Dear Ones, you don't have to do it all.You don't have to save the entire world on your own.You just have to be you and follow your soul's evolution and calling.
Some of you serve through your energetics, anchoring energies and assisting the grids.Some of you may be drawn to make a difference to the environment, to the disadvantaged, to the animals.Some of you may make your contributions through the arts, adding the energy of beauty and inspiration to the planet.Some of you may be drawn to activism, while others make a day to day difference through the most simple acts of kindness.All of it ripples out and supports the shift!
The point here is that your varied interests, energies, and service paths are designed to meet vast and varied needs.Support each other in the perfection of your chosen areas of interest and service as part of a magnificent mosaic that serves the whole.This makes for a far more efficient system, assuring much wider areas of support.
So rather than making others wrong if they are walking a different service path than yours, thank them for taking on the roles they have assumed so beautifully so you can fully concentrate on yours.You are all creating profound change and assisting each other in the most magnificent ways!
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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