And that appears to be what is finally happening. Of course, we have all heard this story before, but there are many signs this time the long-awaited mass arrests really are happening. Various sources say the coronation of King Charles was the trigger event people were waiting for. Regardless of what you think of this unpopular King, he is the head of the Anglo-Saxon armed forces and he has promised to unleash a"vast military-style campaign,"His official inauguration was needed so military action against the cabal could be ordered, MI6 sources confirm.
Needless to say, if Charles turns out to be a Khazarian Mafia stooge, he will be killed by his own bodyguards, according to these sources. In what may have been a warning, the Grim Reaper walked by as Charles was crowned the new King of Great Britain.
查爾斯加冕儀式突有「死神」現身 詭異影片網路瘋傳
By the way, King Charles is a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam, as well as Vlad the Impaler (Dracula) according to Burke's Peerage,No matter what happens vis a vis King Charles though,"We are entering a period where a lot of people at the top of a lot of governments who have been pursuing policies that are antithetical to their people are going to be very worried about surviving in office,"says Colonel Douglas MacGregor
順帶一提,根據伯克貴族名錄,查爾斯國王是回教創始人穆罕默德的直系後裔,以及弗拉德·伊扎貝拉(Vlad the Impaler/德古拉伯爵)。但無論發生什麼事,關於查爾斯國王,道格拉斯·麥格雷爾上校(Colonel Douglas MacGregor)說:「我們在進入一個時期,在這個時期中,許多政府高層人士一直在推行與民意背道的政策,他們將非常擔心自己的職位安危。」
"Here in the United States, I do not expect a lot to change until the financial system implodes and the economy tanks. I think we are getting closer,"he adds.
MacGregor -who is close to US President Donald Trump- only got as far as Colonel because he was too smart and un-corruptible to be promoted to general. In the current decadent Pentagon system, the common saying"it is above your paygrade,"really means"you have not accepted a bribe so we cannot tell you."
In any case, the imminent financial implosion of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION clearly is forcing change through the system.
The biggest sign something is happening is the traitor Mark Milley resigning as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and being replaced by Gen. Charles"CQ"Brown Jr., the Air Force's current top officer.
最大的跡象是叛徒馬克米利(Mark Milley)辭去聯合參謀總長一職,由空軍現任最高官員查爾斯·布朗上將(Gen. Charles「CQ」Brown)取代。
"See Q"Brown was put in his current position by Commander In Chief Trump. At the time Trump said"Charles Q — I like that. Charles Q Brown, Jr. Charles was confirmed 98 to nothing! That makes me a little concerned. I’ve never heard that before."
「CQ」布朗(通『See Q』之意)是由總司令川普任命他現任的職位。當時川普說:「我喜歡CQ這個名字。98票全票確認!這讓我有點擔心。我以前從未聽說過這樣的事情。」
Now the Biden avatar has been ordered to put Charles Q in charge of all US armed forces.
All though news reports say this will happen in the summer, something has already started.
A CIA source says"Something happened in Washington DC Wednesday afternoon that I cannot talk about."That"something"according to a Pentagon General was"numerous stealth Blackhawks have landed at the White House. Think of certain high-level politicians being arrested."
Other sources, both Russian and US, would only say"they cannot confirm or deny"reports of arrests. In my experience, if nothing was happening these sources would say"nothing was happening"and not"no comment."
This huge increase in military aircraft flights is another sign some big military activity is underway both in the US and Europe.
There are other signs something may finally break the logjam in Washington DC. House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer has given the FBI until May 10th to produce documents related to human trafficking and other crimes by the fake President Joe Biden."You are looking at potential money laundering… He was essentially an unregistered foreign agent for China. Those are serious crimes. You got possible racketeering. The list goes on and on,"Comer says.
有進一步跡象顯示華盛頓特區的僵局終於打破。眾議院監督委員會主席詹姆士科默(James Comer)已給FBI設下了5月10日的截止日期,要求他們提交有關假總統拜登犯有人口販運和其他罪行的文件。科默表示:「你在處理可能的洗錢問題…他本質上是中國的未註冊外國代理人。這些都是嚴重罪行。可能還牽涉到勒索等問題,這個清單還可以繼續延伸。」
Readers of this newsletter are fully aware the original Biden is long gone but going after his avatar will flush out the Rockefellers and other higher-level criminals hiding behind his image.
There is also movement on the pedophile front. FBI Director Christopher Wray, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz have received subpoenas regarding their"failure to seriously investigate"Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell and their ring of pedophile VIPs.
在戀童癖方面也有進展。FBI局長克裡斯托弗·雷(Christopher Wray)、司法部長梅裡克·加蘭(Merrick Garland)和司法部檢察長麥可·霍羅威茨(Michael E. Horowitz)已收到傳票,因為他們未能認真調查人魔愛潑斯坦、吉斯蘭·麥克斯韋(Ghislaine Maxwell)和他們的孌童貴賓圈。
Other people being subpoenaed about the pedophile ring are Google co-founder Sergey Brin, former Disney executive Michael Ovitz, Hyatt Hotels executive chairman Thomas Pritzker, Mort Zuckerman, the billionaire real estate investor, and JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon.
與孌童販賣圈有關的其他被傳喚出庭者包括谷歌的聯合創始人謝爾蓋·布林(Sergey Brin)、前迪士尼高管麥可·奧維茲(Michael Ovitz)、凱悅酒店的CEO湯姆斯·普利茲克(Thomas Pritzker)、億萬富翁房地產投資者莫特·祖克曼(Mort Zuckerman)和摩根大通的CEO傑米戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)。
The dragnet is also closing in on former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, billionaire LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, Apollo Global Management co-founder Leon Black, Woody Allen and many others.
此外,調查員還瞄準了前財政部長勞倫斯·薩默斯(Lawrence Summers)、億萬富翁聯合創始人里德·霍夫曼(Reid Hoffman)、前以色列總理厄胡德·巴拉克(Ehud Barak)、阿波羅全球管理公司的聯合創始人李昂·布萊克(Leon Black)、伍迪艾倫(Woody Allen)和許多其他人。
While we and many others in the truth media have reported on all the criminals going to Epstein's pedophile island for years, the difference this time is that corporate media reports are talking about it. This is a sign that actual law enforcement action is imminent.
However, never underestimate the KM. Stephen Deckoff, founder of the private equity firm Black Diamond Capital Management, has just purchased the Epstein Islands for $60 million."Deckoff is a Zionist and Chabad member,"according to Mossad sources. This means it is a good bet he will be trying to bury evidence of child torture and human sacrifice that many witnesses say regularly took place on the island.
然而,永遠不要低估可薩暴徒。私募股權公司《Black Diamond Capital Management》創始人史蒂芬·德考夫(Stephen Deckoff)剛以6千萬美元買下了愛潑斯坦小島。摩薩德的消息來源說:「德考夫是一名猶太復國主義者和哈巴德會員。」這意味他很可能會試圖掩埋在島上經常發生的虐童和人類祭祀的證據,許多證人都這麼說。
However, the implosion of the financial system makes it likely the KM and their fronts will soon no longer have the money to buy their way out of trouble.
Even corporate news outlets are starting to report most US banks are insolvent. For example, the Telegraph, citing a group of banking experts, says almost half of the 4,800 banks in the US are"nearly insolvent."
"Let's not pretend that this is just about Silicon Valley Bank and First Republic,"Professor Amit Seru, a banking expert at Stanford University told the paper"A lot of the US banking system is potentially insolvent."
斯坦福大學的銀行業專家阿米特·塞魯教授(Professor Amit Seru)告訴該報說:「我們不應該假裝這只是矽谷銀行和第一共和國的問題。美國銀行體系的很大一部份都有可能破產。」
What is happening is that banks are pretending to be solvent by using an accounting trick that was common in Japan after their real estate bubble burst. This means keeping things on their books at the purchase price instead of the current price.
For example, if Charles Schwab reported its’ assets at market prices its’ capital would be $23 billion or half the $56 billion it reported in 2021. So in theory it would only be able to lend half of what it did in 2021 to keep it's capital adequacy ratio.
例如,如果查爾斯·施瓦布(Charles Schwab)以市場價格報告其資產,其資本金將是230億美元,即其2021年報告的560億美元的一半。因此從理論上講,施瓦布只能借出其2021年花費的一半來維持其資本充足率。
Multiply that by the entire $23 trillion banking system and you can see a historic implosion is inevitable.
No wonder depositors took out another $360 billion – at an accelerating rate – in the first three weeks of April alone, meaning total withdrawals are closing in on the $2 trillion mark.
Since the banks own the Federal Reserve Board -which owns the US CORPORATION- you can see the real reason Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says federal government could run out of money and default on debts as early as June 1.
財長葉倫示警:美債限問題 恐爆金融災難
This would lead to eight million job losses and a six percent plunge in GDP warns the President's Council of Economic Advisers.
This collapse is coming because, as Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan mistakenly said in 2011: “The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. So there is zero probability of default.”
“Defaulting on the national debt would pave the way for the reinstitution of sound, redeemable, commodity-based money.
道格凱西(Doug Casey)說:「國家債務違約將為恢復有價值、可償還、基於商品的貨幣鋪平道路。人們需要更多地關注真實財富而不是虛假的金融財富,關注實際工程而不是金融和社會工程。」
“The farms, factories, technologies, and the skills of the workers, will still exist. But on a sound foundation. And with some new owners,” he ads.
Bankrupting these criminals would also take away power from unelected technocrats like the Secretary-General of the UN, António Guterres. Below you can watch him tell the World Economic Forum politicians need to make unpopular decisions in order to shape public opinion. In other words, be a tyrant and work against the people until they fall in line.
讓這些罪犯破產也會從未經選舉的技術官僚手中奪取權力,例如聯合國秘書長安東尼奧·古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)。下面可以觀看他告訴WEF政客必須做出不受歡迎的決定,以塑造公眾輿論。換句話說,要成為暴君,對抗人民,直到他們屈服。
Now watch WEF top advisor Yuval Noah Harari, suggest the totalitarian restrictions implemented in response to the scamdemic, including stopping all flights and locking down entire countries, will make people “more open to radical ideas about how to deal with climate change.”
現在觀看WEF的頂級顧問尤瓦爾·哈拉利(Yuval Noah Harari),他建議為應對詐騙大流行實施的專制限制,包括停止所有航班和瘋鎖整個國家,將使人們"更加開放,接受如何應對氣候變化的激進思想"。
This is exactly what they tried to do with Covid 19 and it is now blowing up in their faces.
It prompted us to do a “Covid lawsuit” web search that came back with over 112 million links. A quick scan showed a legal feeding frenzy has just begun. You can be sure that it will lead to the bankruptcy of all the hospitals, pharmacidical companies and others involved in this entire scamdemic.
War crimes tribunals are also a certainty.
據中情局消息,第一個高調的逮捕已發生。CDC主任羅謝爾·瓦倫斯基(Rochelle Walensky)已被捕,將因反人類罪和企圖種族滅絕而在紐倫堡二審開審。
In Canada, expert witness Catherine Christensen rhetorically asked a tribunal:
在加拿大,專家證人凱瑟琳·克裡斯滕森(Catherine Christensen)在法庭上反問:
“How was Canada’s Prime Minister capable of mandating the COVID-19 injections when he has no authority or control over the Canadian forces?”
Plus this on Twitter:
Castrudeaus days are numbered for sure.
This comes as the Arab league mends its ties with Iran and brings Syria back into the fold.
Russia is helping by organizing talks between the Turkish and Syrian Presidents, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Bashar Assad with the Iranian foreign minister.
The Russians are also finally figuring out the UN is a Rockefeller-owned private corporation and not an actual world organization. Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said “We are witnessing a certain degradation of trust in the organization, which is called to represent interests of all member states, to be an example of impartiality and integrity, and its employees must act in strict compliance with Article 100 of the United Nations Charter.”
俄羅斯終於也意識到聯合國是洛克斐勒私有的公司,而不是真正的世界組織。俄常駐聯合國代表瓦西裡·涅本贊亞(Vasily Nebenzya)表示「我們目睹了對這個組織的信任的某種退化,它被稱為代表所有成員國的利益,成為公正和正直的典範,其員工必須嚴格按照《聯合國憲章》第100條的規定行事。」
俄外交部女發言人瑪麗亞·扎哈羅娃(Maria Zakharova)雖然沒提到拜登在人口販運中的角色,但表示"基輔政權已證實拜登的行政當局是恐怖主義的贊助者"。
Also, why doesn’t the UN talk about reports from Polish farmers who say animals die after eating fodder with Ukrainian grain? That is why some countries prohibit the import of Ukrainian flour while across the EU stores remove and burn the flour. In Poland, farmers block roads so that companies of unknown origin do not import poisoned chemicals and untested products, the Polish sources say.
The West and Russia will eventually sit down to discuss their differences, but this dialogue should be held not with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky but with those using him as a stooge, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said for his part.
Speaking about BlackRock. Did you know Blackrock made brain chips? Of course, they would…
Also, check out these patents. One is for “Interfaces for syringe-injectable electronics Interfaces for syringe-injected electronics.”
此外,請查看這些專利。其中一個是針頭注射式電子設備的介面專利《Interfaces for syringe-injectable electronics Interfaces for syringe-injected electronics》(可注射電子元件的介面技術)。
The other is for “Method and apparatus for inducing desired states of consciousness.”
另一個是《Method and apparatus for inducing desired states of consciousness》(誘導期望意識狀態的方法和裝置)的專利。 GWEN Towers – US5356368A
So it is clear somebody or some group really is trying to turn us into remote-controlled automatons. The question is who? Many claim the ultimate control goes beyond people like the Rockefellers.
This brings us to the topic of potential alien interference in our affairs.
在這方面,俄著名將領尼古拉·安托什金上將(Gen. Nikolai T. Antoshkin)表示,更先進的文明正在關注地球,以確保我們不會完全毀滅地球。他還強調,在「不穩定」的設施附近經常觀察到不明飛行物體,包括核武器和化學武器設施。
This brings us to truly bizarre happenings at the Kremlin last week.
First, GPS failures affected all services and devices in general, from navigation apps to fitness trackers in Moscow for reasons the Russian government could not explain.
Then an FSB source -who we have known for years and who never once talked about UFOs or aliens- sent us the following photograph of a giant triangular object that appeared above the Kremlin.
We told them we thought it was a hologram but our secret space force sources assure us it was not.
1. 這是否真的幽浮,請自行判斷。
2. UFO over Seattle, Washington USA 03-03-23
2. 2023年3月3日,西雅圖上空的幽浮。
3. UFOS over Atlanta, USA June 4, 2012
3. 2012年6月4日,亞特蘭大上空的幽浮。
4. Ebani worm, an intelligent life form
4. 《Ebani》(伊巴尼)蠕蟲,一種智能生命體。
5. Ancient wall paintings.
5. 古代壁畫。
Maybe the bankruptcy of the US CORPORATION will bring all this out. We shall see.