Many enlightening human beings have trouble receiving.We have spoken of this before many times.One reason why people have trouble receiving we haven't spoken of before is having a distrust of ease.
Do you distrust when things start to come together with ease? Do you immediately wait for the"other shoe to drop"? Do you think if things come together easily for you they will fall apart, others will judge you, or you will pay for it in some unpleasant way in the end?
This is all very tied into the martyred service paradigm, a paradigm you are in the process of evolving beyond.Do you feel you have to struggle to be worthy? Do you cling to expressions like,"no pain, no gain"? Are you afraid of being deemed not deserving enough for your gains or being perceived as lazy?
Dear Ones, ease is simply moving with the flow.It is deciding to move with the energies instead of exhausting yourself working against them.It is allowing yourself to be sustained, loved, and guided by the energies of Source.It is not about cutting corners or taking the easy way out of anything.It is deciding to trust and go with what is being supported for you willingly, and that is a glorious thing, indeed.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Ask Gabriel(請問加百利):