When you attempt to challenge someone's beliefs,it can result in making them dig in and create an even deeper attachment to them.They can become so invested in defending their beliefs that they become unwilling to consider any other viewpoint,even when it becomes clear that their belief is no longer serving them.Because they have defended their viewpoint for so long,they feel they have no other choice but to continue with it.
Dear Ones,you are here to support your own evolution and to hold the space for the evolution of others.By keeping an attitude of acceptance and non-judgment,you allow people to feel safe to grow,expand,and explore many different options.This serves the purpose of not fueling resistance or shame and encourages everyone to allow their beliefs to shift and flow with the unfoldment of their journey.You become easier with each other which supports connection,forward movement,and the freedom of self expression every soul yearns for and deserves.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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