My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Many of you have experienced fears about the future of your world, country, or individual lives. This is understandable. Many in your world profit from your fears. If you're afraid that being uninformed will make you vulnerable to attack, you'll spend hours keeping yourselves informed. If you're afraid of lack in the future, you'll buy more than you intended when something is on sale. If you are afraid of getting sick, you'll purchase goods and services to prevent your demise and spend countless hours reading about possible conditions.
As a human race, you are just now beginning to understand that no matter what preventative or corrective action you take, if you take it from fear, you will not get the loving result you desire.
You could, of course, do these very same things for loving reasons. You might keep informed because you love knowing about the world around you. You might buy something on sale because you love making good use of your money so you can enjoy more. You might purchase goods and services because you'd love to feel healthy and vital. You are performing the same actions, but the results of a fear-based action vs. a love-based action are vastly different.
Most of you perform these actions for a mixture of reasons, part fear, and part love, and you, therefore, get mixed or diluted outcomes. For example, say you hear that the economy is bad. You may accept this, put off purchases you wanted to enjoy, and start talking about the bad economy, thus focusing on financial lack and hardship and therefore attracting it. Or you might feel perfectly fine and say (with both your energy and words),"I live in God's economy where I'm always cared for, and things flow when I need them."In the first case, you attract what you focus on. In the second case, you attract what you focus on! The more of you that focus on God's economy of abundant flow, the more your world will experience this. At the very least, you will experience this reality.
So, when you hear about events, trends, and possibilities in your world, stop right there and decide how you wish to experience your world's future. When the world cries that you are doomed to lose your job and be controlled by a group of ill-intentioned individuals, stop. Decide how you wish to experience the future. Most of you would say,"I don't want that reality!"What do you want? Many of you want to have meaningful work that supports the life you wish to live. Most of you would say you want your freedom. How would it feel to have work that you love and that supports your life? How would it feel to be free?
You can use your minds as the tools they were created to be. Recall a time you did something that you would do for the love of it, and remember how that feels. Recall a time when you felt free, if only for a moment, and luxuriate in that feeling. As you focus on the things that inspire these feelings, you are creating the future that you will experience. You are influencing your world's future as well.
You are not at the mercy of the external world. Even if someone were to order that your area be bombed, in the vibration of resting securely in God's love, you would be guided to a safe place from which to create your future. Even if the economy were to become abysmal, in a vibration of flow and abundance, you would experience helpful souls, great ideas, and opportunities to support all your needs and wishes. Even if you were to lose your job, in a frequency of divine love, you would be guided to the one you like more.
So when the world tries to draw you into fearful realities and futures, stop. What do you wish to experience? How can you find those feelings?Not a single one of you would ever say, we want someone else to control our future, yet when you give your minds over to the fears being spread by others, you do just that.
Dear ones, you are so beautiful, so powerful, so loved, and so loving. You have the capacity to recall or imagine scenarios that will inspire beautiful feelings you want to feel as you move through this time/space you call life. You have brilliant minds that can be used as tools to tune into feelings that create realities beyond your wildest dreams.
So you choose, dear friends. Will you create a fearful future or a glorious one that influences the world's direction as well? At the very least, you will enjoy life. At the very best, you will be one of the vibrational notes or"votes"that sways the course of human history toward a glorious future.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels
傳訊:Ann Albers