
Notice to readers:The next three reports will be pre-written so that I may take my annual digital detox and fast in Canada.Barring some unexpected black swan event regular reports will resume on August 22nd.Your understanding and support is appreciated.

Sometimes it is important to step back from the day to day struggle for the planet earth and look at the big picture.Here the evidence is clear.The planet earth is headed for some sort of Cambrian explosion type event and dark forces are trying to prevent this from happening.In other words, we are dealing with something far more important than just a 21st century political struggle.

To understand what is at stake, let us look again at the Cambrian explosion.For about 3.5 billion years, life on earth was microscopic in scale.What we would have been able to see with the naked eye would have been brown scum or maybe mats of algae.Then suddenly, about 530 million years ago, macro-life exploded into being.The oceans were filled with a dazzling variety of life forms that were trillions of times larger than anything that existed before.It was the evolutionary equivalent of a big bang.

We are now facing a similar type of evolutionary big bang.The reason is that humans have learned how to control and channel the life force.We now have the technology to use the basic genetic building blocks of life to create new forms of life.We are also close to attaining immortality and super powers.

For example, we can now take an ordinary chicken and turn it into a T Rex like creature weighing many tons with just a few genetic tweaks.Whether or not we want to create hunting reserves filled with mutant T rex chickens is another question; the point is we now have the power to do such things.

We can also alter our own genes so that we could have the strength of an ant, the eyes of an eagle, radar like bats, sonar like dolphins, electro-senses from eels etc.We can also become virtually immortal.So, we could all become immortal super-beings.This is not science fiction, it is now actually possible.This means we need an open debate on what to do about this new found god like power that we have.At the very least, I believe most of us would rather live a lot longer than we do now.

The standard argument that we hear against immortality is that"the planet would become overcrowded.That is a lie.First of all, at present, if we gave each person a Chinese style subsistence farm, we could fit the entire population of the earth in the State of Texas.Also, with energy technology that has been suppressed, we could create entire new eco-systems in the deserts, the frozen wastelands and underground.We do not even have to invoke"free energy." This can be done with hydrogen taken from water using solar power, for example.This means we could support many times more people –living in harmony with nature- than we have now, even if we are prevented from colonizing space







However, something, or someone, is trying to prevent this from happening.When we look at what has happened to us, especially in the West, over the past two years, we can see that a powerful group has been trying to alter our genes with vaccines designed to turn us into domesticated animals.As Henry Kissinger once famously boasted:"In the future it will be as impossible for the ordinary people to rebel against us as it is for a sheep to rebel against a farmer." We are fighting against a tribal group that wants to monopolize the ability to become superhuman.They want the rest of us to have short, ignorant lives of inescapable and permanent slavery.

In other words, humanity is at a cross roads.Either we go down the path of permanent enslavement or we rise to a whole new level of existence.Nobody I know wants to become a farm animal living in inhuman conditions so, we have a fight on our hands.

In order to defeat the high level psychopaths who control us, let us look at what a forensic, fact-based investigation can tell us about who, or what, is trying to prevent the new Cambrian explosion.

That is why I want share my own direct experiences(for the benefit of many new readers who may not have heard the story) with this malevolent entity that is trying to keep humanity from developing.

My entry into the secret battle for the planet earth started when I read UN reports from the 1990's that said poverty and environmental destruction could be stopped by the year 2000.All that was needed was $200 billion a year to end poverty and $400 billion a year to stop environmental destruction, the reports said.

I realized this could be accomplished by convincing the Japanese to act.Japan was sitting on $7trillion it had earned from exporting cars, TVs the rest of the world since then end of World War II.That meant they could end poverty, stop environmental destruction and still have $6.4 trillion in change to spend on colonizing the universe or whatever.

This was why I began trying to convince the Japanese people to spend their money for this purpose.As Asia Pacific Bureau Chief for Forbes magazine, I used to be a regular on prime time Japanese TV.However, when I started talking about Japan deciding to spend its own money to save the planet, I was put on a blacklist.TV producers told me they wanted me on but that they had been ordered not to.

In Japan, the blacklist was created by the government of Junichiro Koizumi, his henchmen Isao Iijima of Japanese intelligence and Finance Minister Heizo Takenaka.As I started exposing these high level criminals in the Japanese government, many Japanese journalists told me that if a Japanese person had reported the sort of things I did, I would have been killed long ago.It is well documented that the occupiers of Japan since world war II used Japanese organized crime gangs to murder dissident journalists, politicians etc.

By this point to try to understand what was really happening, I had cultivated sources in Japanese ninkyo organizations(they are typically called yakuza but that is a derogative).They, told they were only allowed to kill Japanese and that they sub-contracted for the CIA and Mossad.

In any case, the real trip into the rabbit hole began after I started reporting that Takenaka had handed over control of all of Japan's listed companies to foreign"vulture funds."Aforensic investigation showed these funds were controlled -via foundations- by people like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds.At the time, time(around 2004-6) there was literally not a single world about the real power of these controllers on the entire internet.The closest thing I could find was a single sentence on an Israeli chat board saying"there was a rumour the Rothschilds contributed to the creation of Israel."
無論如何,在我開始報導竹中把日本所有上市公司的控制權交給外國《禿鷲基金》(Vulture Funds)後,真正的兔子洞之旅開始了。一項調查顯示,這些基金通過基金會被洛克菲勒和羅斯柴爾德家族等控制。當時(大約2004~2006年),整個網路上沒有一個關於這些控制者真正力量的世界。我所能找到最接近的東西是在一個以色列聊天板上的一句話:「有一個謠言,羅斯柴爾德家族為以色列的建立做出了貢獻。」

When I got a chance to interview Takenaka(he thought it was to promote his book), I confronted him with the fact he had handed over control of all of Japan's listed corporations to the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.

That is when I opened a Pandora's box.Takenaka(who recently was at Davos) later sent a self-described Ninja assassin to meet me.He told me I would be given the job of Finance Minister of Japan but, only if I agreed to a plan to kill 90% of the worlds' population.He explained this was necessary to"protect the environment" and that since war did not kill enough people, this time they were going to use disease and starvation(I have it on tape).If I did not go along, I would be killed, he added.This self-described assassin later -at great personal risk- handed me a tape recording that said the people behind this plot to kill 90% of humanity were"the elders of Zion."

At around this time Kaoru Nakamura, a cousin of the Emperor Hirohito, also approached me and gave me a video tape showing evidence 911 was an inside job.At the time, I thought"this is the "anti-semitic' conspiracy theory I had read about in the New York Times."

However, when I was finally convinced to look at the evidence, it became obvious that 911 was an inside job.As a trained journalist I began to follow the evidence trail to its source.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, the investigation led me via Heizo Takenaka and his handler Henry Kissinger straight to David Rockefeller.When Rockefeller came to Japan to promote a Japanese language translation of his auto-biography, I was able to get an interview.He apparently thought it was arranged by his people to publicize his book.

After interviewing Rockefeller, a whole parade of secret societies and groups popped out of the woodwork.The Gnostic Illuminati sent Sasha Zarik aka Alexander Romanov to meet me.Zarik said he had been recruited by the former chess champion Bobby Fischer.
在採訪了洛克菲勒之後,一大批秘密社團和團體從樹林中冒了出來。諾斯替光明會派薩沙·扎裡克(Sasha Zarik/又名亞歷山大·羅曼諾夫Alexander Romanov)來見我。扎裡克說他是被前國際象棋冠軍博比·費捨爾(Bobby Fischer)招募來的。

This group recruits 6,000 influential people form each generation who are not part of the ancient ruling bloodline elite.He said their group was responsible for the American, French and Russian revolutions.What these revolutions had in common was an attack on the bloodline aristocracy.

They are especially influential in meritocratic organizations like the US military and among self-made billionaires.That is why it is good guess people like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are members.The gnostic illuminati told me they were going to stage a world revolution this time,

Then I was approached by the P2 Freemasons via Leo Zagami.They told me they had been ruling the planet for the past 26,000 years based on a plot given to them by extra-terrestrial beings.
然後,P2共濟會通過裡奧·扎卡米(Leo Zagami)找到了我。他們告訴我,在過去的26000年裏,他們一直根據天外生物給他們的陰謀來統治地球。

The plot was calibrated according to the motions of the moon and the planets, he said.Zagami said the plot ran out in 2012 but the controllers decided to ad lib on their own after that date in order to cling to power.This group claims to control the Vatican, the mafia and world communism.They told me they would get rid of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Pope Ratzinger and they did.

The P2 also made a deal with Asian secret societies.They promised to put a black communist in power in the United States in 2008 in exchange for continued funding from Asia.This led to a deal to use 700 tons of Asian gold to create 750,000 tons worth of gold backed bonds.This led to the creation of $23 trillion that kept the US Corporate government afloat until 2020 when the funds ran out.

Here you can watch Lord Blackheath talk about port of this in the British Parliament.
在這裏,可以看到詹姆斯·布萊克希特(James of Blackheath)在英國議會中談論港口的情況。

The P2 also took credit for the Fukushima attack against Japan on March 11, 2011.This was used to force Japan to hand over the $7 trillion it had earned since WWII.

Over the years there was a whole long list of other groups that appeared including:the Dragon Family, the Japanese three legged crow society.Mossad, the CIA, the NSA, the Russian FSB, MI6 the Red Swastika, various Chinese secret societies, the Red Dragon(communist China), the Blue Dragon(the ancient Middle Easter guild of assassins) the US secret space force etc.

In each case I actually met in person with representatives of these groups who provided clear proof they were real and powerful.

These groups have now formed an alliance to liberate the planet earth and initiate the new Cambrian explosion.The group known as the Khazarian mafia that wants to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest is now fighting for its survival.

So now the KM is desperately trying to carry out its agenda to kill 90% of humanity with events like the pandemic, the vaccine campaign, the engineered food crisis, the war in the Ukraine etc.

The alliance is fighting back by hunting down KM operatives and staging an international boycott of the United States and other countries still under KM rule.

Next week we will take a deep dive into the x-files aspect of this war.














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