The degeneration of the United States under the fake Biden regime has reached the point where many staunch allies are abandoning it.The chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan is turning out to be just one domino of many that will soon fall, multiple sources agree.
The next dominoes are predicted to be Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Ukraine.However, the elephant in the living room remains Israel, Iran, and their Swiss-based sponsors.The Palestinians understand this, which is why they have announced they will no longer deal with the fake Biden regime.
When Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett met with the Rockefeller proxy Joe Biden on August 21st he repeated the mantra that"Iran is the world's number one exporter of terror, instability and human rights violations." However, a critical mass in the world's military and intelligence community knows that Israel and Iran work for the same people.So the real question is when this Swiss-based nexus of world terror is finally dealt with.
當以色列總理Naftali Bennett在8月21日會見洛克菲勒的傀儡拜登時,他重複了「伊朗是世界上頭號恐怖、不穩定和侵犯人權的輸出國」的咒語。然而,世界軍事和情報界的關鍵人物都知道,以色列和伊朗都為同一批人賣命。因此,真正的問題是何時才能最終解決以瑞士為首的世界恐怖組織。
Already we are seeing signs that Germany, Japan, and other supposed allies of the U.S.regime are breaking ranks. The immediate trigger for this is a growing realization that the fake pandemic is a massive war crime.
When they fall, then puppet leaders like Biden, Justin Castro of Canada, Emmanuelle Macron of France, and Scott Morrison of Australia, etc.will also be removed.
In Germany, they have stopped all Covid-19 vaccinations saying they are unsafe.
In Japan, Tokyo's Medical Association Chairman Kazuhiro Nagao held a press conference on Japanese TV where he came out against vaccines and says he's used #ivermectin as an early treatment for over 500 covid patients with a practically 100% success rate. Nagao has asked for nationwide use.
Around the same time, Moderna got busted for contamination with"foreign substances" that appear to be magnetic and the Japanese government started recalling 1.63 million doses of the mRNA jab.
Japan is reacting because during the Olympics, foreign agents carried out massive electromagnetic attacks on the general population of Tokyo, resulting in 23,000 people per day getting sick. They know it was an attack and are reacting accordingly.
The big battle now is to convince the mid-ranking brainwashed people in the medical establishment that the whole pandemic is fake. This letter from a reader describes the situation:
"On many occasions you flatly deny covid-19 and while I am open to this position, it is a tough sale to anyone who has worked the front-lines. As an ICU RN, I personally cared for patients that followed a distinct 2-week course with very distinct symptoms in a distinct timeline such as coagulopathy(clotting disorders) and acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS).
In 10 years of working in the ICU, I had never encountered that number of patients all presenting a similar course then declining into ARDS. Perhaps it was brought on by the trial drugs we were giving(Remdesivir). It is also notable that Ivermectin is extremely effective at treating whatever is going around. I have heard Brazil is now prophylactically administering this with strong results(unverified).
Also, if covid-19 is a complete hoax, what is/was the genetic sequence as provided by the Chinese scientific community in 2019? I'm not trying to pick a bone with you, rather if I'm going up the chain of command at UCLA I need some solid info to get the attention of middle and non-corrupted upper management."
Here is the answer:
The evidence and symptoms we see are all a perfect fit for an electromagnetic attack.A weakened immune system due to EMF poisoning allows a multitude of pathogens that already exist inside us and around us to gain an advantage.We express various symptoms as a result, which get associated with a"list of symptoms" that makes up a"syndrome" like AIDS or SARS.Zinc deficiency also expresses similar symptoms as the seasonal cold and flu.When you combine those symptoms with an over-magnified PCR"test" designed to create 95%+ false positives then it's easy to see how EMF poisoning can become Covid-19.
Remdesivir being incorporated into the"standard of care" in the US was designed to cause various illnesses that could represent the harsh effects of Covid.It was never proven safe when used in the past for Ebola.Gilead's cohort study of 53 patients had 30% sent to the emergency room.Incredibly 22% all had4major life-threatening side effects of multiple organ failure, hypotension, septic shock, and acute kidney failure.
Combine this with the wrong prescriptions for antibiotics like vancomycin in the UK, which also causes acute kidney failure, and hospitals become a dangerous place to visit.
In Japan, Remdesivir got emergency approval after only3days as the"standard of care" in intensive care wards…presumably for its clear benefits of extremely high price and killer side effects to keep the scoreboard news shows pumping out fear porn.
The most important point in dealing with brainwashed types in power is to ask them why no one has a purified isolate of SARS-Cov-2 and why it has never been seen under the microscope.The CDC and WHO, etc.all admit they don't have a sample.The genetic sequences they magnify are a collection of common genetic material, and that is why an over-magnified PCR produces positive test results for things like goat, fruit, cola, ice cream, etc.
Testing centers point out that smoking, drinking coffee, or eating before the saliva test can lead to a false positive result.In other words, the PCR test magnifies certain types of non-human DNA and calls it"Covid-19."
A senior physician at a major Canadian hospital at the center of the fight against Covid-19 says the reaction is"extremely unusual." New types of coronaviruses emerge every year, and each year about 8% of mostly elderly people contract them, she says.Coronavirus mortality in 2020 is no different than in other years, so the government's reaction"is kind of a conspiracy," she says.
The other very unusual reaction is that people who have contracted coronavirus and recovered have natural immunity that is better than anything a vaccine could provide.But strangely, natural immunity is no longer recognized as a valid form of protection.
The realization that something is very wrong here has led the British military to follow the Germans and Japanese and attack the vaccine/Covid mafia as well."On August 27, there was a major fire at a super-test facility in England, so the usual measures were taken to burn everything," MI6 described the situation."It is clear that the military is taking control, so the impact will be as big as a mushroom cloud," it said.According to MI6, a"slippage" in testing procedures that led to a large number of false positives has been identified and is being addressed.
One of the triggers for the delayed military response, according to MI6, was the case of Afghanistan.The latest analysis suggests that the incompetent Biden regime believed that the Afghan client government, with its 300,000 Western-equipped and trained troops, would be able to retain power.However, they failed to realize that Afghans do not want a puppet government, which is why the"for-profit" troops decided to go home with their profits and not fight the Taliban.Wearing captured American uniforms, the Taliban staged an Iwo Jima-style flag-raising ceremony to symbolically announce the end of the American empire.
Another sign of that end is that Saudi Arabia has signed a military defense pact with RUSSIA, abandoning the earlier U.S.agreement that gave power to the"petrodollar," according to Mossad sources."If true, this means that the end of the dollar is VERY near…and the nations of the world will abandon the dollar simultaneously, probably before the end of this year.That's the end of Washington D.C., the Biden regime, the dollar and America as we know it," the source predicts.What this source fails to realize is that the dollar is no longer controlled by Americans and the U.S.regime can only issue fiat currency within the U.S.or funnel dollars into the economy through the stock market.
The Rockefeller-Rothschild regime is now cornered and desperately fighting to stay in power with its usual strategy of murder, bribery and lies.
In the U.S., Robert David Steele, who has been on an anti-cabal tour of the country, was apparently attacked with an electromagnetic weapon.
在美國,一直在全國範圍內進行反陰謀集團之旅的羅伯特·大衛·斯蒂爾(Robert David Steele)顯然受到了電磁武器的攻擊。
Steele, who enjoyed robust health, is now in intensive care at Central Florida Regional Hospital, 1401 West Seminole Blvd, Sanford, Florida, according to colleagues.
"Robert has been placed in a medically induced coma and is intubated," they say.
The sources say RDS gave Charlotte Rose medical power of attorney.Rose says he is a"medical prisoner" and that hospitals are the new concentration camps."Hospitals are a wonderful place for the Deep State to eliminate people who are inconvenient to it," colleagues say.We have yet to hear anything directly from RDS about this, other than a brief message saying the situation is"on the back burner."
消息來源說,羅伯特給了夏洛特·羅斯(Charlotte Rose)醫療授權書。羅斯說他是個「醫療囚犯」,醫院是新的集中營。同僚說:「醫院是深層政府消滅對其不利人士的絕佳場所。」我們還沒有從羅伯特那裏直接聽到任何有關此事的消息,只是有個簡短的消息說這種情況「在後面」。
As this report is being published, we are receiving reports that RDS has died.MI6 says it learned from the CIA that RDS was killed because he was caught leaking classified documents.A Mossad source said this sounded like a pretext to avoid the inevitable retaliation.
Your correspondent also appears to be under some form of pressure and was prevented from returning to Japan as scheduled.Air Canada's rule change for passengers en route to Japan required a PCR test before boarding the plane.However, when I checked with the Japanese government before leaving for Canada, I was told that a test upon my return would suffice.
Apparently, an attempt is being made to prevent a meeting with the Dragon family scheduled for the fall.The purpose of the meeting is to wrest control of the Western financial system from the criminal Rothschild/Rockefeller network.Without their magic money machine, the cabal is doomed, and it is clear that they are pulling out all the stops to keep power in their own hands.
However, the ongoing collapse of the U.S.economy, with inflation, food shortages and social decay, will not be stopped by the assassination of a few dissidents.
In any case, the Khazarian mafia will learn the lesson that there is such a thing as reality, and no matter how hard they try to avoid it, it eventually catches up with you.In other words, declaring medical martial law based on a pandemic that does not exist is a doomed strategy because it is not based on reality.
There is no doubt that these criminals are planning more mass murders, etc., to stay in power.Therefore, we must intensify the hunt for them in order to hunt them down and bring them to justice.
(註: 作者經由各管道得到的幕後消息,因為各種複雜的因素與局勢的變化,有時候可能不見得100%符合事實或發展的情況,加上被掌控的主流媒體不可能如實報導這類消息,因此更加難以得知真相,讀者要用心判別,不需全然拒絕或全然接受,只需以開放的心態參考,冷靜理性看待所有訊息,放下不共鳴的部份就好,切勿散播恐懼或是傳遞尚未明朗的訊息給未準備好的人。 )