Dear Ones, there is not a single person on the planet that had a truly fulfilling, joyful lifetime giving up on their own likes and preferences and choosing another path to please another. While your intentions may be noble, you will invariably become more and more uncomfortable until you won't be able to stay in that role one moment longer. The discomfort simply exists to get you to move out of what doesn't honour you into the discovery of what does.
To deny yourself and your truest desires and yearnings is to deny your purpose on the planet, because you came in with those wants and interests as a built in GPS of sorts to help you find your path. There is only one you on the planet that will hold your unique vibration combined with your special talents! No one else can take that place or fill that role.
We understand you may feel pressure to be a certain way to fit in, but your uniqueness blazes trails for others to follow. It also gives others the courage to follow their own paths. It might help to think of it this way. Denying your truth to please a few others is a great disservice because you are choosing to appease a few who will probably never truly understand or appreciate your sacrifice over the many you would help and inspire and serve just by being truly you. It is time to have the courage to step fully into your sacred role and purpose of being true to you and the calling of your heart because that is what the world has been waiting for all along.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
翻譯: Nick-Chan
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