It's Metaphysical Monday! As we continue our series on meditation tips, today we would like to discuss the importance of asking questions during your meditation.

This sounds like such a simple and obvious idea, but it's so easy to forget to do this! The reason why it's difficult to remember to do this is when we are in meditation we are in a shifted space and aren't always thinking logically. It makes sense to your linear brain to ask things, but meditation is much more heart-centred than brain-centred so you aren't as connected to the part of you that would think to ask questions.

If you are a meditator, you already know there are times where you will experience things that surprise you or make little sense when you first experience them. I remember one time a student in a class I was teaching came out of meditation and said she had seen a tornado with eyelashes in it and wanted to know what it meant. I had no idea! I encouraged her to go back into her meditation and ask and while I can't remember exactly what it meant for her, she did get an answer that made sense to her. While some symbolism has very specific meanings, you will often see things in meditation because they are pertinent to you and your journey. The way to figure it out is to ask.

Training yourself to remember to ask questions about your experiences as soon as something seems particularly confusing or mysterious will take your meditations to the next level. That is how you start moving down deeper paths of learning within your meditative state and having really profound experiences. So the next time something strange or interesting happens in your meditation, use that as a cue to ask questions. This is how you shift your meditations into being more interactive.

So what if you had an experience during your meditation and you realize after you have come out that you really should have asked about it? No problem! Go back into your meditation and ask. You can always send yourself right back to where you were when you had the experience. There are no missed opportunities when it comes to meditation.

The other thing I highly recommend to get the most out of your meditations is to write down any experiences that were particularly interesting to you. We always think we’ll remember but the reality is meditations are much like dreams. Unless something really profound happens, if we don't write them down right away they’ll be gone from our awareness by the end of the day.

Your meditation practice can become so much more than just a process of receiving and being at the mercy of whatever you get. You can shift into a wonderful practice of learning and exploring that supports your healing, growth, and expansion in so many ways. I hope our meditation tips over the past few weeks help you deepen your practice into something that is even more beneficial and joyful for you.



作者:Shelley Young
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