What you talk about is what you would like to become.What you do is who you are.If you talk about peace but don't make peaceful choices,you are not aligned with what you truly wish to experience.If you talk about love but don't take opportunities to connect in a loving way,you are still experiencing a divide between where you are and where you would like to be.
Your choices become the energy you hold.They place you on a specific path which will hold the lack of or more of the experiences you truly wish to have.
Talk/dreaming is a pre-movement practice.Surrendering into intentional action is flow.It is tangible movement.Your conscious actions,no matter how small,are the magic ingredients that turn your dreams into reality.
Do you see? If you wish to experience more of something,incorporate it into your actions however you can and it will grow.The tiniest bit of action is a powerful energetic declaration because you will have shifted your desire from maybe happening one day to the essence of what you hold today.Stay in that space and the unfoldment will lead you to more and more of that experience until you are truly living the life of your dreams.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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