If you think in biblical terms, then the most likely candidate for the anti-Christ is David Rockefeller Jr.
如果從聖經的角度去看,那麼最有可能成為反基督的候選人就是小大衛·洛克菲勒(David Rockefeller Jr)。
He and his family are behind the entire Covid scamdemic and vaccine crimes committed over the past few years. That is just the tip of the iceberg too. Arresting him and confiscating his family's assets would bring world peace and usher in a new golden age of unprecedented prosperity.
Rockefeller was in Japan last week staying at the Yokohama Grand Intercontinental Hotel and we called and asked for an interview. He did not respond and has since left the country. We would welcome his response to what we have heard about him and his family from multiple sources over the years.
According to our sources, he was in Japan on a begging mission after leaving the G20 meeting in Indonesia empty-handed. Previously he sent his slave Richard Haas, head of the Council on Foreign Relations, to beg and threaten the Japanese imperial family and government for money.
根據我們的消息,他空手離開印尼G20會議後,接著前往日本執行乞討任務。此前,他派出對外關係委員會主任理查德·哈斯(Richard Haas)這個奴隸去乞討,威脅日本皇室和政府要錢。
When Haas failed and subsequently resigned from his post, Rockefeller's top agent Henry Kissinger arrived to threaten and beg. Kissinger ended up being poisoned by one of his many enemies, according to Japanese underground sources. Next Rockefeller's sister Hillary Clinton came to beg and threaten, according to Japanese military intelligence sources (It is amazing she is still alive and free despite the fact New York police have video evidence of her torturing two young girls to death).
Clinton got about $3 million worth of Japanese yen from the Japan Foundation but failed to get the trillions of dollars needed to keep the Rockefeller/Biden sh*t show going on, they said. The sources say this was the real Hillary who looked"old and very fat,"and not one of her many body doubles. So, finally, Rockefeller Jr. himself showed up and also left empty-handed.
The claim that Clinton is Rockefeller's sister, by the way, comes from Mossad and CIA sources so, if that is the case, one of the girls pictured below must be the young Hillary. Perhaps our readers could figure out which one.
The fact this writer was informed in detail of these Rockefeller movements in Japan is a clear sign they are losing control here. In some public signs the Asians are kicking out the entire Rockefeller show, North Korea's Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui publicly accused [Rockefeller slave] UN chief Antonio Guterres of being"a puppet of the United States."
本筆者詳細瞭解了洛克斐勒在日本的動向,這清楚地表明他們已失去權勢。在一些公開的跡象中,亞洲踢走了整個洛克斐勒馬戲團,朝鮮外交部長崔善輝公開指責(洛克斐勒傀儡)聯合國負責人安東尼奧·古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)是「美國的傀儡」。
Former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori, for his part, publicly accused Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky of causing suffering for his fellow citizens,
日本前首相森喜朗批澤倫斯基 引逾萬網友熱議
Anyway, it would have been easy to have Rockefeller killed when he was in Yokohama but doing that would only mean he would be replaced by another family member as the Babylonian God king. What is needed is for him to go public on trial for war crimes. He also needs to lose control of the fortune 500 companies, the UN etc.
The fact the G20 meeting in Bali last week issued a statement supporting the mark of the beast's digital ID linked to vaccinations with gene-altering substances is a sign most of the so-called leaders there are his slaves.
For example, here you can watch Indonesian Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadiki say:"Let's have a digital health certificate acknowledged by WHO… if you have been vaccinated or tested properly, then you can move around."
例如,在這裏可以看到印尼衛生部長布迪·薩迪基(Budi Gunadi Sadiki)說:「讓我們獲得世衛組織承認的數字健康證書…如果你已接種疫苗或進行了適當的測試,那麼就可以自由走動。」
Here is a picture of some of Rockefeller's top slaves in the West. The only one who has not been replaced by an avatar yet is Rishi Sunak of the UK. By the way, in a typical form of blackmail of in-the-closet homosexuals, Mossad sources say that Sunak is the lover of Justin Castro.
這裏是洛克斐勒在西方一些頂級奴隸的照片。唯一還沒有被化身取代的是英國首相里希·蘇納克(Rishi Sunak)。順便說一下,以一種典型的勒索同性戀者形式,摩薩德說蘇納克是杜魯道的情人。
Also, in a clear sign of control by bribery, take a look at avatar Justin Castrudeau's wealth compared to 2 years ago:$10m vs $385m now. On a salary of $371,600 per year.
This list from the recent G20 meeting shows part of what would be god-king Rockefeller is losing control of:
We thank international organizations, including the UN and its Specialised Agencies, World Bank Group, IMF, OECD, Asian Development Bank, ERIA, CEPI, European Investment Bank, GGGI, ICAO, IEA, IEF, IFAD, ILO, IRENA, FAO, FSB, Gavi, Global Fund, IAEA, Islamic Development Bank, ITU, Medicine Patent Pool, Sustainable Energy for All (SEforAll), OPEC, WEF, WFP, WHO, WTO, UNCCD, UNCTAD, UNDESA, UNDP, UNECE, UNESCAP, UNESCO, UNFCCC, UN Global Pulse, UN Habitat, UNICEF, UNIDO, UNOPS, UN Women, UNWTO and the G20 Engagement Groups (W20, L20, T20, S20, Y20, SAI20, P20, C20, B20, U20) for their valuable inputs and policy recommendations.
Since you see the World Economic Forum in the list, it turns out Klaus Schwab Rothschild is just a senior servant to Rockefeller,
This folks, is the Babylonian tyranny known as the"rules-based world order."Rockefeller Jr. was born to rule this nightmare created by John D. Rockefeller the 1st who is pictured below.
These are the people responsible for the spread of cancer-causing and sterilizing agents in so many daily products. That is why sperm counts worldwide have fallen by 62% over the past 50 years. Thanks to their poisons, cancer rates rose from one in 20 people at the turn of the twentieth century to one in two people now.
Their list of other crimes is so long that only a Nuremberg-style war crimes tribunal can bring it all to light.
To fight these people, military and intelligence agencies need to understand most so-called world politicians are just blackmailed and bribery-controlled slaves or, avatars of murdered politicians.
Russian FSB sources thought a lot of the world's problems had been solved when the actor pretending to be (the long dead) Joe Biden was killed at the G20 summit. However, subsequent CG appearances of"Joe Biden,"back in the US make it clear killing puppet actors changes nothing. It is necessary to go after the puppet masters.
Speaking about which, Rockefeller is now in the New York area of the United States and special forces need to hunt him down and take him to Guantanamo ASAP if the United States is to be liberated and Democracy restored.
Until he is removed, the economic implosion of the United States will continue. Since most of the world continues to refuse Rockefeller fiat dollars as payment, the US is running out of oil and many other vital commodities. To confirm this is true, note that Japan and China dumped a record $118 billion worth of US Treasuries in September.
兩大債主|中日齊減持美債 日本連沽三個月 中國持倉12年新低
Now, as this headline suggests, US logistics is grinding to a halt:
"Maritime, rail and trucking demand still falling into historically slow months,"
It will stop completely in the not-so-distant future when the strategic petroleum reserve is completely drained.
Also, in another sign Asia is cutting the US off, Gene Seroka, head of the Port of Los Angeles, says the Port of LA had the quietest October since 2009.
另外,在另一跡象中,亞洲在切斷美國的聯繫,洛杉磯港的負責人金·瑟羅卡(Gene Seroka)說,洛杉磯港有自2009年以來最安靜的10月。
Since the US Corporation was able to use its credit card until October 14th, November should be even more interesting. We tried to check the port webcam to see what is going on now but it has been"disabled."
These desperate criminals are now trying to plunder Africa to stay in business. According to the World Economic Forum, the continent will have to pay $2.8 trillion to meet its Paris Agreement commitments to cut emissions.
However, as Giorgia Meloni, member of the World Alliance for Freedom and Italian Prime Minister, notes, it is Paris that must pay for Africa, and not the other way around.
然而,正如世界自由聯盟成員、意大利總理喬治亞·梅洛尼(Giorgia Meloni)所指出的,必須為非洲付出代價的是巴黎,而不是相反。
"The reason Africans are poor is that the French rob people of their resources and force them to work for almost nothing. When African leaders want to end slavery and exploitation, the French send their mercenaries to murder her."
It is time for all of Africa to be liberated from the KM cabal and their puppets.
In any case, there are signs that the US has finally begun its second revolution. For example, we note that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has resigned. We also note that Republican politicians have launched investigations into the embezzlement of funds destined for Ukraine, the FBI's Gestapo-like behavior and, of course, the theft of the recent midterm elections.
佩洛西辭去眾議院議長職務 交棒新一代
We also note that President Donald Trump has announced that he is running for election. Many people in the truth movement thought this was a sign that Trump is a controlled opposition. Because they assumed it meant he was telling people to wait until 2024. However, Trump did not say 2024. According to our CIA sources, Trump will stand in an election scheduled for March 2023 after the current corrupt political class is deposed. Also, Trump used a gold-rimmed US flag in his appearance, suggesting he has military support. The flagpole also had an eagle on top, which only a President may use.
We also note the lawsuit filed in the Supreme Court indicting 388 members of Congress, Senate and the so-called Biden administration on treason, which carries the death penalty.
Because of the uniqueness of this case, the court has authority to impeach the defendants under 18 US Code § 2381, which states:"Whoever, in allegiance to the United States.., makes war against her or joins her enemies by. providing assistance and assistance to them within the United States or elsewhere is guilty of high treason and shall be punishable by death or imprisonment for a term not less than five years and a fine under that title not less than $10,000 and is unfit to hold office in clothe the United States.
So on Tuesday, Texas Gov. Greg Abbot tweeted,"I have invoked the invasion clauses of the US and Texas constitutions to authorize Texas to take unprecedented action to defend our state against invasion. I exercise that constitutional authority, as well as other powers and… Executive orders to keep our state and country safe."(See attached photo)
因此,星期二,德州長格雷格·阿博特(Greg Abbot)在推特上說:「我援引了美國和德州憲法中的入侵條款,授權德州採取前所未有的行動,保衛我們的州免受入侵。我行使這一憲法權力,以及其他權力和…行政命令,以保持我們州和國家的安全。」(見所附照片)
Hopefully he will send Texan troops to New York to help capture the Rockefellers etc.
We also note that American volunteers have arrived in Ukraine to fight with the Russians against the Satanists.
The rest of the world is also taking action, with Brazil leading the way. Since the massive fraud in the October 30 run-off election in Brazil, millions of Brazilians have taken to the streets to protest against the electoral fraud of the communist convicted criminal Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.
全球其他地方也採取行動,巴西走在前面。自從10月30日巴西第二輪選舉發生大規模舞弊以來,數百萬巴西人走上街頭,抗議共產黨的罪犯路易斯·達席爾瓦(Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva)選舉舞弊。
巴西總統連任失利 各地鐵粉示威抗議不認輸
Brazil is just the latest country to move away from this control web of fake elections, fake leaders, fake news, fake economic data, manipulated markets, etc.
Here's what a secret Space Force source had to say about the situation:
"On a collective level, it is a very old and dark energy that is being removed from the Earth. The source of that energy is now DEAD. The attacks and difficulties humanity faces today stem from minions and zombies who are with infected with this energy and still programmed to carry out their agenda."
Now let's take a look at some of the more esoteric happenings. First, watch this short video clip showing how Hollywood stars are cloned.
Our SSP source says:"They simply copied this video from satirical site The Onion – it was made 14 years ago… The point is that it's true and the KM puppet masters have been doing this since Hitler's rule. I'm sure you "ve seen the movie The Boys from Brazil It came out in 1978. I'm told that in the movie they showed the cloning process with 95% accuracy They revealed the truth for all to see (Mixed of course with a little BS)."
秘密太空部隊消息說:「他們從諷刺網站《洋蔥》上複製了這個影片;它是14年前製作的…重點是,這是真的,自希魔霸權統治以來,可薩傀儡主子一直在幹這種事。我相信你已看過1978年的電影《巴西男孩》(The Boys from Brazil)。我被告知,在電影中,他們展示了複製過程,準確率高達95%,他們揭示了真相,讓所有人都看到(當然,混合著一點BS)。」
Speaking of Brazil,"Over the past two weeks, Brazilian media and local netizens have repeatedly reported that unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have been sighted by civilian pilots and local civilians over the skies of the southern states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina , prompting attempts by warplanes to intercept them led by the Brazilian Air Force.
It's one of the thousands sightings worldwide in the last few months. Here are a few more.
1.Alien drone observes the launch of a rocket to the ISS
2.UAP hyperdrive
3.CN Tower Camera Toronto, captures offworld Plasma Drive Drone
4.Supernatural Spherical Drone Over Gainesville, Florida
Hopefully, this kind of technology will soon make airplanes obsolete as a means of travel for all of us.