
"A decision has been made at the highest echelons of power that the world is just not working," and a wholesale revamp is needed, according to a senior European royal. In particular, the ongoing"pandemic is entirely a drug-pushing effort" and means"all of the world's civilian governments are suspected of engaging in genocide," according to MI6, CIA, and other intelligence agencies.

To summarize, the world's military and intelligence agencies have come to the conclusion that Western civilian governments have been hijacked by a satanic cult and need to be removed.

The process is being started off with the removal of Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, Mossad sources say."This particular character is a very difficult one and the only way to remove someone like him is to manage them out," the royal family source said. The implication is Netanyahu possesses plenty of blackmail insurance and needs to be given certain guarantees in exchange for relinquishing power. In any case, even Rothschild family-owned propaganda outlets like AP are now reporting his removal.
據摩薩德消息來源表示,清理過程將以剷除以色列總理納坦雅胡開始。王室消息來源說: 「這傢伙是非常難搞的特殊人物,清除這種人唯一的方法就是監管他們。」其含義是納坦雅胡掌握了大量的把柄保險在手,要他放棄權力就得得到某些保證。無論如何,現在連美聯社等羅斯柴爾德家族的宣傳機構都在報導他的去職。

After the removal of the de facto most senior sitting Khazarian Mafia leader, a campaign will take place over the summer to cleanse most civilian governments, multiple sources agree.Aseparate MI6 source located in the Americas confirmed action on the ground saying:

"Something really big is taking place Now. Senior Members of The Cabal are going down. Gates is out of the system now. He has disappeared. Not a word was spoken about him. Now it's Fauci's turn. Then, guess who's next, Matt Hancock, followed by Boris Johnson. Humanity is waking up."
「現在,真正的大事發生了,陰謀集團大咖倒下,比爾蓋茨已離開這個圈子,人間蒸發並不再被提及,現在輪到福奇了。然後猜猜下一個是誰?是馬特·漢考克(Matt Hancock),接著是英國首相強森。人類正在覺醒。」

These purges will prepare the ground for a complete revamp of post-World War II institutions including the UN and the BIS, the sources say.

"There has been a coalescence among the world's intelligence agencies because we share a common enemy," was how the head of MI6(the real head not the public one) described the situation. The CIA, which is a consortium run out of Switzerland, agrees, according to senior CIA sources. These agencies have come to the conclusion that if urgent action is not taken"billions of people will die by the autumn," the MI6 and CIA sources said.


As a part of this campaign of removal, MI6 has decided to publicly name the person who ordered the murder of Princess Diana Spencer. This was Baron Robin Butler, a German DVD agent(Deutsches Verteidigungs Dients) who ran the British Civil service from 1988 to 1998, according to MI6.
作為這場清理行動的一部份,軍情六處決定公佈下令謀殺戴妃的兇手名字。當局表示,是羅賓·巴特勒男爵(Baron Robin Butler),他是一名德國DVD特工(Deutsches Verteidigungs Dients/德國國防服務),從1988到1998年負責英國公務員事務。,_Baron_Butler_of_Brockwell

Queen Elizabeth was not involved and had him removed as soon as she found out he was responsible for the murder, MI6 says."Diana's two sons should not be without their mother," said Queen Elizabeth II.

Furthermore, MI6 says all Cabinet secretaries since WWII have been double agents including Simon Case.
此外,軍情六處說,自二戰以來,所有內閣秘書都是雙重間諜,包括西蒙·凱斯(Simon Case)。

the current cabinet secretary and his predecessor Mark Sedwill.
現任內閣秘書和他的前任馬克·塞德維爾(Mark Sedwill)。

These men are"both DVD agents and traitors to the United Kingdom," according to MI6. These revelations have put Number 10 Downing Street"in a blind state of panic," the sources said, noting their servers were down.

To summarize:The DVD has been on a massive killing spree ever since World War II that culminated in their seizing of power in the the coup d'etat that followed 9.11. The execution of George Bush Sr.helped put an end to it but the battle is not over yet. As long as we see the fake Biden presidency show and pandemic pushed in the media, we have to keep fighting. We are dealing with a cult that has run large parts of humanity literally for thousands of years and they do not plan to go quietly into the night.

The rabbit hole runs very deep. Basically though, the world's military and intelligence agencies have finally realized that a cult of Sabbatean Frankist Jews really is trying to kill most of the global population.
這個兔子洞真是深不見底。基本上,全球軍事和情報機構終於意識到,一個由安息日弗蘭克派(Sabbatean Frankist)猶太人組成的邪教組織,確實在試圖殺死全球大量人口。

They realized the ongoing"pandemic" was"another 9.11 or Fukushima being carried out by these genocidal fanatical lunatics."

When asked,"how in the name of God did these people seize the world," a senior European royal said,"The Rothschilds are particularly dangerous people, they are beyond evil."

As an example of their Mafia-like compromise and control system, the source described an incident where"beautiful children were beheaded in front of a congregation" of elite Australians who had all been drugged."All of their faces were recorded so there is a repository of blackmail intelligence," the source said. This sort of event has taken place all over the world. In Japan too, this writer has noted over the years how only compromised politicians are allowed into positions of power.

Furthermore, the Khazarian Mafia plan long-term, making it very difficult for normal humans to comprehend. For example,"The Rockefellers staged a ritualistic bloodthirsty orgy at the groundbreaking before the World Trade Center buildings were built," the Royal Family source said.

The incredible extent to which this blackmail and compromise network runs is why a truth and reconciliation process is needed for the people who were unwillingly dragged into this cult.

In any case, the Rothschilds are going to be told to back off and the BIS will be dissolved, the agency sources promise.

The Pentagon is also on the case.According to a senior official:

"Gitmo is operating 24/7 processing detainees. There are four teams working 6-hour shifts with three persons in the JAG(judge advocate generals) team. There are currently tens of thousands of prisoners in a multi-level underground prison facility near the Thule, Greenland, U.S.Space Force Base; all Transferred from Gitmo. Special operations forces and Marines are the only ones being used to make the arrests of the Cabal and their minions."

He suggested we read between the lines of the article at the link below:

As usual with this space and UFO stuff, believe it when you see it, and even then remain skeptical that it could be a bluebeam psyop.


Nonetheless, it's interesting to note that even here and now real organizations like MI6 are paying attention to space stuff these days.Keep in mind, however, that the cabal has been planning some sort of space opera ever since War of the Worlds caused panic when it was broadcast as a radio show in 1938.

Meanwhile, back on the surface of the planet, we note a continuing descent into anarchy in the US.The following articles are just a few about the dozens of mass shootings now taking place there monthly.The overall crime rate is also skyrocketing.
同時,回到地表,我們注意到美國繼續陷入無政府狀態。以下文章只是關於現在每月發生數十起大規模槍擊事件的一部份。總體犯罪率也在急劇上升。 ar-AAKposP?ocid=uxbndlbing

Part of the background to this is the economic collapse.U.S.prices are now rising at the fastest pace in over 30 years, while incomes have seen the steepest decline ever.

No wonder everyone is turning to silver and other precious metals.This has prompted the U.S.Mint to say, As demand for silver continues to outstrip supply, the reality is that not everyone can buy a coin.

BTW, we received this material from Wuhan, China.Could just be an underground gas leak explosion, but if anyone knows any other important details about it, please note it in the comments.

While the situation may seem grim, especially in the US, we also need to look at all the good news that is out there.For example, if you talk to people who actually deal with death for a living, such as funeral directors and life insurance companies, youll find that despite all the pandemic hysteria, no one is dying more than is unusual.

The deadliest pandemic in decades is coming across the globe with lethal mutations that are taking the lives of millions of innocent people, and the life insurance companies can't  seem to wrap their heads around it, notes Jeff Harris.This means that there has been a sea change and all the hysteria about pandemics, a sign of panic and fear in the old ruling class, not reality.
傑夫·哈里斯(Jeff Harris)指出,數十年來最致命的大流行在全球出現,其致命的變異奪走數百萬無辜者的生命,那麼,人壽保險公司似乎是無法躲過它的。這意味已發生了巨變,因為所有關於大流行等都是陰謀集團的恐慌和害怕的表現,而不是現實。

By and large, a forest area the size of France has been regrown in the last 20 years, creating many habitats for endangered species, especially in the Atlantic forests of Brazil.



(註: 作者經由各管道得到的幕後消息,因為各種複雜的因素與局勢的變化,有時候可能不見得100%符合事實或發展的情況,加上被掌控的主流媒體不可能如實報導這類消息,因此更加難以得知真相,讀者要用心判別,不需全然拒絕或全然接受,只需以開放的心態參考,冷靜理性看待所有訊息,放下不共鳴的部份就好,切勿散播恐懼或是傳遞尚未明朗的訊息給未準備好的人。 )









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