Dear Ones,you can't wrestle fear to the ground.Fear is a symptom,not the problem itself.Fear is a sign of not feeling safe,provided for,guided,prepared,capable,or protected.So if you are confronted by a fear,trying to resist it,fight it,or deny it will only aggravate the unhealed aspects of you that are desperate for your love and guidance,which will only create more fear and discomfort.
Fear is the surface manifestation of what is going on below.So go beneath the fear.What unhealed,unacknowledged,or disempowered aspect of you is looking to be retrieved and reintegrated into the safety and sustenance of the whole? Showing up as your own loving parent,healer,and guide is a grand act of empowerment and once you have tended to the parts of you that were in need the fear will just naturally dissipate because it will no longer have the energy it needs to support it.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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