
There is an interesting phenomena we observe in some enlightening human beings. They profess to want something, yet they continue on in their old ways and habits that don't support the very changes they say they want. So, they may speak of wanting to be a healer, yet never take the course that would give them the skills. Or they spout spirituality to others yet are "too busy' to practice themselves. Perhaps they talk at length about how people should treat others, then angrily react when a situation doesn't go their way. Many, many humans understand that a certain activity in no way honours them, yet they continue to do it, expecting a different result.

It is wonderful that those ideas and seeds exist and are wanting to bloom within you, but you must water those seeds and create the environment for them to take hold! Are your actions matching your intentions? In what ways are you continuing behaviours that hold you back? It is the ego self that sabotages your growth in this way. (Shelley's note:The ego is never meant to be eradicated but rather reassured that it is important and included wherever you go and loved forward under the guidance of your inner wise one. It is the operating system of the human being, so it is necessary. You just don't want it to be in charge all the time!)

Dear Ones, you have worked so hard to get to this amazing and unprecedented moment in time. Why not finally throw out those old blocks and outmoded habits once and for all and take full advantage of the opportunities that abound for you, right now, to step fully into who you really are here to be? It is time.



傳訊:Shelley Young






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