Dear Ones,wewish to remind you that all movement is forward movement.We understand that you getconcerned about people's beliefs and choicesbecause you don't want them to make a wrongturn,but let us reassure you there is no such thing.
The act of surrendering into the flow with yourfaith and trust is how you make great leaps on your journey.While some of youcan find your way to surrender without the catalyst of great discomfort,othersrequire an energetic bottoming out—the dark night of thesoul,if you will,before they find their way to their surrender moment.
For some the energetic bottom is a faster path tothe surrender moment than getting to the point of simply making the choicewithout a catalyst.Rest assured if someone is following a belief system orpath that doesn't ultimately serve them,itwill in time become obvious and they will choose again.In fact,it isguaranteed that at some point it will become too uncomfortable to stay the samebecause it will not be energetically supported for them to do so and they willembrace change to find some relief with a better energetic match.
Your soulalways knows the most efficient way to get you where you wish to go.Trust if someone is goingdown a path that is not supportive of them,they will eventually get tired andredirect.Some people find it easier to navigate their path through grace andease,others by having the experience of what they don't want before they willfind what they truly desire.
Some will experience disempowerment in order tofind their authentic power,while others will just naturally bloom into theexperience organically because it is what feels right.It is all divinely perfect and lovingly guided inthe ways that provide you the most clarity and the greatest opportunities foryour ultimate success.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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