Before we start our report we have an update from last week. A former US Marines Special Forces officer and Apache warrior by the name of William Twofeather was given the information on the child torture facilities reported on. Now we hear:
在開始報導之前,我們有一則來自上週的更新。一名前美國海軍陸戰特種部隊軍官,叫William Twofeather的阿帕契土著戰士獲得了關於兒童虐待設施的信息。現在我們聽到這樣的消息:

These criminals were taken out by a joint forces initiative organized by Tribal Police and deputized Village Police Officers in concert with local Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) in California. They took no prisoners.

When a facility like this goes down, everyone in the facility is killed, except, of course, any children that can be saved. You could be a girlfriend of one of the men hired to do this crime, or a custodian mopping up the bathroom. It doesn't matter. You will be shot dead as a willing accomplice to a capital crime.

So that's what happened in California. The Native Tribal Police got wind of this and forced action.

We are also being told the people behind these crimes are not military but rather 「Defense Contractors operating out of New York, but being administered out of Annapolis, Maryland, and using military rank designations for personnel employed.」

The hunt for these murderers will continue until every last one of them is removed from this earth. Ok so now here is this week's report:

Death of King Charles, Biden implosion and Putin interview all point to regime change in the West.There can be no doubt now that regime change is happening in the Western world. The signs of this include the death of 「King Charles,」 the implosion of Joe Biden, the removal (again) of the US Defense Secretary and the big Putin interview. The peasant revolt by farmers all across Europe and -now spreading to places like Canada and India- are other signs of this. We are also getting preliminary reports from Polish intelligence that many Khazarian mafia leaders, including Ach-Satanist Victoria Nuland, were killed in a missile attack after they fled to Ukraine last week.
查爾斯國王之死、拜登政府的崩潰以及普丁的採訪,毫無疑問,西方世界正在發生政權更迭。這些跡象包括「查爾斯國王」的逝世、拜登的自我崩潰、美國防部長的再次更換以及普丁的重要採訪。歐洲各地農民的起義,現在已擴散到加拿大和印度等地,也是這一政權變革的其他跡象。我們還從波蘭情報得到初步報告,上週逃到烏克蘭的許多可薩領袖包括阿克撒坦主義者努蘭(Victoria Nuland),在一次飛彈襲擊中被殺。

Let us start with the announcement that 「King Charles」 has cancer. Royal family sources tell us he was already dead at the time of his inauguration. This was staged a satanic six months, six weeks and six days after the murder of Queen Elizabeth to help turn British public opinion against him. A formal announcement of his death is expected soon. The sources say. Princess Anne will become the de facto British monarch afterwards by acting as regent for Prince Williams's 10-year-old son George. Anne is a good person who has been working with the white hats for quite some time now.



Now let us look at the controlled demolition of the fake Biden presidency. Special counsel Robert Hur has declined to prosecute President Joe Biden in part because he was an 「elderly man with a poor memory.」 In other words, Hur said Biden was mentally unfit to face trial. That puts the so-called leader of the Western world below the dumbest and most mentally defective person in the entire US prison system. This actually might be true if you look at all of his gaffes. Just last week he said he talked to the dead French President Francois Mitterand and the dead German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. He also called Egyptian President Sisi the President of Mexico.
現在讓我們看看假總統拜登任期被控制性地解體。特別檢察官Robert Hur拒絕起訴拜登的部份原因是他是「記憶力不佳的老年人」。換句話說,胡爾表示拜登精神不適合接受審判。這將把所謂的西方世界領袖置於美監獄系統中最愚蠢、最精神有缺陷的人之下。如果你看看他所有的失言,這其實可能是真的。就在上週,他說和已故的法國總統密特朗(Francois Mitterand)和已故的德國總理科爾(Helmut Kohl)交談過。他還把埃及總統西斯尼稱為墨西哥總統


拜登一週內兩度口誤 搞混在世與已故歐洲領袖之名

拜登才剛自稱「記憶力很好」 又錯將埃及總統稱墨西哥總統

Stephen Miller, former White House senior adviser says:「It is a very low bar to be ruled mentally fit for trial… That very low bar… the President of the United States does not meet… He went on T.V. live tonight and talked about opening up humanitarian gateways from Mexico to the Gaza Strip.」
前白宮高級顧問斯蒂芬米勒(Stephen Miller)表示:「能夠進行審判的心智能力要求非常低…那種非常低的標準…美國總統未達到…他今晚在電視上直播,談論開放從墨西哥到加薩走廊。」

Next, look at a VERY confused Joe Biden absolutely SCREAMING as he recounts the recycled 「suckers and losers」 hoax — slurring the entire way.

Here are some other videos showing the extreme state of his mental decay.

Actually, since the real Biden was executed in 2021 it shows the decay of the actors hired to act his role. Either that or the actors are being told to act senile to deliberately undermine the credibility of the entire Biden presidential farce. Either way, it is clearly the end game for the Biden show.

Now let us look at the Tucker Carlson interview of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The interview was watched over 150 million times on X (formerly known as Twitter). X is owned by Elon Musk who, according to the Russian FSB, works for the US military's National Reconnaissance Office. Our senior CIA sources also tell us US Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump was in Russia at the time of the interview.

There can be no doubt the Putin interview was meant to undermine years of intense anti-Russian propaganda in the West. This means the US military and Russia have agreed to form an alliance. Now Russia's Tass news agency reports several dozen news agencies around the world want to interview Putin, making it clear the campaign to demonize Russia is ending.

However, the story of the elephant in the room that no one is allowed to talk about definitely applied to this interview. Putin and Tucker avoided talking about Khazaria and the Khazarian mafia, against whom they are now effectively allied. However, there were many hints. Putin said that the [Khazar] "Bolsheviks founded Soviet Ukraine, which never existed before" and "for some inexplicable reason, Lenin, the founder of the Soviet state, insisted that they had the right to withdraw from the USSR. " He also said:"FOR UNKNOWN REASONS the Bolsheviks were busy with Ukrainization."

Since Putin began his interview with a mention of the kings who destroyed the Khazar Empire and turned Russia into a Christian state, it is clear that he was deliberately dancing around the KM elephant. However, he said that Ukraines current rulers "deify people who exterminated Poles, Jews and Russians." If we are generous, we can assume that he did not want to give the KM an excuse to accuse him of "anti-Semitism". However, there is no doubt that Putins people have left enough clues to figure out that Russia is fighting a centuries-old plot to establish a greater Khazaria.

Here is a good satirical video of the interview for your entertainment.

The other important point is that Putin confirms that he has reached an agreement with George Bush Sr. to jointly develop missile technology whose only possible target would be China. Putin says this plan was sabotaged by the KM rulers in the US, who wanted to transform the USSR into "several quasi-state entities and subjugate them in a divided form in order to use their combined potential for the future struggle with China."

During the interview, Putin handed Carlson a folder of documents. This is the only way to pass on secrets because everything digital is compromised.

Our own FSB sources confirm that the real goal of Russias war in Ukraine is to defeat the Federal Reserve Board and its KM owners such as the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.

Additionally, as noted above, Polish intelligence says a rocket attack last week killed "high-ranking German military generals" and other officials. Since Victoria Nuland, the real president of Ukraine, was there at the time, we can speculate that she was eliminated in a joint operation by the US White Hats and the Russian military. The time will tell.

To understand what the US military really thinks about the Ukrainian government, listen to what five-star general (as far as this newsletter is concerned) Douglas McGregor says:"[Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky is a former Actor who played transvestites… was picked up by an oligarch named Kolomoyski… who finances the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion… and was approved by Victoria Nuland…"

Nuland. Hopefully this mass murderer has now ended up in hell where she belongs.

Trump has also publicly spoken out against mass-murdering Israeli Crime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. Listen to some of his comments about Netanyahu in the video below.

Netanyahu is a dead man. World leaders, including the president of Turkey and the head of the UN, have accused him of Nazi-style war crimes.

Saudi Arabia, Egypt and all Middle Eastern countries are taking action against Netanyahus satanic actions. The world is finally waking up and realizing that Israel was created by the Nazis.

Speaking of Nazis:Argentine President Javier Milei showed up in Israel to show the world who his real masters are:the Khazarian mafia. He may have fled to Israel for protection after Argentine Christians discovered he was a satanic murderer.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-2-12 每週快訊

【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-2-12 每週快訊

In any case, Trump is the leader of the campaign. Take a look at the huge crowd chanting "USA" waiting for President Trumps arrival at a rally in Conway, South Carolina.

"This is the overflow crowd for Donald Trump in Nikki Haleys home state…Nikki is burned," comments a Pentagon source.
五角大廈消息評論道:「這是川普在海莉(Nikki Haley)家鄉的人潮湧動…海莉氣炸了。」

"Nikki may have started her career in South Carolina, but now she is 100% the candidate of Wall Street and the war machine." - President Trump told the crowd in Conway, South Carolina.

Trump has made it very clear that he believes Barack Hussein Obama is the real power behind the Biden shenanigans and is promising to end them. To confirm this, you can see Nancy Pelosi and Biden admitting that Obama is running the show in the videos below. So Obama, the man behind the major transgender push and the border chaos, is being brought down by Trump.

This will almost certainly happen before November. The U.S. government-run Epoch Times published the following headline:"Mail-In Ballot Fraud Study Finds Trump Almost Certainly Won in 2020," showing that there will soon be a transition of power.





川普競選顧問:不徹查舞弊 選舉將被永遠改變

However, we need to see Hillary Clinton Rockefeller, Barack Hussein Obama Hitler, etc. being led in handcuffs in front of the cameras to confirm this.

But the dominoes are definitely falling:Senator Mitch McConnell has announced his resignation.
骨牌肯定在倒下:參議員麥康奈爾(Mitch McConnell)已宣佈辭職。

Now Congressman Mike Gallagher, who was among the Republicans who voted against the impeachment of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, has also been asked to resign.
現在,參與投票反對彈劾國安部部長馬約卡斯(Alejandro Mayorkas)的共和黨眾議員加拉格爾(Mike Gallagher)也被要求辭職。,Republicans% 20to%20impeach%20Homeland%20Security%20Secretary%20Alejandro%20Mayorkas

As mentioned above, the late "Secretary of Defense" Lloyd Austin is back in the hospital. "He will only be seen as a CGI or double," say CIA sources. This time, the KM-MSM may officially announce that he "unfortunately passed away due to complications," the sources said.

Meanwhile, in Hungary, President Katalin Novak resigned amid public outrage over the pardon of a man convicted as an accomplice in a child sex abuse case.
與此同時,在匈牙利,因赦免一名被定罪為兒童性虐待案同謀的男子而引起公憤,總統諾瓦克(Katalin Novak)辭職。


特赦兒童性侵犯引爆民怨 匈牙利總統宣布辭職

We also see crowds booing Satanist politicians when they appear in public. In the video below you can see a Killary Clinton actress wearing a rubber mask (note the obvious seam on her neck) being called a war criminal.

Next youll see Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock getting booed in Las Vegas. As the crowd boos The Rock, they chant "Maui Maui Maui." Its a good bet he got his rocks on some of the Adrenochromes tortured out of the 500 missing Maui children.

"This is telling - The Rock is a Hollywood Satanist - another puppet used by the KM-WEF & also illustrates humanitys continued global awakening," says a Mossad source.

In Canada, satanist traitor Justin Castrudeau says the opposition leader is proposing to "make Canada great again. Thats not what Canadians want."

The videos below show that he is being attacked from all directions and will not last much longer.

There will also be a reckoning in England. Chris Stevens, a survivor of the elite school Aldenham School, has publicly accused the British royals of being serial child rapists who "feed" on children:
英國也將進行清算。史蒂文斯(Chris Stevens)是精英學校奧爾德納姆學校(Aldenham School)的倖存者,他公開指責英皇室成員是以兒童為「食」的連續強姦犯:

the British "King" Charles, the pedophile Prince Andrew and all other members of the "royal" gang worldwide should be brought to justice immediately. We cannot coexist with people who think it is acceptable to rape our children. Humanity has reached the end of its tolerance for the "royal" pedophiles and their pandemic of child abuse and torture.

The truth is that most of the teachers at Aldenham were child rapists. Not only does Aldenham School have an unfortunate problem with teachers raping students, but it was founded expressly for this purpose.

Due to the schools close ties to the British royal family, few survivors manage to file a complaint, let alone convince the police to take action. In short, adult survivors risk their lives when they speak out against child torture camps like Aldenham.

We also learn from the British secret services that they are on the warpath against the high-ranking satanic agent Simon Case, who runs the British civil service. They confirm that in 2012 Case was involved in a plan to blow up the Olympics and kill the entire royal family.
我們也從英特工部瞭解到,他們正對掌管英公務部的高級撒旦特工西蒙凱斯(Simon Case)採取行動。他們證實,2012 年,西蒙凱斯參與了一項炸毀奧運會和殺害整個皇室的陰謀。

Case also negotiated a €10 million bribe for Prime Minister Boris Johnson to buy into a trade and cooperation deal with the EU. This money is in his offshore account at Henry Ansbacher & Co, Road Town Tortola British Virgin Islands branch.
西蒙凱斯也透過談判賄賂前首相強生1000萬歐元,以達成與歐盟的貿易合作協議。這筆錢存在他在英屬維京群島托爾托拉島羅德城《亨利安斯巴赫公司》(Henry Ansbacher & Co)的離岸帳戶中。

This video shows that BJ aka Bozo Johnson is afraid of what lies ahead:his military trial for treason and crimes against humanity.

Even worse, BJs boss Case "knew that Queen Elizabeth had bone cancer and was therefore involved in a second, unfortunately successful assassination attempt. He knew that the Queen was dying, but hid this fact from senior members of the royal family, including Princes Andrew and William, preventing them from getting to Balmoral on time. He orchestrated the wrong timing of the Queens death and left then Prime Minister Liz Truss in the dark."

Once Case is eliminated, and he will be eliminated, then the entire Rishi Sunak slave regime will also collapse.

By the way, a sign of how evil these people are, they are trying to add fluoride to all of Britains drinking water.







This comes after the US government finally admitted , that fluoride reduces childrens IQs and has many other toxic side effects. "The dumbing down of the population is intentional and not an accidental result of an attempt to protect our teeth," warns a Mossad source.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-2-12 每週快訊

"Theres a reason fluoride was added to drinking water - it calcifies the pineal gland, the thing that connects us to the Creator. They dont want us to look beyond the matrix," he says.

The controllers of the Matrix are now stealing taxpayers money to flood Europe and North America with illegal immigrants.

If you look at the U.S. GDP numbers for the fourth quarter, youll see that "we got just $300 billion in additional GDP for - wait for it - $834 billion in new federal debt."

Most of that $300 billion in GDP growth turns out to be money spent by illegal immigrants receiving taxpayer money. "When GDP grows through government spending, it does not measure wealth, but at best the waste of wealth, at worst the destruction of wealth," says Peter St. Onge.
大部份3000億美元的GDP增長,最終都是由非法移民花費納稅人的錢。聖安傑(Peter St. Onge)說:「當GDP通過政府支出增長時,它並不衡量財富,最好是財富的浪費,最壞的情況是財富的破壞。」

In the US, illegal immigrants receive more food stamp money than struggling Americans and will soon receive more money than veterans.

In Europe, they receive air travel, high-quality hotels, delicious lunches in restaurants, new smartphones, pocket money, free medical care and many other subsidies.

When representatives of the sheriffs and police chiefs of the United States traveled to Washington to confront 「President Biden,」 he refused to meet with them to talk about border issues or about the crime that is occurring because of the border issue. (Much more on Twitter, very detailed)

The KM leaders of the West are also afraid of meeting angry farmers. Here you can see French farmers smearing odel on the Ukrainian embassy.

"While the West and the EU continue to advocate for war - and dont give a damn about the carbon footprint of tanks and bombs - they are attacking farmers because their cows fart," comments a Polish intelligence source.

Across Poland, farmers in 260 cities are protesting in front of town halls because they have nowhere to sell the food they produce, warehouses are full of Ukrainian grain, and more is coming. They are against the Green Deal and the limitation of CO2 emissions in agricultural production.

The farmers start winning. According to eyewitnesses, shelves in Belgium are slowly emptying after days of heavy blockades by farmers in the main warehouses of Aldi and Delhaize.

Farmers are protesting not only across Europe, including England, but also in Canada and India. Fishermen and truck drivers also join the protests.

The delusional EU leadership responds by introducing the totalitarian WHO pandemic treaty without consulting EU governments or citizens. The document states that "the highest possible level of protection of physical and mental health is a human right."

What is crucial for health? According to the Council, the most important thing is that "achieving gender equality, combating harmful gender stereotypes and combating stigma and discrimination are key to good health for all."

The World Economic Forum, for its part, is now calling for the killing of millions of cats and dogs around the world to reduce the "carbon footprint" they create by eating meat. They want to introduce an international policy requiring euthanasia for most pet owners and recommend keeping turtles, snakes and reptiles instead of dogs and cats.




Emma Thompson even suggests that owners eat their pets! Every time the elite thought they were smart, they destroyed dogs and cats, only for that "wisdom" to come back to them like a boomerang in the form of mice and rats that spread the PLAGUE.
湯普森(Emma Thompson)甚至建議飼主吃掉寵物!每次精英以為自己聰明時,他們就會摧毀狗和貓,而那種「智慧」卻像迴旋鏢一樣以鼠患和傳播瘟疫的形式回到自己身上。

Russias Putin, on the other hand, showed what real leaders should think about when he explained to Carson that humanity currently faces many threats. Thanks to genetic research, it is now possible to create a superhuman, a specialized person - a genetically modified athlete, scientist or military man. Whether it is AI, genetics or other areas, the time will come to reach an international agreement to regulate these things.

This will be possible as soon as the KM is disempowered.

Getting back to the KM:We noticed that the big US Super Bowl cash-grab show has just ended. People need to wake up and understand that the NFL is registered as show business and not a sport. If you want to know who will win or lose, all you have to do is look at how the bets are going. Whoever most people bet on will lose. This is what happens when games are rigged.

OK, finally:Chinese New Year has arrived, and Singapore celebrated it with a flying dragon formed from 1,500 drones. This is a public demonstration of just one of many types of Project Blue Beam technology.
好了,最後:農曆新年已到來,新加坡用1500架無人機組成「飛龍在天」以示慶祝。這是想公眾展示一種《Project Blue Beam》(藍光計劃)技術的示範之一。












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