
Recently a member of the Earth Liberation Alliance delivered a handwritten note to a senior Jesuit that read:"Satan has returned to the original creation and received absolution, thank you for keeping the candle burning all these long years."

The alliance has received intelligence that Satan was defeated years ago and what we are seeing now happening across the planet is a mop-up operation to remove his local field agents notably the top members of the Rothschild(red shield of Satan) family.

Here is what Queen Elizabeth II -a senior member of the alliance- had to say on the occasion of her Platinum Jubilee:

Many happy memories will be created.We remain very deeply committed to our shared causes East and West.The general stewardship of the geopolitical landscape had been predominantly Western, the Opioid device by our Rothschild among many families at the rub of the falling out which was not our design but they make money where they can and pretend to be not what they are—in the end, common is common and royal and imperial rise above it.

Elizabeth II R.

In what appears to be her contribution to the project blue beam celebration of the start of a new Golden Age, she time traveled back 70 years by appearing as a hologram in the ancient British Royal Carriage.

Also, in another sign Rothschild rule is ending, the government of Afghanistan is eradicating the poppy plantations that are the source of 80% of the worlds' opium and heroin.This will deal a mortal blow to the criminal elite of the West.


In another major sign that a new Age is about to begin, Italian and Catholic media have been rife with unsourced speculation that the 85-year-old Pope Francis is about to resign.

Of course, the real Pope Francis is long dead so what we are talking about is the defeat of the people controlling the current fake rubber mask/CG pope.The P3 freemasons -who forced his predecessor to resign- say Francis will probably be the last Pope ever.

Even the Russians are talking of end times with Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev saying"One can have different attitudes to it, one can believe that the horsemen of the Apocalypse are already on their way and all hope is in Almighty God."
甚至俄羅斯也在談論末世,俄羅斯安委員會副主席米迪·梅德韋傑夫(Dmitry Medvedev)說:「人們能有不同的態度,人們可以相信天啟的騎士已在路上,所有希望都在全能的上帝那裏。」

We also see the de facto spokesperson for the Secret Space Program, Elon Musk, now coming out fully and publicly against the Satanic cabal that seized power in the West.

"Elon Musk is laying it on thick.He is exposing the KM corrupt Media….He is obviously siding with the Alliance on this one," a Mossad source comments on this headline:

"Elon Musk Says "No One in the Media Cares' About Exposing Jeffrey Epstein's Alleged Clients."

This does not mean the battle is over yet.The people of North America are now being held hostage by the criminals running the fake Biden and Trudeau regimes.Several parts of Europe, including France and Ukraine, are also still under Satanic control.

So a military, information, legal and economic hybrid war is being waged by the alliance to liberate the people of these countries.

There is a high probability the fake Biden regime will collapse during the summer months due to an international economic boycott of the United States of America corporation that uses his avatar as their spokesperson.

This is why fake US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admitted to CNN"There were unforeseen and big blows to the economy that spurred rising energy and food prices, and also created problems in the supply chains, which had a bad effect on our economy.At that time I did not fully realize this, but I admit it now," Janet Yellen tells CNN.


葉倫:通膨高得令人難以接受 且將保持在高點


What she did not say is that it is not Russia that is facing sanctions it is the US.That's the real reason Biden said that 70% of inflation in the United States is due to Putin.

又怪「普丁漲價」! 缺電成國安問題 拜登宣布美進入「能源緊急狀態」

That is why gas prices are rising and there will be power shortages in most of the US during summer(only the parts supplied with Canadian hydro-power will be OK).

The fake Biden keeps announcing he will go to the Middle East to get oil but.he keeps being forced to cancel the visits because nobody wants to talk to him.


拜登擬會沙國王儲挨轟 白宮忙辯護


This boycott is also affecting other Satanist-occupied countries.For example, gas consumption in the Netherlands has fallen 25 to 33 percent in the last five months compared to previous years, according to figures from Gasunie Transport Services(GTS).This means a de facto 25% plunge in GDP.
這種抵制也在影響其他被撒旦佔領的國家。例如,根據《Gasunie Transport Services》(GTS)的數字,在過去五個月裏,荷蘭的天然氣消費與往年相比下降了25%到33%。意味國內生產總值事實上暴跌了25%。

"So, [thanks to the "embargo'] Putin earns more money by selling less oil,' German Vice-Chancellor Habeck admits.

The economic collapse of the United States and other Satan Occupied Countries(SOCs) is accompanied by social and moral decay, especially pedophilia and the murder of children.
美國和其他「撒旦佔領國」(Satan Occupied Countries/SOC)的經濟崩潰伴隨社會和道德的墮落,特別是戀童癖和殺害兒童。

Here are some examples:

The Russians have uncovered proof the Ukrainian Red Cross Society was involved in shady activities, including keeping records of children with"healthy organs"

The SOC Ukraine is just following in the footsteps of its US based controllers where sordid revelations are pouring out.

For example, in April 2021, an investigation began into ritualistic child sexual abuse and child sex trafficking that happened in Utah County, deputies say.A portion of those allegations was confirmed.

Then we have an Elementary School in Illinois is passing out flyers promoting an"After School Satan Club"


In Seattle, meanwhile, the police have announced an open season for rapists to do whatever they want as this news item shows:

Seattle police's sexual assault and child abuse unit staff has been so depleted that it stopped assigning to detectives this year new cases with adult victims, according to an internal memo sent to interim police Chief Adrian Diaz in April.
「根據4月份發給臨時警察局長阿德裡安·迪亞茲(Adrian Diaz)的一份內部備忘錄,西雅圖警方性侵犯和虐待兒童部門的執勤人員已非常枯竭,今年停止向偵探分配有成年受害者的新案件。」

Then we find out that the Amish landscape is a"predator's paradise":a shocking documentary exposing sexual abuse in the Amish community reveals that 11-year-old girls were handed pamphlets normalizing incest and teaching them that rape is a result of their"carelessness
然後我們發現,艾美許社區(Amish landscape/是基督新教重洗派門諾會中的一個信徒分支(又稱亞米胥派),艾美許人拒絕汽車及電力等現代設施,而且過著簡樸的生活)是「掠奪者的天堂」:「一部揭露艾美許社區性虐待令人震驚的紀錄片顯示,向11歲的女童遞上小冊子,扭曲亂倫為正常化,教導她們強姦是『不小心』的結果。」

Further south, the Southern Baptist Convention(SBC) Executive Committee mishandled allegations of over 700 sexual abuse cases between 2000 and 2019, stonewalled numerous survivors, and prioritized protecting the SBC from liability.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, as 40000 children disappear each year in the U.S.never to be seen again.



What kind of leadership in the West allows such things to happen? Since the crimes of former Joe Biden and his son Hunter have been written about in detail elsewhere, we recommend that readers who do not yet know about them do a quick search using the term"Hunter Biden laptop".


Laptop from Hell: Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to Hide

We also believe that most of our readers know that Barack Obama frequented homosexual saunas and married a man who later changed his name to Michelle Obama.The problem with that is that they lied about it and were blackmailed about it by their controllers.

Now Israel has turned against its Rothschild overlords, which is why Mossad has reminded us of the sordid past of another of their servants, Emmanuelle Macron, the so-called president of France.

According to Mossad, Macron was bribed by Rothschild agents to betray his country, fight Islam and cover the destruction of Notre Dame Cathedral.Macron was chosen as president because he could be blackmailed into"killing helpless victims in insane orgies," the Mossad sources say.Macron began his career as a child prostitute."As a "pretty boy,' he was brought to Israel by his parents, where he constantly satisfied old men and traitors.There are testimonies from people who knew him well as a child," the sources said.


He married one of his male clients with whom he had relations when he was 15.This client was Jean-Michel Trogneux, who later changed his name and now pretends to be Brigitte Macron.For a dirty and detailed proof, please click on the link below.
他在15歲時與一個男客戶結婚,並發生關係。這個客戶是簡·特羅格諾(Jean-Michel Trogneux),他後來改了名字,現在假裝是碧姬·馬克宏。骯髒又詳細的證據,請查看以下的鏈接。

In Canada, of course, we have the fratricidal son of Fidel Castro pretending to be Prime Minister Justin Castreau.Castreau was removed months ago by the Canadian military, as was the avatar they replaced him with, Canadian intelligence sources say.
當然,在加拿大,我們有卡斯楚(Fidel Castro)自相殘殺的兒子假裝成總理杜魯多。加拿大情報說,杜魯多幾個月前就被加軍除名,取代他的化身也是如此。

The Khazarian mafia is now trying to use a really bad version of him to pretend they still control Canada.Just look at that nose.Of course, these criminal leaders are ramping up repression in a desperate attempt to stay in power while more and more people wake up.


That's why journalist Alex Newman, says the elites or the predator class are realizing right now that they will lose everything if they don't move very quickly.They could potentially end up facing true accountability.I think we are in a very dangerous situation right now.
這就是記者亞力士·紐曼(Alex Newman)說,精英或掠奪者階層現在意識到,如果他們不迅速採取行動,他們將失去一切。他們有可能最終面臨真正的問責。我認為我們現在處於一個非常危險境地的原因。

That is why they are holding fake shooting events.Since this has been covered a lot elsewhere, we will add this again about one of these events:

Former NYPD Commissioner Bombshell:Texas School Massacre Was a Deep State Operation

Then we have two networks, same victim, different fathers with Anderson Cooper Vanderbilt as the"reporter on the scene".
然後我們有兩個網絡,同一個受害者,不同的父親,安德森·范德比爾(Anderson Cooper)特作為「現場記者」。

After these fake incidents, Biden and Castro simultaneously called for gun control.They want to take up arms because the U.S.and Canada are on the brink of civil war.



That's bad, because in 2009, the Pentagon created a computer-generated scenario for civil war in America.The results:100 million dead.

The criminals are also still trying to kill people in their countries with vaccines in a desperate attempt to stay in power.Listen to Canadian MP Cathay Wagantall talk about this below.
這些犯罪份子還在試圖用疫苗殺死他們國家的人,以絕望地試圖保持權力。下面請聽加議員歌泰·瓦甘托(Cathay Wagantall)談論這個問題。

Some people still believe that going to the courts and the police is enough.For example, here's what former U.S.Attorney General Bill Barr says:"Complicated cases like this take a long time to build.They happen step by step and in secret.People don't like that, but if they want people to be punished, that's the way it is….If you want the facts, if you want a report, you can do it pretty quickly.If you want scalps, it takes time."
有些人仍認為訴諸法院和警察就已足夠。例如,美國前司法部長比爾·巴爾(Bill Barr)是這樣說的:「像這樣複雜的案件需要很長的時間來建立。它一步一步地發生,而且是秘密地。人們不喜歡這樣,但如果他們想讓人們受到懲罰,這就是它的方式…。如果想要事實,如果想要一份報告,可以很快做到。如果想要真相,那就需要時間。」

He's lying, the courts and the FBI are corrupted at the highest levels.This is war, and we need to act accordingly.Only when we see tribunals like Nuremberg in all networks will we be able to trust the courts and the police.

It is a sign, however, that at least some police are doing their jobs:

The bizarre suicide of Bill Clinton's former aide, found hanging from a tree on May7with a shotgun in his chest and an extension cord around his neck, is now an"OPEN" investigation linked to perverted billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

We can also see that the so-called leaders are afraid of their own police and military.For example, Biden is afraid of the Border Patrol.He asked them to disarm before he greeted them, whereupon the Border Patrol men decided not to greet him and to go home.

Then you can watch Prime Minister Boris Johnson getting booed by the crowd as he arrives for a platinum jubilee event.


Boris Johnson met with boos again as he leaves Thanksgiving service

While the West is, of course, waiting for its own people to stage a revolution, this has already happened in most other countries of the world.

This can be seen most clearly in Ukraine.Former U.S.presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard declares that the"West" is fighting to support a government that has imprisoned the opposition, shut down independent television stations, and is fascist.
這在烏克蘭可以看得最清楚。美前總統候選人圖爾西·加巴德(Tulsi Gabbard)說,「西方」在為支持一個監禁反對派、關閉獨立電視台和法西斯主義的政府而鬥爭。

The fascist threat is like a cancer that can spread and spread," says Colonel General of the Russian Airborne Forces Georgy Shpak.It must be completely destroyed."
俄空降部隊上校將軍格奧爾基·什帕克(Georgy Shpak)說:「法西斯威脅就像癌症,可以蔓延和擴散,必須徹底摧毀。」

Russia has already launched war crimes tribunals against Ukrainian Nazis, foreign mercenaries, and NATO trainers, among others, for"kidnappings, torture, and the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare."

When the Biden avatar then threatens,"We're going to send Russia back to the 19th century!" the Russians say,"Go ahead." The photo of Russia in the 19th century explains why.As the following commentary by Brahma Chellaney explains, the Nazis have already lost.
當拜登化身隨後威脅說:「我們要把俄羅斯送回19世紀!」俄羅斯回答:「來呀。」看看俄羅斯19世紀的照片就解釋了一切。正如布拉馬·切拉尼(Brahma Chellaney)的以下評論所解釋的那樣,納粹已經輸了。


"Zelensky admits that Russia now owns one-fifth of Ukraine, the largest country in Europe.What he does not acknowledge is that Russia controls Ukraine's industrial heartland, 90% of its energy resources(including all offshore oil), and its major ports and shipping.

"If you read the, there's no way to know.In recent days, @washingtonpost reported that"the war is clearly turning against the aggressor," while @Forbes proclaimed that Russia is"losing the war." Other media said the country is running out of ways to avoid defeat."

The Nazi Bilderberg losers met in Washington last weekend to discuss their defeat.They were allowed to meet to be monitored and identify more of their secret controllers, CIA and NSA sources say.

However, let's be very clear about one thing.This is not a defeat for the U.S.military and a victory for Russia and Communist China.The US military white hats have nothing to do with what is happening in Ukraine and do not support the fake Biden regime.

The U.S.white hats still have a lot of power and respect, as evidenced by the participation of the following nations in a naval exercise in the Pacific:

Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, the Republic of Korea, the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tonga, the United Kingdom, and the United States will participate in Exercise Rim of the Pacific(RIMPAC) 2022.

Finally, this week, to show humanity really is heading for unknown waters and needs a strong military to guide us, we conclude with the latest visuals from project blue beam.As usual with such stuff, only really believe it when you see it with your own eyes.In the meantime, keep fighting to free the earth.














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