
Events are unfolding at a blistering pace now with huge changes in Europe, Japan, China and elsewhere.This should lead to the liberation of the United States before too long.

The most earth-shattering event was shots fired by the Belarus military against the Polish military at the two countries' border.Here are some news quotes describing this:

Anna Michalska, a spokesperson for Poland's Border Guards, said Belarusian forces fired shots at Poland's troops across the European Union's eastern border Thursday…The area along the border is restricted as part of a state of emergency that Poland imposed in early September, They allege the Moscow-backed Belarusian government is organizing and encouraging people to enter EU territory as an element of"hybrid war" in retaliation for Western sanctions on the authoritarian government in Minsk.
波蘭邊防軍發言人安娜·米哈爾斯卡(Anna Michalska)說,白俄軍週四在歐盟東部邊境向波蘭軍開槍…作為波蘭9月初實施緊急狀態的一部份,邊境地區受到限制。他們指責莫斯科支持的白俄政府在組織和鼓勵人們進入歐盟領土,作為「混合戰爭」的一個要素,以報復西方對明斯克獨裁政府的制裁。

This is a move by Russian patriot forces to fill the vacuum being created by the fall of Angela Hitler and her Nazi European Union, Russian FSB and other sources say.It is payback for the Nazi overthrow of the Russian spiritual heartland of the Ukraine and countless other abuses against the Russian people, the sources say.

Make no mistake, for Russian linked military forces to deliberately fire weapons against a NATO country is tantamount to a formal declaration of war.This is possible because the United States military is not going to fight Russia to protect the fascist forces who control the EU.

A public sign of this can be seen in this news:

The Department of Justice and the FBI are investigating a group of seven American fighters under the federal war crimes statute for war crimes [in the Ukraine] …no one, experts say, has ever been prosecuted, let alone convicted, under the US War Crimes Act.

Without US backing, the continental European nations(not the UK) will have no choice but to accept Russia as their new protector.Russia is planning to use the 47 member Council of Europe, the continent's leading human rights organization- as the basis for a new organization to replace the EU, Russian and MI6 sources say.

There are many other signs the EU is collapsing.For example, there is now open talk of Poland leaving the EU or Polexit, after Polish courts declared themselves to be above the EU.Specifically -in a victory for democracy- Poland's Constitutional Tribunal ruled that key articles of one of the EU's primary treaties were incompatible with Polish law.

Another big sign the EU is collapsing is the near-simultaneous fall of governments in Austria and the Czech Republic.In something straight out of Hollywood, Czech President Milos Zeman was taken to a hospital after Prime Minister Andrej Babi's ANO party lost the election there.The Pandora Papers investigation revealed Babis secretly moved $22 million through offshore companies to purchase an estate on the French Riviera in 2009 before he entered politics.Zeman was certainly put in the hospital in a move to delay the installation of a new government that would look into these criminal dealings.
歐盟崩潰的另一個重要標誌,是奧地利和捷克共和國的政府幾乎同時垮台。很戲劇性的,捷克總統米洛斯·澤曼(Milos Zeman)在ANO黨總理安德烈·巴比什(Andrej Babi)的選舉中失敗後送往醫院。據潘多拉文件調查顯示,巴比什在2009年從政前通過離岸公司秘密轉移了2200萬美元,購買了法國里維埃拉的一處房產。澤曼肯定是被送進醫院的,此舉是為了拖延新政府的成立,以便調查這些犯罪交易。

In Austria as well Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has stepped down because of a corruption scandal.
在奧地利,總理塞巴斯蒂安·庫爾茨(Sebastian Kurz)也因腐敗醜聞而下台。

What these nations have in common is that they were part of the Autro-Hungarian Empire.Remember, it was at the very first Davos World Economic Forum meeting that Austro-Hungarian would be Emperor and Habsburg family heir Otto von Habsburg introduced Klaus Rothschild(Schwab) as his frontman.Schwab is the guy behind the"great reset" and the fake pandemic.
這些國家的共同點是,他們是奧匈帝國的一部份。請記住,正是在第一次達沃斯世界經濟論壇會議上,奧匈帝國將皇帝和哈布斯堡家族繼承人奧托·哈布斯堡(Otto von Habsburg)介紹克勞斯·羅斯柴爾德(施瓦布/Schwab)作為他的門面。施瓦布是「偉大的重置」和假大流行病背後的黑手。

It won't be long now before Rothschild henchman Emmanuelle Macron becomes the next domino to fall, French patriots promise.The guillotine was invented for people like him.

It is interesting in this context that the EU has called off trade talks with Australia; allegedly because they are no longer buying submarines and helicopters from them.In reality, it means the Rothschilds are also losing Australia now.

Here is one of many signs Canadians are waking up as well.

Justin Castro's days are numbered for sure.

OK so now let us look at the situation in the US.Here we see open revolt in the form of pilot strikes, a military move into Facebook headquarters and much more.

What people need to still realize though, is that Donald Trump is not the man to lead the US back to democracy and independence.Remember, open-source information in places like Forbes and the Wall Street Journal show he was bailed out by the Rothschilds each time he went bankrupt as a businessman.Trump is also openly calling for everybody to be vaccinated for the non-existent pandemic.

General Michael Flynn has said the US military offered Trump a chance to overturn the stolen 2020 election and Trump betrayed them by refusing.For this reason, the White Dragon Society sent a representative to meet in person with Flynn last week.The idea was to offer Flynn the job of interim president of the US following the formal bankruptcy of the USA Corporation.According to this Dragon family member, Michael Flynn is not to be trusted.Flynn told the WDS representative that he had never heard of the dragon family or of this writer and his work.Since he was head of the Defense Intelligence Agency this means he is either lying, dumb, completely out of the loop or secretly working for the Khazarian mafia.
麥可·弗林(Michael Flynn)將軍表示,美軍向川普提供了一個推翻2020年欺詐選票的機會,而他卻拒絕,背叛了他們。為此,白龍會上週派出一名代表與弗林會面。其目的是在美國公司正式破產後向弗林提供臨時總統的職務。根據這名龍族成員的說法,弗林並不值得信任。弗林告訴白龍會代表說,他從來沒有聽說過龍族,也沒有聽說過本筆者和他的事務。由於他是國防情報局的負責人,這意味他要嘛在撒謊,要嘛是啞巴,要嘛是完全不瞭解情況,要嘛是秘密聽命於可薩黑手黨。

Russian intelligence corroborated doubts about Flynn by sending us evidence he is connected to a cult of fraudulent spiritualists linked to Adolf Hitler.

For this reason, the WDS is now recommending Robert F.Kennedy a possible interim president following the chapter 11 bankruptcy of the USA.However, as a matter of disclosure, please note this writer is distantly related to Kennedy since he is descended from my paternal great-grandmother McCarthy's sister(according to my grandmother).Kennedy is nonetheless clearly intelligent, articulate and well-informed, which is a rarity in US politics these days.

In any case, the Rothschild/Rockefeller clan behind the fake Biden regime is far from finished and they are fighting tooth and nail to stay in power.They have been using every trick in their arsenal to avoid being declared insolvent on October 18th.

For example, they are trying to issue a $1 trillion"coin," backed by the SDR, to keep solvent, according to MI6 sources and media reports.

They also appear to be trying to loot Japan's Norinchukin Agricultural bank for survival money.According to various news reports an outfit known as"Octagon Investment Partners," was able to get $500 million worth of"Collateralized Loan Obligations" or CLOs from this bank last week.What this means, according to MI6 and other sources, is they are using real money deposited at Norinchukin as collateral and leveraging it 100 times to create"$50 billion." This is part of the money they apparently used to kick the bankruptcy can down the road for a few weeks.
他們似乎也在試圖掠奪日本《農林中央金庫》(Norinchukin)的生存資金。根據各種新聞報導,一個叫做「八角投資夥伴」(Octagon Investment Partners)的機構上週得以從這家銀行獲得價值5億美元的「抵押貸款債務」或CLO(Collateralized Loan Obligation/擔保貸款憑證)。根據軍情六處和其他消息來源,這意味他們在使用存放在農林中央金庫的真實資金作為抵押,並利用100倍的槓桿來創造「500億美元」。這是他們顯然用來把破產推後幾週的部份資金。

However, since the US posted a record $73.3 billion trade deficit in August alone you can see even $50 billion isn't going to go very far.

The people behind the phony Biden regime held emergency talks with the Chinese in Zurich last week in a desperate attempt to both blackmail and give the Chinese a blowjob to refinance.

The talks, which took place behind closed doors in a Zurich airport hotel, were led by U.S.National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and his Chinese counterpart, top diplomat Yang Jiechi.
會談在蘇黎世機場的一家酒店閉門進行,由美國國安顧問傑克沙利文(Jake Sullivan)和他的中國同行、高級外交官楊潔篪主持。

Public statements from both sides used phrases such as"open" and far-reaching.

The U.S.side also said China should avoid misperceptions that could lead to competition turning into conflict.

Later, Sullivan said, I don't think he [Yang] necessarily accepted our view.

In other words, threats and promises were made, but no agreement was reached.

This is the kind of official comment issued by China after the talks:

Raising the debt limit does not authorize any new federal spending, but only allows the Treasury to borrow additional funds to cover spending already authorized by Congress, but with an extension that lasts only a few weeks, the United States still faces the real possibility of default….

Since the United States has never defaulted on its obligations, this is expected to have far-reaching and catastrophic consequences for the U.S.(and global) economy, economists at the White House Council of Economic Advisers said in a blog post earlier this week.

In addition, the U.S.side has apparently begun to make good on its threats to sabotage a facility that supplies the Russian gas pipeline to China.This is a repeat of the old"you cut off our money, we cut off your energy" threat.

A campaign has also been launched to vilify Russia and blame it for the rise in gas prices in Europe.

The spot market was manipulated to make it appear that gas prices were rising by several hundred percent.However, most of the gas is sold through long-term contracts, so these manipulations on the spot market have little impact.

According to Russias FSB, the oligarchs hiding in Switzerland are driving up food and energy prices around the world because people refuse to become debt slaves and borrow money created out of thin air.They are trying to squeeze money out of ordinary people by raising the prices of essential goods to pay their debts, the source explained.

There is also much intrigue in Switzerland around attempts to monetize historic Asian and other bonds, according to sources in Asian Dragon families.

It turns out that a son of former Philippine leader Ferdinand Marcos(from a previous marriage to an Asian queen) allowed the Rothschilds and Rockefellers to cash in historic bonds through UBS and Goldman Sachs.This was ultimately the cause of the Malaysian 1MBD financial scandal, the source said.

Apparently, this Marcos heir is now dead and all related funds have been taken out of the system, he says.The Marcos era is over, the source concluded.The source also said that there have been many arrests in Zurich this week and many would-be bondholders have been killed.

The source said that Bank of China, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and HSBC are now involved in building a new and non-corrupt quantum financial system.In any case, another reason why the Khazarian mafia is running out of money is that it seems to be losing heroin revenues from Afghanistan.

That is why"ISIL"(Rockefeller/Rothschild mercenaries) is trying to terrorize Afghanistan, and the Taliban is fighting back:Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said Monday that the Taliban raided a hideout of the Afghan ISIL offshoot, known as ISIL-K, in a decisive and successful attack.
這就是「ISIL」(洛氏/羅氏僱傭軍)試圖恐嚇阿富汗,而塔利班反擊的原因。塔利班發言人扎比胡拉·穆賈希德(Zabihullah Mujahid)週一表示,塔利班在一次決定性的行動中成功突襲了阿富汗ISIL分支(即ISIL-K)的一個藏身處。

This prompted Michael Kugelman, deputy director of the Asia program at the U.S.-based Wilson Center, to threaten that Friday's attack [on a mosque in Afghanistan] could be a harbinger of further violence.
這促使總部設在美國的威爾遜中心亞洲項目副主任麥可·庫格爾曼(Michael Kugelman)威脅說,週五的襲擊(對阿富汗一座清真寺的襲擊)可能是進一步暴力的預兆。

Nevertheless, Taliban political spokesman Suhail Shaheen told The Associated Press that there would be no cooperation with Washington in containing the increasingly active ISIL group.In other words, despite the threats,"No more heroin money for you." The Khazarian mafia is now preparing to hold an emergency meeting of its highest servants to try to save the day.
儘管如此,塔利班政治發言人蘇海爾·沙欣(Suhail Shaheen)告訴美聯社,在遏制日益活躍的ISIL組織方面不會與華盛頓合作。換句話說,儘管威脅依然存在,「但沒有更多的海洛因錢給你。」可薩黑手黨現在準備召開其最高僕人的緊急會議,試圖挽救局面。

Thats why fake Pope Francis met with U.S.House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Saturday.Pelosi is in Rome for a panicked gathering of G20 slaves.It is in this context that this seemingly disturbing news should be viewed:

According to a public consultation paper posted on the website of the National Development and Reform Commission, Chinas top economic planner, private capital will be barred from gathering and disseminating news.

According to CIA sources in Asia, however, the Rockefellers may be the target of this measure.They point out that a certain Jeff Shell works in Rockefeller Plaza and advocates China.He is THE ONLY EMPLOYEE at Peacock TV LLC, which controls 2,428 companies.
然而,根據亞洲中情局的消息來源,洛克菲勒家族可能是這項措施的推手。他們指出,某個叫傑夫·謝爾(Jeff Shell)的人為在洛氏為奴並支持中國。他是孔雀電視有限公司的唯一僱員,並控制著2428家公司。

Here is more information about MSNBC and NBC(the MS in MSNBC stands for Microsoft) and their partnership with China.Both MSNBC and NBC News are operated by NBC Universal, a company with extensive financial ties to the CCP.

In November 2010, NBC signed an agreement with China's state media organization Xinhua to establish business cooperation in international broadcast news.This was the CCP's latest market expansion into

Since the signing of the business agreement, the U.S.State Department has classified Xinhua and five other Chinese state media organizations as"foreign missions.They have been identified as direct CCP operations and do not function as independent news outlets.This means that the Rockefellers are trying to stay in business by handing over their U.S.propaganda networks to China.

If the Chinese are just trying to get rid of the Rockefellers, that's great.If they try to strangle the free press, then they will end up strangling the truth and ultimately themselves.Meanwhile, in Japan, the Rockefellers/Rothschilds rule is clearly at an end.

The new government of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida plans to reinstate the Economic Planning Agency, which was the key to Japans high growth in the postwar period.The so-called Covid pandemic has also suddenly come to an end here.

This may be related to the fact that Japanese police received documents months ago showing that a certain Robert Rothschild issued a patent for a Covid detection method in 2015.This set off a slow Interpol fuse that is now blowing up Rothschild, Rockefeller and Khazarian mafia rule worldwide.



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