The Khazarian mafia stranglehold on the planet earth is finally ending. Germany and Japan have joined Russia, China and England in the planetary liberation alliance. This has forced the Rothschild and Rockefeller families hiding in Zug, Switzerland to contact the White Dragon Society to negotiate a surrender.

However, until the United States is liberated from the Khazarian mafia, the war will continue. The key is to prevent the theft of the mid-term US elections by the KM during the blood moon eclipse election day of November 8th. The US military white hats promise to declare war on the KM if the election is stolen.

There are also undeclared wars raging in Brazil, Pakistan, Israel and elsewhere that will have to be settled. Then, of course, the war in Ukraine and Kazakhstan also needs to be finished. However, there can be no doubt planetary liberation is imminent.

Let us start with the situation in Germany. There Donatus, the Prince and Landgrave of Hesse, is leading Germany to independence for the first time since World War II. Donatus is a descendant of Queen Victoria, the German Emperor Frederick III, Caesar Victor Emmanuel III of Italy etc.
讓我們從德國的情況開始。在那裏,黑森州王子和侯爵多納圖斯正領導德國自二戰以來首次實現獨立。多納圖斯是維多利亞女王、德皇帝腓特烈三世(Frederick III)、意大利凱撒·維克多·伊曼紐爾三世(Caesar Victor Emmanuel III)等的後代。

Donatus sent Chancellor Olaf Scholz to China last week to negotiate Germany’s entrance into the alliance. The fact he reached a deal can be seen in reports in the official Chinese and Russian state news agencies.

According to sources, Xinhua Sholz told Chinese President Xi Jinping “a multi-polar world is needed”…Germany “opposes bloc confrontation” and supports “peace talks and to build a balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture in Europe.” In other words, Germany is ready to dump NATO and replace it with something more inclusive.

Russian Tass News Agency reports, for their part, confirm a secret deal negotiated between the Gnostic Illuminati and the WDS is being put into motion. The deal is to return to an agreement between Frederick the Great and the Russian Tsar to use the Dnieper river as the border between their respective zones of interest.


Tass now reports Russia is evacuating its’ troops and citizens to their side of the river.

Other Russian reports confirm Scholz advocates “finding a common language with Russian President Vladimir Putin.”

When the Russo/German agreement is formalized and Russian gas starts flowing to Europe again, this will financially devastate the Rockefeller/Rothschild profiteers now selling LNG to Europe and four times the price of Russian gas.

Japan, like Germany, has also become an independent country for the first time since World War II. This can be seen in the government’s decision to keep buying oil and gas from Russia instead of letting Rothschild/Rockefeller-controlled companies price gouge them.

To celebrate its regained independence, Japan last week staged an awesome display of force. Naval forces from the US, England, Australia, Canada, India, Indonesia, France, South Korea etc. made it clear which alliance rules the waves. So while Russia, China and Germany may control the Eurasian landmass, they need to reach a deal with the Japanese alliance to ensure freedom of navigation and world peace. Such a deal is being negotiated to the benefit of all parties, WDS sources say.

In this context of facing certain defeat, representatives of the Khazarian mafia in Switzerland contacted the White Dragon Society last week. The negotiations are ongoing and we’ve been asked not to disclose the details at this point. However, we can say an agreement has been reached to protect members of Chabad and other KM groups who are not involved in crimes or violence.

It is also clear there is so much worldwide anger against the KM that their initial offers of monetary compensation are a far cry from what will be demanded of them. The WDS demands a worldwide jubilee and redistribution of assets.

In addition, a representative of the European Royal families makes it clear that the Rockefeller and Rothschilds will have to be removed from any control of world central banks.

The representative says the entire “Russo-Ukrainian conflagration is a tactical maneuver” aimed at expanding NATO “across the Black Sea into Georgia and then Kazakhstan – Astana [the capital] being the new home of KM after we flung them out of Israel for destabilizing the entire Middle East.”

This effort has failed and now “the KM are on the run and putting out propaganda to avoid their court martial and executions.”

That is why KM propaganda outlets like the Atlantic Monthly are calling for amnesty for such KM crimes as the “Covid” attack they carried out over the past few years.

However, not only was the KM trying to kill people with vaccines and bio-weapons; but they were also trying to enslave them. As Judge Anna von Reitz and others point out, they were claiming people “who received the genetic modification disguised as a vaccine would be redefined as Genetically Modified Organisms, literally owned under Patent by the Criminal Perpetrators of this Unlawful and Illegal Conversion Scheme.”
然而,可薩暴徒不僅試圖用疫苗和生物武器殺人,而且還試圖奴役人們。正如安娜·賴茨(Anna von Reitz)法官和其他人所指出的,他們聲稱人們「接受了偽裝成疫苗的基因改造,將重新定義為基因改造生物體,實際上是由這一非法和不合法轉換計劃的犯罪者持有的專利。」

This is among the many reasons almost nobody is in the mood to forgive their SARS bio-weapon and vaccine attack, multiple sources agree.

“The rope is tightening around their neck and they will see justice,” an MI6 source promises. “If Barclays and Glencore have to go, they have to go, even if that drags down world markets. The Rothschild Dynastic stranglehold has ended. High Treason is High Treason and will be met square on with legal lethal use of Military force,” the source adds.

The article below is an example of why Rothschild-controlled Glencore has to go.

Glencore Flew Cash Across Africa in Private Jets to Pay Bribes

(Bloomberg) — Glencore Plc officials delivered cash in private jets to officials across Africa, UK prosecutors said as they laid out a web of bribery and corruption …
【彭博社】英國檢察官說,Glencore Plc官員用私人飛機向非洲各地的官員運送現金,他們列出賄賂和腐敗的網絡。

If you read the article it says they will pay a fine of about $1.5 billion after pleading guilty. This is an insult to the people of Africa who have been looted to the tune of over $100 billion a year for decades as their commodities are sold for a pittance to Rothschild/Rockefeller-controlled corporations in exchange for a few bribes to top officials. Needless to say, the bribe money is typically deposited in one of the KMs’ Swiss banks. This has been happening all over the world, of course, and not just in Africa.

This is the same Glencore that bribed Iranian and Israeli officials to manipulate the oil market over 30 years with their “Iran is about to get nukes” scheme.

In any case, this is all coming crashing down. As this picture shows, a ten-foot wall has been placed around the Federal Reserve Board building in Washington DC.


This is why: The banks that own the FRB are bankrupt. For example, in recent weeks Wells Fargo banks’ loans are down 90% from a year ago. This is certainly true of the other big banks too. No company can survive a drop in revenue like that without going through bankruptcy proceedings.

Remember, they lent money created literally out of nothing in order to enslave people and now people are refusing it. In other words, the West and much of the rest of the world is about to be liberated from Babylonian debt slavery.

This does not mean the battle is over yet though. The KM are using their man Elon Musk, for example, to try to play the role of hero and savior of the people. The photos below show Musk coming out of the closet and showing the world he is a Satan worshipper.


Musk is also one of the greatest con artists in world history. Here you can see a NASA (Not A Space Agency) news release saying one of Musk’s SpaceX rockets has gone to the International Space Station.
馬斯克也是世界歷史上最偉大的騙子之一。在這裏,可以看到NASA(不是太空總署/Not A Space Agency)的新聞稿,說馬斯克的SpaceX火箭之一已進入國際太空站。

Next, you can see one of the “astronauts” being interviewed aboard the International Fake Station.


This is nothing more than the use of fraud to steal money from the American people. Musk has also used FRB funny money to become “the richest man in the world,” while forcing American taxpayers to subsidize his electric car and other businesses.

Also, don’t think for a minute that he will use control of Twitter to promote freedom of the press. Musk is one of the founders of the criminal organization known as Paypal. PayPal stole $15,000 from this author. I have a lot of companies:

Naturopathic organizations, anti-war journalists, Christian organizations, anti-child-rearing organizations, non-profit organizations against vaccination regulations, organizations advocating early COVID treatment, alternative media, and labor unions advocating freedom of expression are among those who had their PayPal accounts terminated without warning

PayPal will also confiscate any funds you have in your account on the day of de-platforming. Funds may or may not be refunded after a six-month review.

These people belong in jail, not in high society.

In any case, not only have the KM, with the help of Musk, tried to get the American people to give them control of the country, but they have also tried to turn Brazil into another place to hide out, by stealing an election there for their bribed puppet, Lula.

The Brazilian people are in open revolt against this election theft. Brazilian military sources close to President Jair Bolsonaro say: “The Brazilian government and armed forces will issue a report on the scam this week. Everything is being done with great caution as criminal groups are allied with the left to foment attacks if ex-con Lula is prevented from power.”
巴西人民公開反抗這種選舉盜竊行為。與雅伊爾·波索納洛(Jair Bolsonaro)總統關係密切的巴西軍方人士說:「巴西政府和武裝部隊將在本週發佈一份關於該騙局的報告。一切都在非常謹慎地進行中,因為如果阻止前罪犯盧拉上台,犯罪集團與左派結盟,煽動攻擊。」

The sources add that once the evidence is presented, the military will arrest Supreme Court members and media moguls etc. implicated in the election theft.

The Brazilian sources also say that Bolsonaro understands the need to protect nature and that stories about him destroying the Amazon were KM propaganda. They add that a massive solar power plant that Elon Musk is building in the Amazon is somehow connected to all of this.

In Pakistan, too, a semi-successful attempt to steal the election has now founded as protesters have overrun government and military installations across the country. The most recent trigger of their anger was the attempted assassination of their leader, Imran Khan. Last week, Pakistan’s military representatives sent to China to seek help in solving the country’s political and economic crisis.
在巴基斯坦,隨着抗議者佔領全國各地的政府和軍事設施,一場半成功的竊取選舉的企圖現在已成立。最近引發人民憤怒的是領導人伊姆蘭·汗(Imran Khan)的暗殺未遂。上週,巴基斯坦軍方代表派人到中國尋求幫助,以解決該國的政治和經濟危機。

Another place where the KM hoped to create a haven is Israel, where Benyamin Netanyahu (or his avatar, according to Mossad) appears to have won an election. However, “Netanyahu” has turned against its KM masters and is now working with the Planetary Liberation Alliance, Mossad sources say. Once planetary liberation is complete, Israel will rebuild its third temple in a manner that will not damage the Dome of the Rock, the sources say. However, Israel should attempt to rebuild the Temple without reaching an agreement with its neighboring countries and the Palestinians, then a joint Turkish, Syrian, Saudi, Egyptian and Russian army will invade Israel to force an agreement, the sources said WDS.

In fact, the whole world will take action if necessary. As one Indian commentator observed, “Nobody wants anything from the [KM-controlled] West anymore because they’ve shown who they are: fools, hypocrites, thieves, bandits, liars and colonizers. In a word, a world gangster. Nobody takes these idiots more serious.”

Perhaps the secret space force will come to the west’s aid by sharing futuristic technology with the rest of the world. Here are some of the latest examples of this technology:

1.A fleet of UAPS seen over London

2.A huge spinning UFO in the cloud

3.A UFO taking off at hypersonic speeds

4. A UAP over the US November 2020

However, until we can all travel in flying saucers, this topic, while fascinating, is still a long way off.













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