
The formal removal from power of Israeli Crime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a geopolitical game-changer. Netanyahu's departure means the messianic Zionist fanatics who want to kill 90% of humanity and rule the survivors from a greater Israel have lost.



"This is momentous to counter KM(Khazarian Mafia) geopolitics," MI6 sources say. Netanyahu is being taken into protective custody so that he can sing about his hidden controllers before he is killed and silenced, they add. Mossad sources insist the real Netanyahu is long gone and what we are seeing is a clone. However, the MI6 version of events is more in line with what most of us understand as reality.

In any case, some recent news items show how big a change is coming to the Middle East. Just before Netanyahu was ousted the Mossad linked site DEBKA posted the following:

"Iran's nuclear breakout may soon be a matter of weeks. This assessment by U.S.Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday, June 8th, confronts the incoming Bennett-Lapid government with its first major challenge—indeed the most ominous test that has faced any past Israeli government."
「很快的,伊朗的核突圍可能就是幾週內的事了。美國國務卿Antony Blinken在本月8日星期一的這一評估,使即將上任的Bennett-Lapid政府面臨著首個重大挑戰;就是過去任何一屆以色列政府所面臨最不祥的考驗。」

Do these idiots actually believe anybody listens to them anymore after repeating this weekly for over 30 years?

Now instead we see the Israeli colony of Saudi Arabia trying to make peace with Syria and Iran.

The Russians, for their part, know full well that"Hamas and IS were created by Israeli intel and all their leaders are working for "Mossada.'" This is the sort of behavior that prompted a collective decision by the world's military to tell Israel to"stop or else."

What has now happened is that the people of Israel decided they did not want to go through another Mossada-like collective suicide.

In any case, Russian FSB, MI6, Mossad, and CIA sources all agree that humanity faces a common enemy in the form of the Khazarian Mafia(KM). The KM members are now circling their wagons around their G7 slave civilian governments, NATO, and the banksters in Switzerland.

When an FSB source asked if the White Dragon Society was going to hit Geneva, Switzerland with a nuclear strike in order to take out the KM's Octagon politburo, they were told the WDS"have decided…that pinpoint surgery is the way to go."To this, the FSB replied their analysis of the KM was that"the total top management is 2500 people and at the very top are 200."These people are now being actively hunted by MI6, the FSB, the CIA, and Asian secret societies.

To understand what kind of people we are dealing with we have been given a report by MI6 that former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair's doctor operated to repair vaginal damage he did to his daughter by repeatedly raping her. Meanwhile, Chief Cabinet Secretary Simon Case has been taking children from a certain hospital, raping them, and killing them.
為瞭解我們面對的是什麼樣的惡棍,這裏有一份軍情六處的報告,英國前首相布萊爾的醫生驚爆,他不斷用手術來修復布萊爾反覆姦污女兒造成的陰道損傷。同時,首席內閣秘書西蒙·凱斯(Simon Case)一直在從某家醫院帶走兒童,進行性侵並殺掉他們。

That is why death warrants have been issued for these people, they say.

However, MI6 sources say that if push comes to shove"better millions dead than billions, that is how the real world we live and work in is…and it's not for the faint-hearted."

This is no exaggeration. Top-level military and agency personnel have taken action after receiving scientific proof the vaccines being pushed on much of the global population are highly toxic. That is why suddenly the pandemic and vaccines are vanishing from public discourse. In a sign of this, some corporate media have started to refer to Covid-19 by its traditional name"the common cold."

Despite this, the G7 slave governments issued a communique last weekend where they promised"starting immediately, to vaccinate the world…providing for one billion doses over the next year."They added that"ending the pandemic in 2022 will require vaccinating at least 60 percent of the global population." In other words, they are still bent on genocide.

Fortunately, the G7 is increasingly irrelevant. They accounted for 80% of world GDP when they were founded in 1976 but now, on a real purchasing power parity basis they account for more like 20%. This did not stop them from promising $40 trillion, way more than their collective GDP, to"fix global infrastructure."Needless to say, the $40 trillion is just a giant fiat hallucination.

"Few still remember how our societies and economies were threatened by high inflation 50 years ago," David Folkerts-Landau, Deutsche Bank chief economist and head of research, wrote in a paper co-written by his colleagues Jim Reid and Peter Hooper."
德意志銀行首席經濟學家兼研究主管David Folkerts-Landau在他同事Jim Reid和Peter Hooper共同撰寫的一篇論文中寫道:「很少有人還記得,50年前我們的社會和經濟是怎樣受到通貨膨脹威脅的。」

The most basic laws of economics, the ones that have stood the test of time over a millennium, have not been suspended. Explosive growth in debt-financed largely by central banks is likely to lead to higher inflation."In other words, there is such a thing known as reality and the fiat bankers have bumped into it.

There was also weird talk in the G7 communique about"action to decarbonize areas such as iron and steel, cement, chemicals, and petrochemicals," as well as"decarbonized mobility including buses, trains, shipping, and aviation."With all these weird reports about vaccinated people becoming like magnets, it makes one wonder if, as the Gnostic Illuminati say, the G7 works for a rogue artificial intelligence that also wants to"decarbonize" humans. In other words, it is working towards a shift from carbon-based life(like us) to silicon-based life.
七國集團公報中還有關於「採取行動使鋼鐵、水泥、化學品和石化產品等領域脫碳」以及 「公共汽車、火車、航運和航空脫碳行動」的怪談。還有關於接種疫苗者手臂會出現像磁鐵一樣的奇怪報告,讓人不禁懷疑,是否如諾斯替光明會所說,七國集團都為流氓人工智能賣命,也想讓人類「脫碳」。換句話說,它正努力實現從碳基生命(如我們)轉變到矽基生命。

In any case,"the Military were all watching the G7 summit and laughing," MI6 promises. They say the Rothschilds are bankrupt because of lawsuits related to Libor manipulation. Now, this satanic family is"now desperately clinging to power using their poor cousins the Rockefellers."

The fake Biden regime has shown itself to be a Rockefeller proxy by brazenly promoting their business interests. That is why they cut off the Keystone pipeline as the first order of business for their bogus regime. Also, if you look at their so-called"Three Seas Initiative," you will see it consists of building ports and pipelines, etc., to allow European countries to import expensive Rockefeller LNG, oil, etc.

The Rockefellers are also desperately trying to woo Russia to join them as junior partners in a new cold war against China when their so-called President Biden meets with Russian power avatar Vladimir Putin in Geneva on June 16th.

Here is the official Russian take on this meeting:

"No one wants a return to the Cold War. But as was true then, improving security in the Euro-Atlantic region today will require leaders to recognize their mutual interests and act boldly and together to promote them. The June 16th meeting between the U.S.and Russian presidents in Geneva, Switzerland, offers the opportunity to begin an important new dialogue on strategic stability. One of history's lessons is how quickly nations can move from peace to horrific conflict. In the aftermath, we have looked back and wondered not only how it could have happened, but how it happened so quickly?"

The Russians are also aware they are dealing with a failed state as"Putin" recently noted on the official Tass news site when he said:

"Problems keep piling up. And, at some point, they are no longer able to cope with them. And the United States is now walking the Soviet Union's path, and its gait is confident and steady."

The signs the a failed state continue to multiply. For example, as the chart below shows, the purchasing power of the domestic U.S.dollar(as opposed to the international one) continues to plunge:

Also, all the funny money the Biden people have been distributing in an attempt to bribe the American public has caused 40% of small businesses to raise prices while 48% of these businesses are unable to find workers.

It also turns out that more than half of the unemployment money the U.S.handed out in response to the fake pandemic has been stolen and sent overseas by fraudsters.

There is also a continuing slide into anarchy. For example businessmen in Fell's Point Maryland threatened to stop paying taxes unless the city government did things like collect trash, enforce parking offenses, stop the illegal sale of drugs and alcohol on the street, and let the police do their job.

In Oregon meanwhile, they decided to give the homeless their right to camp and live on public streets and property. In other words, say goodbye to parks and public streets.

There is also a continuing descent into violence and lawlessness as this headline illustrates:

"After historically deadly 2020, Atlanta homicides are up nearly 60% in 2021.

Also, there were more than 600 mass shootings—those involving four or more people who were shot—in 2020, and that record is expected to be surpassed in 2021.

Even as their U.S.slave regime continues its collapse, the KM is still not planning to go quietly into the night. They are now threatening to shut down global commerce. Their World Economic Forum division issued the following veiled threat last week saying,"The key message voiced by experts at WEF and other international platforms is that supply chain security is to become a major cybersecurity issue in 2021."They also said"the world is becoming ever more interconnected…In this context, a single vulnerable link is enough to bring down the entire system, just like the domino effect."

The G7 communique hinted at specific targets by noting"risks to the resilience of the critical global supply chains, in areas such as critical minerals and semiconductors."A taste of this came when the Taiwanese government ordered"King Yuan, which is a key supplier for Nvidia, Intel, MediaTek, and many other top global chip developers, to stop all of its foreign laborers from working. The order was effective immediately, regardless of COVID test results."

Russian FSB sources for their part say KM mercenaries disguised as"IS,""Boko Haram" etc.continue to steal gold and other precious minerals from Africa"on behalf of investors residing in the U.S."

From a military perspective, the way to stop these criminals is to remove their control of central banks, because then they will lose their ability to finance mayhem. We have talked to IS and other mercenaries and they say they are paid in Swiss francs. So Switzerland remains a high-priority military target.

Also, KM control of the UN, the WHO, the International Civil Aviation Organization, and the International Maritime Organization needs to be ended. It was control of these organizations that allowed them to use a fake pandemic to shut down the world economy and blackmail humanity.

A good look also needs to be taken at certain Chinese factions. There was a report on Jim Stone freelance about students being grabbed at 100 schools in China during lunch hour.Recently I have been unable to read his reports on my computer but was able to on my iPhone. However, the report was deleted from my iPhone as I was reading it. This is a good sign the Rockefellers, as a part of their deal with a certain Chinese faction to get support for their Biden avatar government, handed the keys of Japanese digital censorship to China.
還需要好好看看中國的某些派別。根據吉姆·斯通(Jim Stone)的一篇關於中國100所學校的學生在午餐時間被抓走的報導。最近我在電腦上無法閱讀,但在iPhone上卻能夠。然而,當我在閱讀時,該報告直接從我的iPhone上刪除。這是一個很好的跡象,洛克菲勒家族為了獲得對其拜登化身政府的支持,作為他們與中國某個派別交易的一部份,將日本數字審查的鑰匙交給了中國。

Also, although I do not know why the students were taken, I do recall the head of a Taiwan-based Asian secret society saying that their revenge for SARS"would be unpredictable and worse than you expect."The fact that only Westerners have been injected with dangerous vaccines in response to this fake pandemic gives rise to the question of whether or not this was their revenge. If so, China may be sheltering its best and brightest from the inevitable retaliation that will come if they are proven to be behind the vaccine campaign.

On a final note this week, we got the following intelligence from our source in the secret space program:

"All the news about Antarctica is being pushed now to keep everyone off of what is happening in Greenland. Russia is working closely with the U.S.military(Trump and Putin) developing a unique underground base that is directly connected with our off-world family. They are sharing new technologies that are not available here yet. This is the new area 51. China is not part of this operation".

Let us see how this develops as time will tell.

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(註: 作者經由各管道得到的幕後消息,因為各種複雜的因素與局勢的變化,有時候可能不見得100%符合事實或發展的情況,加上被掌控的主流媒體不可能如實報導這類消息,因此更加難以得知真相,讀者要用心判別,不需全然拒絕或全然接受,只需以開放的心態參考,冷靜理性看待所有訊息,放下不共鳴的部份就好,切勿散播恐懼或是傳遞尚未明朗的訊息給未準備好的人。 )









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