
NATO and its Khazarian Mafia overlords have lost the war in Ukraine and for the planet earth so historical repercussions will follow, Polish, Chinese, Russian, MI6 and CIA etc.sources all agree.

That is why Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko said last week"NATO has already been defeated in Ukraine."
這就是俄羅斯副外長亞歷山大·格魯什科(Alexander Grushko)上週說「北約已在烏克蘭被打敗了」。

For example,"high-precision strikes on Ukraine's strategic energy facilities have led to massive electricity outages and forced Kyiv to suspend power exports to Europe,"Rossiyskaya Gazeta writes.


烏克蘭能源設施遭俄羅斯導彈襲擊 需停止向歐盟輸出電力

Of course, the Russians are not an objective source but, Polish intelligence sources agree saying"In winter, the Russians will roll through Ukraine to the Dnieper, taking away Odesa and Kharkiv.Russia is not interested in land beyond the Dnieper."They also note"The EU has started an emergency evacuation of its embassies from Kyiv to the Polish city of Rzeszow(Rzeszow)."

The KM have been reduced to using computer graphics and fake videos to create the illusion the war is still being fought.Here for example you can watch Ukrainian actors dressed as wounded take selfies in Kyiv for Western media live coverage

Now take a look at the Zelensky hologram in the making.

Chinese intelligence also says"80% of NATO forces were destroyed in Ukraine so that is why they are making nuclear threats"(Chinese intelligence also provided details about the power struggle that took place there which we will discuss further below).

The Armageddon threats of course are hollow because neither the KM nor the fake Biden regime, control any nuclear weapons, Pentagon sources say.

There is also more evidence the owners of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation went bankrupt.Two of the biggest owners of that Corporation, as well as most of the Fortune 500 companies, Blackrock and Vanguard appear to have declared bankruptcy.

Blackrock International, Inc.Files for Bankruptcy in Lafayette | BKData
貝萊德國際公司(Blackrock International, Inc.)在拉斐特申請破產 | BKData

Some readers claim these are not the real deal but, events are unfolding that will make it undeniable the USA Corporation, as well as the privately owned United Nations, BIS, IMF, World Bank etc.are coming down.

To confirm this is true, financial markets may be the first place to see huge events unfold.The US Corporation missed a payment deadline on September 30th and was given until October 14th to find the money before being declared in default.If they did not find additional funding then all hell will break loose.

There is some evidence they did not.

For example, trans-Pacific shipping rates have plunged 75% from earlier this year because the Asians are no longer accepting FRB funny money as payment for real goods.

高通膨需求少 海運10月高峰季大減班 運費暴跌75%

Also, on October 12, the head of the Bank of England Andrew Bailey said the BOE would stop propping up financial markets on October 14th.Then, on that day, British finance minister Kwasi Kwarteng was fired.After that, policies like unfunded tax cuts for the rich were scrapped.
另外,10月12日,英國央行行長安德魯·貝利(Andrew Bailey)表示,英央行將在10月14日停止對金融市場的支持。然後,在這一天,英國財政部長Kwasi Kwarteng被炒。此後,為富人減稅的資金不足等政策均取消。

MI6 sources say the Rothschilds have lost control of the BOE and that a de facto military government now rules the UK.If so, the UK branch of the Rothschilds has now officially lost control of the BOE for the first time since it took it over via insider trading after the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.

Now, the Swiss branch of the Rothschild family also appear to be in trouble, The US Federal Reserve Board has recently pumped $9.37 billion into the Swiss national bank in what is likely an attempt to prevent Credit Suisse from going under.

If Credit Suisse goes under, the domino effect would cause most major Western financial institutions to collapse and markets to implode.

These are imploding anyway because the KM has lost control of the internationally traded US dollar.Dragon family sources say that all gold and treasure hoards that once again back the US dollar are now under their control.

This is important because ever since the KM ran out of gold in 1971 the US stock market has become a giant hallucination.As the chart below shows, stock market valuation rose by a peak of 4000% against GDP.If you take into account the fact GDP numbers have been wildly inflated by under-counting inflation, you can confirm the stock markets are no longer connected to reality.No wonder average American living standards have been falling since 1971 while the KM has become super-reach by using central bank fraud to steal from the people.


The KM are desperately trying to save themselves by switching over to Central Bank Digital Currencies but, since these are also backed by nothing, this effort is doomed to fail.

In one of the most visible recent signs KM rule is collapsing, the French Rothschild colony of France has been unable to pay for oil imports.This(not the reported labor disputes) is causing gasoline stations across the nation to either run dry or ration gas.

法國鬧油荒! 民眾為搶加油爆發全武行

法國近兩成加油站鬧油荒 政府釋出戰略儲備

We also noted their slave President Emanuelle Macron has been put under demonic control, as seen by his black eye.

This means the French military and republic are now battling to liberate themselves from Demonic control.

In the US meanwhile, the military white hats are making a move to end the entire Joe Biden horror show.Pentagon sources say a new government headed by the real(anti-vaccine) Donald Trump, with former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard as his vice president, is due to take over soon.
與此同時,在美國,軍方白帽子在採取行動,結束整個拜登的恐怖表演。五角大廈消息說,一個由真正的(反疫苗)川普領導的新政府,由前民主黨人圖爾西·加巴德(Tulsi Gabbard)擔任副總統,將很快接任。


That is why Gabbard recently quit the Demoncratic party after calling it"an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness" who"stoke anti-white racism" and"protect criminals."

前聯邦眾議員加巴德宣布退黨 稱民主黨淪為「精英的陰謀集團」

"Tulsi is a high-ranking officer in US MIL Intelligence, Psychological Operations Command," CIA sources say.

The military white hats, along with their Russian, Chinese and international allies have declared war on the KM worldwide and with good reason.

For example last week US special forces had a shootout at FBI headquarters.

"This was an attempted takeover of the FBI headquarters.The Alliance had Special Forces on the scene.The sound is from automatic weapons.Several dark operatives were eliminated.This is not over yet," CIA sources say.

Here's an example of why the KM must be hunted down and brought to justice:Did you know that in 1991 George Bush Sr.signed the Babylonian Noah Decrees which include the execution of all Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, etc.?

This is because the first and second laws forbid Noah to practice idolatry and blasphemy, which is punishable by beheading.The KM consider the worship of Jesus Christ, Buddha be idolatry and blasphemy according to the Talmud.

Therefore, attempts are being made to force all KM members to submit to war crimes tribunals.

For example, the Russian government has declared the Rockefeller front called Meta a terrorist organization punishable by death.


Meta, or Facebook as it used to be called, has always been a Rockefeller mind control/propaganda front.When I started a Facebook page, I immediately reached the maximum of 5000 followers and was contacted by many interesting people, including Japanese diplomats.However, I have been prevented from corresponding with them or even posting on my own Facebook page.

I then deleted the page and left Facebook.After that, at least four Facebook pages pretending to be me popped up.Too afraid to discuss openly based on facts, these people keep resorting to such dirty tricks.So I agree that Meta is some kind of criminal organization and should be banned worldwide.

Elon Musk has also been labeled a terrorist for supporting Starlink telecom services in Ukraine.

Since KM has carried out assassinations of Russian officials inside Russia, it means that Musk is now a legitimate target for Russian special forces.He and his computer graphic Space-X hoax won't be around much longer.

Poor Musk is in a bind, having also been put on a well-known Ukrainian"hit list" after threatening to cut funding for Ukraine's Starlink satellite internet service.With the Russians attacking his satellites with lasers etc., Musk was forced to admit that Starlink could still die despite his offer to continue support.


If you're looking for an example of the kind of massive fraud that Musk allowed to become"the richest man alive," watch this video showing the"international space station" being filmed in a giant swimming pool became.

Of course, Musk is one of the lesser criminals.The real criminals are the ones trying to kill humanity with bioweapons and vaccines.

This now becomes the main message.For example, MEP Rob Roos asked a Pfizer representative at a hearing whether the mRNA vaccine had been tested to prevent transmission.She laughs and says no.
這些現在成了主要信息。例如,歐洲議會議員羅伯特·羅斯(Rob Roos)在一次聽證會上問一名輝瑞的代表,mRNA疫苗是否經過預防傳播的測試,她笑著說沒有。

Then Mislav Kolakusic from the European Parliament says:"The purchase of 4.5 billion doses of the COVID-19 vaccine for 450 million EU citizens is the biggest corruption scandal in human history."
然後歐洲議會的米斯拉夫·科拉庫西奇(Mislav Kolakusic)說:「為4.5億歐盟公民購買45億劑新冠疫苗是人類歷史上最大的腐敗醜聞。」

Because of this, Polish patriots joined the growing chorus of calls for justice and issued the following statement:

"We call for the death penalty for guilty members of the [Polish] government, as well as doctors and nurses, who contributed to the deaths of over 200000 people during the Covid pandemic."

The rats try to escape from the ship, but they have nowhere to go, either on or off the world.Pfizer boss Albert Bourla, for example, refused to testify before the European Parliament because Mossad sources explain, he is"hiding in Paraguay."
這班老鼠試圖逃離沉船,但無處可去,無論是在地球還是在天外。例如,輝瑞老闆阿爾伯特·布拉(Albert Bourla)拒絕在歐洲議會作證,因為摩薩德消息解釋說,他「躲在巴拉圭」。


Now look at Avatar Bill Gates' reaction to the question,"Is this vaccine safe?" Notice his expression of utter fear and despair at the end of the video.

The KM is now also trying to cover up evidence by dumping vaccines.KM puppet Macron has trashed 30m Covid vaccines worth £522m while the Swiss have thrown away 10.3m doses.That won't save her.

新冠疫苗已銷毀逾400萬劑 第1名是這家

日本採購1.2億劑AZ疫苗 僅用約20萬劑


Meanwhile, Xi Jinping's attempted coup in China failed."It was carried out by Soros and these people.China's borders are now closed unless you have a business visa.This is to prevent all cabalists from leaving the country.They are all being rounded up now," says a Chinese intelligence source.

The official Xinhua news agency alludes to this purge, writing,"An overwhelming victory has been won in the fight against corruption, and it has been consolidated across the board."

We have also now been able to confirm that the real Xi Jinping has come out in public to give an important speech.He said China has achieved its 100-year plan to end poverty and create moderate wealth for all.The next 100-year plan is to lead all people to moderate prosperity in harmony with nature.

Xi also pledged to"uphold humanity's common values - peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom—promote mutual understanding and forge closer ties with other peoples."

China firmly rejects all forms of hegemonism and power politics, the Cold War mentality, interference in other countries' internal affairs and double standards," Xi said.

習近平:反對一切形式的霸權主義 中國永不搞擴張

This will certainly spill over into the UN, where Russian officials note that"the US is turning the UN into a branch of its State Department through blackmail and arm-wrestling." In other words:Agree with the US or you will be killed—so the slave delegates at the UN were told.

The Russians and Chinese, along with MI6 and Pentagon white men, are supporting the replacement or redesign of the UN and other post-war US-dominated international organizations.They also support the creation of a future planning organization that will chart possible paths for the future of humanity.

Speaking of the future:the bluebeam space opera project is in full swing.

First, the Pentagon's admission that they"found off-world vehicles that weren't made on Earth."

Next we see the latest images sent to us by the secret space program.

The first is"Plasma Ships Used by the Galactics".

The third is most likely a Blue Beam UAP.



All we can say for sure is that humanity is breaking new ground as an ancient evil is vanquished.














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