If this doesn't make your blood boil, I don't know what will. A high-level government official (this person has been alone in the room with US Presidents and Israeli Prime Ministers) has given us very detailed and actionable intelligence on child torture facilities located across the US, the UK and elsewhere. It includes the names and addresses of the torturers, the names of the tortured children and the exact location of the torture centers.

The first PDF file contains the names of 540 children who are still being tortured daily. The second one contains the names of 400 children who were tortured to death. If you find your missing child's name on the list, we promise we will leave no stone unturned to either rescue or get justice for your child. This is possible because the files contain the names and home addresses of 456 「adrenochrome harvesters,」 the euphemism they use for child torturers.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-2-5 每週快訊

【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-2-5 每週快訊


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-2-5 每週快訊

【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-2-5 每週快訊

【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-2-5 每週快訊

【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-2-5 每週快訊


The full PDF files can be downloaded below.

Military Detention Minors Adrenochrome List 040820202


Here is a typical entry:

Name:Anthony Christen
姓名:安東尼·克裡斯滕(Anthony Christen)



Custody months:25

Adrenachrome quality:A++

Custody Location:ARNG

Daily quota:11


Inmate ID:16091209-4349

The children being tortured at these facilities are from Canada, the United States, Mexico and Costa Rica.

This is actionable intelligence. Please print out copies of these files to make sure they cannot be erased digitally. If you are in law enforcement or the military, take the file to your commanding officer and demand that they take it up the chain of command for immediate action. If you are an ordinary citizen, take the file to your local law enforcement and ask that they look into this. Many of the children are still alive and can be saved. If you encounter someone in the chain of command who tries to stop any action, arrest them for obstruction of justice. If they resist arrest, use necessary force.

The Khazarian Mafia controls us by controlling the top ranks. However, they only control a tiny percentage of people. That means bottom-up pressure can remove this human pus in the same way as squeezing a pimple does. That is what pursuing this case can accomplish. We must all do our part.

Here in Japan, I will go to the local Tokyo government office to arrest an official by the name of Kenjiro Ogi. Ogi threatened to freeze my bank accounts and seize my money unless I paid for vaccines that have been proven to be toxic. I have video evidence of this. In a sign Ogi has high-level backing, the original recording I had was deleted remotely from my iPhone. Fortunately, I made a copy. So what will do is go and make a citizen's arrest of Ogi at his office. I will ask for the police to come and arrest him for being part of an organized crime gang engaged in mass murder. If the police refuse to take action, I will explain to them that since he is part of a group that is actively trying to kill me, my family and my friends, I am legally entitled to charge him with murder.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-2-5 每週快訊

【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-2-5 每週快訊

The idea of going after Ogi is that it will flush out his boss Tokyo Governor Koike Yuriko. That in turn will flush out her handler, the fake US Ambassador Rahm Emanuel. That in turn will flush out his Rockefeller, Rothschild, Agnelli etc. bosses. By doing this I will force the US military stationed in Japan to make a choice, either be on the side of the people or be on the side of child torturers and mass murderers.
If we all do something similar, we can end this NOW.
逮捕小木的想法是要揪出他的上司,東京都知事小池百合子。這反過來又會揪出她的操縱者,假美國大使伊曼紐爾(Rahm Emanuel)。這又會揪出他的洛克菲勒、羅斯柴爾德、阿涅利等大咖。通過這樣做,我將迫使駐日美軍做出選擇,要麼站在人民一邊,要麼站在兒童虐待者和大規模殺人犯一邊。如果大家都來做類似的事情,現在就可以結束這一切。

The trail will lead to the owners of the Federal Reserve Board. As the chart below shows the US dollar is worth 1/25th of what it was before they stole the control of money from the elected representatives of the people. In other words, they stole 96% of the American people's wealth via central bank fraud.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-2-5 每週快訊

Now lets name a high-ranking child torturer who is a high-ranking official in the current fake Joe Biden administration, John Podesata Rockefeller. These are some of the paintings he displays in his home.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-2-5 每週快訊

He is now Bidens "Climate Czar." This means his job is to bankrupt farmers to ensure we all depend on the food supply controlled by him and his Khazarian mafia cronies.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-2-5 每週快訊


Another child tormentor is Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller. Meta CEO Zuckerberg was in the news last week when he apologized to the families of victims affected by child sexual exploitation on Facebook and Instagram.

https://www.mediaite.com/tv/mark-zuckerberg-stands-up-and-apologizes-to-families-in-dramatic-moment-at-senate-hearing-on-child-safety-im-sorry- for-everything

"Mr. Zuckerberg, you and the companies before us… have blood on your hands. You have a product that kills people," said Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-SC ).

Senator Ted Cruz then shocked the audience when he questioned Zuckerberg about Meta-run Instagram, which links pedophiles to child sexual exploitation material - with the company even labeling certain content and then allowing people to continue accessing it.
後來,參議員克魯茲(Ted Cruz)在質詢中令觀眾震驚,他問到由元宇宙營運的Instagram,該平台將恐童者與兒童性剝削材料聯繫起來,甚至還標註某些內容,然後允許人繼續訪問。


The real question is why Mark Zuckerberg still Rockefeller has control over Meta when it was American taxpayers who made its existence possible. And why wasnt he arrested for torturing children to death to obtain adrenochrome?

Heres what Zuckerberg himself had to say:

Although many people find participating in and watching sexual conventions pleasurable and fulfilling, I sometimes find it difficult to observe the subsequent withdrawal of adrenochrome from the smaller participants, as in the photo can be seen below. However, taking adrenochrome is one of the most enjoyable human activities I have ever participated in.

He has tried very hard to eliminate this from the Internet, but too many of us have printouts for this to be possible.

By the way, Zuckerberg made $28 billion last week alone when his familys private "Federal Reserve" printed money to buy shares in companies they own.


Heres what his uncle John Podesta Rockefeller owns.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-2-5 每週快訊

Other members of this family control most of the Fortune 500. They didnt earn it, they stole it.

The question is:Why are these people still in power, let alone still alive? If we were to follow the biblical justice of 「an eye for an eye,」 then their entire extended families should be tortured to death over a period of many months. Since we are more civilized, a war crimes tribunal followed by hanging is the more appropriate response.

Justice also requires that the Feds families be forced to make amends.

The following three charts illustrate how the top 1% steals from the bottom 99% to this day. The final chart shows that theft by the top 0.1% is even worse.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-2-5 每週快訊

【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-2-5 每週快訊

【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-2-5 每週快訊


"Credit, with a near-zero interest rate, was distributed asymmetrically; only the wealthy few had access to the open tap of free money," explains analyst Charles Hugh Smith. The rest of us "were paying much higher interest rates than corporations, banks and financiers," he says.
分析師史密斯(Charles Hugh Smith)解釋說:「信貸利率幾乎為零,但分配是不對稱的;只有少數富有的人才能接觸到『免費貨幣』的開放水龍頭。」他表示,其他人「付出了比企業、銀行和金融家高得多的利率。」

While Americans are getting poorer, the government is acting as if that isnt the case. For example, in its last employment report, it claimed that everyones hourly wages had risen sharply, even though it turned out that it had used a statistical trick by drastically reducing the number of estimated hours everyone worked. Incidentally, most of the reported part-time jobs went to illegal immigrants, not Americans.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-2-5 每週快訊


People are responding by withdrawing their money from Fed-controlled banks. In the last week alone, the ongoing bank run led to a domestic deposit exodus of $160 billion. The Fed responded by cooking the books and pretending it was "only" a tiny $458 million decline in domestic deposits. They must falsify the books to avoid bankruptcy. Bankruptcy would be followed by nationalization. This would be good news for the average American.

A Swiss study shows that 90% of transnational corporations are controlled by 700 people. These 700 in turn report to the Politburo of the Swiss-based Octagon Group. The companies they control must be temporarily nationalized before share ownership is returned to the people from whom it was stolen.

For example, in the US, dividing the current total market capitalization of $50 trillion by the US population of 331 million results in every American being entitled to $151,000. Doing similar calculations with real estate, each American would receive property worth $212,000. In other words, if we had an anniversary tomorrow, every man, woman and child would receive $363,000.

Similar calculations can be made for other countries. Remember, this is not socialism, but the return of stolen property to its rightful owners. This is what taking back America really means.

As things stand, the theft of the peoples money by central bank fraudsters is leading to a real peasant revolt in Europe.


Farmers in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Belgium, Ireland, Romania, Spain, Portugal, Italy and other European countries are protesting against the KM. They block major transportation networks with tractors and literally pour bull (and cow) shit on government buildings.
法國、德國、荷蘭、波蘭、比利時、愛爾蘭、羅馬尼亞、西班牙、葡萄牙、義大利和其他歐洲國家的農民正在抗議可薩黑手黨。 他們用拖拉機封鎖主要交通網絡,並在政府建築物上實際倒灌牛糞便。



In the following video, a Dutch farmer speaks for many when he says:"Weve talked enough. Were done with these fake problems created by you politicians. Youre trying to destroy farmers all over Europe, but exactly how the farmers in Brussels today, we will defend ourselves!"


Farmers are angered by, among other things, high energy prices, regulations designed to bankrupt them and a flood of underpriced, toxic-laden grain from Ukraine.


This is part of a conscious KM policy aimed at creating a food crisis by excluding farmers be forced out of business. The KM controls most of the farmland in Ukraine (after driving out the Ukrainians) through their fronts like BlackRock and Vanguard.


The KM also systematically destroys food processing companies. This map shows all food processing plants that either caught fire or were destroyed.
可薩黑手黨還有系統地摧毀食品加工公司。 這張地圖顯示了所有著火或被摧毀的食品加工廠。


The idea is to establish a total dictatorship by controlling access to food for everyone.

When this report was published, the French government gave in to farmers demands. French farmers may have been temporarily bought off, but this is about more than just farmers.

As is now well known, the KM have also spread bioweapons in an attempt to force everyone to acquire digital IDs. The idea is to turn the world into a giant animal farm where the sheep must take DNA-altering vaccines and submit to total control in exchange for access to food. Under this system, people with "low social credit scores" would be killed with toxic vaccines.

Slovakias Prime Minister Robert Fico told parliament:"The previous governments have completely failed on COVID-19 and suffered 24,000 deaths, while apparently making a lot of money from the unnecessary purchase of various medical equipment and vaccines." His government is now launching an official investigation.
斯洛伐克總理菲科(Robert Fico)告訴議會說:「以前的政府在新冠方面完全失敗了,造成了2.4萬人死亡,同時顯然從購買各種不必要的醫療設備和疫苗中獲得了很多利益。」他的政府現在正展開官方調查。

What applies to Slovakia also applies to other countries controlled by the 「rules-based world order」. "Weve all heard about this rules-based world order. Whose rules? Who are we kidding? The rules-based order is a joke, its worse than hypocritical, its criminal," said 5-star General Douglas MacGregor.
斯洛伐克的情況也適用於其他受「基於規則的世界秩序」控制的國家。五星上將道格拉斯(General Douglas MacGregor)說:「我們都聽過這個基於規則的世界秩序。誰的規則?我們在騙誰?基於規則的秩序是個笑話,比虛偽更糟,它是犯罪的。」

By the way, one sign that Canada is fighting back is that the government is being forced to compensate Canadians whose bank accounts were frozen or who were injured during the emergency law. If you are a victim, send an email:injured.by.emergencies.act@gmail.com


Castrudeau will also likely be charged with the murders of Barry and Honey Sherman.
杜魯道也可能會被控告巴裡(Barry)和謝爾曼(Honey Sherman)的謀殺案。


In England, Crime Minister Rishi Sunak has just been passed his own death sentence by lying under oath in Parliament that the vaccines were safe. This is despite British health authorities and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) saying:「COVID-19 vaccines can cause heart inflammation and severe allergic shock.」


In other words, Sunak broke his oath of office to protect mass murderers. That makes him a war criminal.


WHO terrorism chief Tedros says the pandemic treaty is "mission critical" and calls on young people to raise their voices "to counter the lies that undermine the deal."


The KM "is really scared because they know they will be backed into a corner and their ship will sink," said a Mossad source.

The rest of the world knows that its game over for the KM. 「The current US administration is on its last legs, and we do not have much confidence in its ability to solve the current problems.」 Lu Xiang, a research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, expresses the official opinion of the Chinese government.


The KMs attempts to start World War III with genocide in Gaza to get out of prison also failed.

Israeli media Channel 13 now openly admits that Israeli officials fabricated Hamas atrocity propaganda about mass killings and baking of babies on October 7 to drum up support for Israels war in Gaza.


"The world public is witnessing the moral decay and collapse of the West in the Gaza Strip," writes Iranian Foreign Ministry Nasser Kanani
伊朗外交部長卡納尼(Nasser Kanani)寫道:「世界公眾在目睹西方在加薩地帶的道德墮落和崩潰。」

https://www.presstv.ir/Detail /2024/01/31/719233/World-public-opinion-witnessing-moral-decline,-collapse-of-West-in-Gaza-Iranian-FM-spokesman

Evidence of this moral decline is the reaction of the Israeli government, when the International Court of Justice called on them to "take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of essential services and urgently needed humanitarian assistance" to Jews living in the Gaza Strip. Their response was to expel the only people capable of doing so, namely the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), by expelling 12 people, or 0.09% of UNRWA staff in Gaza , accused of terrorism.


Another sign of the KMs failure in the Middle East can be seen in this news:

Problem:"The Iraqi Parliament issued a statement on January 31st condemning the called for the sale of oil in currencies other than the US dollar."


Response:"Several long-range bombers and drones hit 85 targets in Iraq and 125 in Syria within 30 minutes Bombs hit."



"The area targeted by the American strikes in eastern Syria is the same area where the Syrian Arab Army is fighting against the remnants of the terrorist organization Daesh, and this confirms that the United States and its military forces are involved and allied with this organization and are working to revive them as their field arm by all dirty means, whether in Syria or elsewhere in Iraq," the Syrian Defense Ministry said.


Result:"China is poised to gain further control over Iraqs important southern to take over oil reserves."


Oops, opposite of intended result.

The war in Ukraine is also now coming to an end, although EU leaders have promised to funnel another 50 billion euros through Ukraine. If you want to see a real report that names specific names and details how Ukrainian "aid" is laundered by intelligence agencies, please read the article linked below.



It is now proven that the Ukrainians used a US Patriot missile to kill 64 of their own Killing soldiers in a failed attempt to discredit Russia. Even the French military agrees with this conclusion.


KM Satanist Victoria Nuland has apparently fled to Kiev to avoid arrest in the US, according to CIA sources. Elizabeth Rosenberg, one of the main people responsible for US sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine conflict, is leaving the US Treasury Department and moving to the private sector. The rats are abandoning the sinking ship of the state.
據中情局消息透露,可薩撒旦教徒努蘭(Victoria Nuland)很可能已逃往基輔以避免在美被捕。羅森伯格(Elizabeth Rosenberg)是美對俄因烏衝突實施制裁的主要負責人之一,她離開美財政部,轉向私營部。老鼠正在逃離沉沒的國家船。

The other major failure is the attempt to use illegal immigrants to start a civil war. The KMs attempt to stage a border caravan as a patriot trap version 2.0 for January 6th only seems to have attracted FBI provocateurs. The real patriots simply did their job and closed the border from Texas to California.

As this second HBO Civil War program from 1997 appears to show, this plan appears to have been made decades ago.


Elon Musk says Biden wants to bring as many illegals into the country as possible to legalize them and create a permanent majority - a one-party state."

https://www.foxnews.com/us/musk-biden-opened-border- floodgates-democrats-can-stay-power

The result is that Texas and 27 other states are now declaring their independence from the KM-controlled Fed by issuing currencies backed by gold and silver. They are also trying to join the international BRICS Alliance, according to Pentagon sources.

The head of KM Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, is close to being indicted for treason.
可薩國安部長亞歷馬約爾卡斯(Alejandro Mayorkas)即將因叛國罪而被起訴。


Another person about to be sidelined is Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, the puppet master behind the rubber-masked fake "Pope Francis." Fernandez heads the Vaticans Doctrinal Office, historically known as the Inquisition. He was accused of deviating from tradition and even practicing heresy.
另一個即將被邊緣化的人是費南德斯(Victor Manuel Fernandez),這名背後操縱著戴橡皮面具的假「方濟各教宗」的人。費南德斯是梵蒂岡的教條部門負責人,歷史上被稱為宗教裁判所。他被指控偏離傳統,甚至在實踐異端邪說。

This is an example of how the Catholic Church has been infiltrated by Satanists. African and Latin American clergy have already rebelled against him. Now a group of 90 Catholic clergy, academics and authors have published a joint letter to "all cardinals and bishops of the Catholic Church" calling on them to oppose a Vatican document approved by Pope Francis that bans priests for the first time the blessing of same-sex partnerships is permitted.


Lets see how long the fake Joe Biden and the mass-murdering Benyamin Netanyahu will be around. If all goes well, they will be gone by March.

And finally, this week, even though it has nothing to do with geopolitics, this video about how cold it is in Canada now is so cool that I had to share it.













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