視台:「我們在尋求與伊朗建立良好的關係。」


The Saudis need to make peace with Iran because the U.S.military is no longer willing to act as their enforcers. That is why they are losing the war with Yemen's Houthis and are in real danger of losing control over their oil fields. The Yemeni people, who built 12 story tall buildings over a millennia ago, view the Saudis as upstart camel herders who just happened to get lucky with oil. They want to return their historical place as the true powers in the Arab peninsula and will probably succeed in doing so. The Saudi may soon get taken out of Arabia.

The other country that is losing its border war is the United States. Sources along the frontier with Mexico say the border is disintegrating."I've never seen anything quite like this…it's the Wild West on steroids," says Goliad border county Sheriff Roy Boyd.
另一個正輸掉邊界戰的國家是美國。美墨邊境消息來源表示邊境已處在瓦解的邊緣中。戈利亞德邊境縣警長羅伊·博伊德(Roy Boyd)說:「我從未見過這樣的情況…就像狂野的西部。」


Canada is keeping its border with the U.S.mostly shut for now but it is a good bet that a joint U.S.-Canadian military operation to remove Satanic cultist Justin Castro from power is just a matter of time. At that point, the Biden-Rockefeller, Communist China freak show in the U.S.should also come tumbling down.

There is a powerful group that wants to re-invigorate the West by restoring democracy, the rule of law, freedom of the press, and meritocracy. If the West fails in its efforts, the United States will become a Chinese-owned farm whose management is sub-contracted to a bunch of Khazarian gangsters like the Rockefellers. Eventually, the entire planet will forever be turned into a giant animal farm. We all need to join the fight to make sure this never happens. We will win but it will take a lot of hard work and brave determination.

註:動物農莊(Animal Farm)是英國作家喬治·歐威爾在1945於英國出版的託寓小說。簡介:農莊主人由於管理不善、終日酗酒、不負責任,故激起了農莊內動物的造反之意。聰明的豬隻拿破崙,以崇高的理想為號召,推翻了人類主子,所有動物深以為從此可以自己做主,不再有蹂躪壓榨、弱肉強食、勾心鬥角。不料,初嚐權力滋味的拿破崙開始整肅異己,趕盡殺絕,一心鞏固領導地位,維護尊榮享受。能言善道的尖叫者幫著拿破崙粉飾太平,勤懇老實的拳擊手不疑有他只知犧牲奉獻,甚至賠上性命在所不惜...你以為是在為自己努力,其實只是在為高層服務而已...



(註: 作者經由各管道得到的幕後消息,因為各種複雜的因素與局勢的變化,有時候可能不見得100%符合事實或發展的情況,加上被掌控的主流媒體不可能如實報導這類消息,因此更加難以得知真相,讀者要用心判別,不需全然拒絕或全然接受,只需以開放的心態參考,冷靜理性看待所有訊息,放下不共鳴的部份就好,切勿散播恐懼或是傳遞尚未明朗的訊息給未準備好的人。 )








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