Many enlightening human beings do not need to be on the planet at all.They came because they love,because they had a deep faith in humanity,and because they wished to be part of the great shift that is occurring.Since they didn't necessarily need to incarnate,many have decided to pick up where they left off from their highest spiritual lifetime and grow it from there.
This means that as you step forward in this next phase of your incarnation,your service may grow and evolve.A knowingness of old skills may suddenly come into your awareness.You may be drawn to express and serve in brand new ways,taking ideas and expanding them in exciting new directions.You will have an opportunity to take your last highest level of embodiment and to grow it exponentially from there.
This is part and parcel of the shift you are in.These are the times you hoped and prayed for and are now so excited to experience! Your growth is your service,your embodiment your gift,and your love in action is what makes it all possible.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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