The undeclared civil war raging in the West is headed for some sort of mega black swan event climax. The white hats are trying to bankrupt the Satanists and their entire fake US government show. The Satanists are planning some sort of mass murder event to try to stay in power. Both sides might use earthquake weapons and other electromagnetic forms of warfare. The only thing for sure is major fireworks.
The previous attempts to bankrupt the US Corporation were delayed by events like 911 and the March 11, 2011 Fukushima nuclear and tsunami mass murder event. This time signs are either a massive earthquake or some kind of electro-magnetic attack to be blamed on a solar flare are being planned. That is why decisive action against the Khazarian Mafia leadership must be taken before they can stage another mass murder sacrifice to Satan.
Speaking about which today is the 13th anniversary of the Fukushima attack. Most of the perpetrators like top Jesuit Hanz Kolvenbach were hunted down and killed shortly afterwards. However, two of the masterminds, self-described top Satanist Leo Zagami and Israeli Crime Minister Benyamin Satanyahu are still at large. They are being hunted down and will be brought to justice.
說到這一點,今天是福島襲擊13週年。像頂級耶穌會神父科爾文巴赫(Hanz Kolvenbach)這種大部份行兇者不久後將被追捕並殺害。然而,兩名策劃者,自稱為頂級撒旦徒的扎加米(Leo Zagami)和以色列罪犯總理班傑明·納坦雅胡仍在逃。他們正被追捕並將追究責任。
However, the war between the two factions is complicated by the presence of a rogue AI. This allows the Khazarian Mafia to use their control of the Silicon Valley computer complex to generate CGI leaders and not rely on surgically altered avatars. Here is an example of how easy it is for AI to generate fake people these days.
California Governor Adam Newsom is an AI-generated GGI according to CIA sources. Computers can now elect these fakes into office by electronically stealing elections. As another example here you can watch a fake Adam Schiff stealing votes from his opponent.
據中情局消息,加州州長亞當紐森(Adam Newsom)是由AI生成的GGI。現在電腦能通過電子竊取來選這些假貨當官。另一個例子是,可觀看假亞當希夫(Adam Schiff )竊取對手的選票。
In another example here you can see Speaker Johnson Speaks To Reporters After White House Meeting With Biden, Schumer
This is Tyler Perry's White House TV set, in Atlanta. There are no close buildings next to the real White House.
這是泰勒佩裡(Tyler Perry)在亞特蘭大建造的白宮電視片場。真正的白宮旁邊沒有任何密集建築物。
The people aren't buying it anymore. That is why less than 10% of Americans watched fake Joe Biden's State of the Union Address. For good reason, this is what happens when the fake masked Biden starts rambling:
「We added more to the national debt than any president in his term in all of history!」
In the background is a fake masked Kamala Harris. You can see it looks like the mask is literally breathing on its own. (In the video)
The most glaring example of AI abuse is the existence of two Donald Trumps. The fake one handled by Leo Zagami at Mar a Largo brags about vaccinating Americans and promotes Bud Light. The real one is located at the underground military base in Mt. Cheyenne, Colorado and is leading a military campaign against the Satanists.
AI濫用最明顯的例子是兩個川普的存在。在海湖莊園由扎加米控制的假川普吹噓為國人接種疫苗,並宣傳百威啤酒。真正的川普位於科羅拉多州夏延山(Mt. Cheyenne)地下軍事基地,領導著一場針對撒旦教徒的軍事行動。
Here you can see a video of the fake Trump meeting Hungarian leader Victor Orban. Apparently, they have now also come up with a fake Melania. This is the Trump actor who appears at all the fake show trials.
在這裏看到一段假川普與匈牙利領導人奧爾班(Victor Orban)會面的影片。顯然,他們現在也創造了假梅拉尼亞。這是出現在所有假審判節目中的川普演員。
Next, take a look at the real Trump Trump who says it quite clearly.
「Quick trials for fentanyl dealers, child traffickers and Treason followed by immediate execution (It is called military tribunal).」
This is what happened to Victoria Nuland, the de-facto president of the Ukraine. Official announcements say she resigned but our CIA sources say she was executed along with her husband Robert Kagan, architect of the Iraq war.
這就是烏克蘭的實際總統紐蘭(Victoria Nuland)遭遇的情況。官方聲明稱她辭職了,但我們的中情局消息來源說她與丈夫Robert Kagan(伊拉克戰爭的設計者)一起被處決了。
Vladimir Zelensky may also have been taken out by a missile in Odessa but regardless, he is finished and everybody knows it.
Also, just as this report was about to go live, the White Dragon Society was contacted by French Generals to say a military coup d'etat was underway against French President Emannuelle Macron Rothschild. This was triggered when Macron ordered the military to start shooting civilians and to send troops to Ukraine.
Here you can watch General Andre Coustou call Macron an enemy of the country,
在這裏,可以看到庫斯圖將軍(General Andre Coustou)稱馬克宏為國家的敵人。
Coustou was then threatened with a heart attack device by Macron. Killing Coustou would make no difference though because no French Generals are obeying Macron; they are with the Farmers and the French people. The fall of Macron will end Rothschild rule of France.
No matter what though, the entire fake US Presidential and European political theater is about to be shut down.
A hint of this came when the new Financial Report of the United States Government (February 2024) admitted Social Security and Medicare are under funded by $175 Trillion. If you add that to the $34 trillion in debt you see the US government is $209 trillion under water.
This number has been put out before by private economists and the St. Louis US Fed. The important point is the Treasury Department is formally admitting the US Corporation is de facto bankrupt.
Combine this with the fact the Fed Bank bailout program is ending this month. Also, note that moves to keep the US government running only last until the middle of this month. Then add that billionaires are all selling their stocks and buying underground shelters. From this, you can deduce some sort of major financial announcement is coming.
Our own sources in the Japanese royal family say a financial black swan is scheduled for March 15th. Rothschild family sources say all bank accounts will be reset with each person getting a one-time deposit of $500,000. Billionaires and millionaires will lose money but for 90% of the people it will be a bonanza.
Such an event is necessary because the income needed to afford a home in the US has leapt 80% since 2020. Home buyers today need to make more than $106,000 a year, up $47,000 from 2020, a change driven largely by higher prices and borrowing costs. This is just another confirmation the current financial system has ceased to function and needs to be rebooted.
However, we are not sure the Rothschilds are in any position to stage such an event. The Japanese royal family sources say when Princess Mako left the royal family, she was given a severance check that was signed by David Rothschild who died 15 years ago. The creator of the Quantum financial system says 「Someone is attempting to defraud my estate.」
Clearly, there is still a fight going on over who will control the financial system. All we know for sure is the United States cannot continue as it is.
It is probably going to take military action to solve this. On this front, we have evidence a massive attack is planned to target Silicon Valley. The gnostic Illuminati say they have no choice but to destroy the computer nexus at Silicon Valley with a massive earthquake to sink it into the ocean.
There can be no doubt Silicon Valley is being attacked. There have been swarms of earthquakes there recently as well as unusual massive waves hitting the California coastline.
There have also been massive internet outages affecting the entire US West Coast, especially Mark Zuckerberg Rockefellers' Meta (Facebook), Instagram and Messenger.
The White Dragon Society is arguing that sending in special forces to seize the headquarters of Google, Apple, Microsoft etc. would have far less collateral damage than using earthquake or electromagnetic weapons.
There is also the possibility of shutting down the entire internet, and talk of a 「massive solar flare」 shows this is being planned as this headline says:
NASA preparing for "internet apocalypse' as huge solar storm could hit Earth by 2025
What they mean is they will blame a solar storm on the electrical grid going down.
The KM is also hiring foreign mercenaries to try to stop the American people from rebelling.
A hint of this was found in the most recent US jobs report. As Zerohedge reports:Last month we thought that the January jobs report was the 「most ridiculous in recent history」 but, boy, were we wrong because this morning the Biden Department of goalseeked propaganda (aka BLS) published the February jobs report, and holy crap was that something else. Even Goebbels would blush.
The key takeaway for me was a near-record 2.4 million native-born workers lost their jobs in just the past 3 months. At the same time a record 1.2 million (mostly illegal) immigrant workers were added just in February. You can be sure most of those were government jobs as mercenaries hired to fight against the American people.
This is the kind of people they are hiring:「The brother of the migrant accused of murdering nursing student Laken Riley is in court for possessing a fake ID and…he has ties with a vicious Venezuelan gang behind a terrifying wave of violence…」
這就是他們聘請的人:「被指控謀殺護理學生雷利(Laken Riley)的移民兄弟因持有假身份證而出庭…而且他與涉及一波恐怖暴力浪潮背後的一個邪惡委內瑞拉幫派有關…」
It looks like they are also hiring whores. Florida Sheriff Grady Judd tells us illegal sex workers are being given ID and paper work by the Department of Homeland Security that allows them to fly around the US for free on the taxpayers' dime. All they have to do is pay a weekly fee of $3000 to their DHS pimps.
看起來他們也在聘請妓女。佛州警長傑德(Grady Judd)告訴說,美國國安部提供非法性工作者身份證和文件,讓他們可免費在美國境內飛行,費用由納稅人支付。他們只需向國安部的皮條客支付每週3000美元的費用。
Alex Jones predicts 「They're planning to torch the country when [Trump] is president-elect before he's in and try to intimidate everyone…So, Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and all of this Hezbollah, Hamas protests…to burn the country down…Thinking they can terrorize the American people and the establishment into removing Trump somehow during that period.」
著名爆料人瓊斯(Alex Jones)預測:「他們計劃在(川普)當選總統前就放火燒國家,然後試圖威脅每個人…所以,黑命貴、安地法,以及所有真主黨(Hezbollah)、哈馬斯的抗議活動…要燒燬這個國家…他們認為可以恐嚇美國人民和政府機構,在那段時間裏以某種方式使川普下台。」
The US is mired down in impunity, corruption and civil strife. Endless flows of migrants storm the southern borders of the United States. And many of them aren't Latin Americans at all; they come from regions that fell victim to the neo-imperialist wars unleashed by Washington.
Just like it was at the feast at Babylonian King Belshazzar's house 「God has numbered your kingdom, and finished it. You have been weighed in the balances, and found wanting.」 (Daniel 5:25-27) says Russian FSB Lieutenant General L Reshetnikov.
就像在巴比倫國王伯沙撒的宴會上一樣,俄羅斯聯安局中將列捨特尼科夫(L Reshetnikov)表示:「神已數算了你的國,並完成了它。你被稱量在天平上,被找到有缺欠。」(但以理書5章25~27節)。
He adds 「The blossoming diversity of the world is substituted with a conflict of two models of governance existent only in American fantasies.」
The head of MI6 agrees saying the mutual Russian and Anglo goal is 「The ultimate final defeat of world fascism [government controlled by corporations] and that the people are sovereign.」
The Russian Foreign Ministry summoned US Ambassador to Moscow Lynne Tracy on Thursday to say 「attempts to interfere in Russia's domestic affairs, including acts of sabotage and the spread of disinformation…would be severely suppressed.」
俄外交部週四召見了美駐莫斯科大使林恩崔西(Lynne Tracy),表示「試圖干涉俄內政,包括破壞行為和散佈假信息的企圖…將受到嚴厲打擊。」
Too bad they didn't demand they do the same for the US. As Field Marshal Douglas MacGregor says:
「When I listen to the comments coming out of the Senate or the House let alone from the White House I am reminded of that famous statement in Vietnam "in order to save the village we had to destroy it,」 I get the impression that's the plan in Washington "we have to destroy the country in order to save it.,'」
The KM is also trying very hard to starve us all to death or at least into submission.
The EU has just confirmed former Club of Rome President Calin Georgescu's claim they KM are planning a food crisis for 2025. Last month 「some 60 European Union and government officials, food security experts, industry representatives and a few journalists gathered to confront the possibility of something barely on the radar a few years ago:a full-blown food crisis.」 The conference envisions a food shortage in Europe from 2024 to 2025.
歐盟剛確認前《羅馬俱樂部》主席喬治亞斯庫(Calin Georgescu)的說法,他表示可薩黑手黨正計劃2025年的糧食危機。上個月,「大約60名歐盟和政府官、食品安全專家、行業代表和少數記者聚集在一起,面對幾年前幾乎沒有被人關注的一個可能性:一場全面爆發的糧食危機。」這次會議預測歐洲將從2024到2025年面臨糧食短缺。
Remember, they had similar exercises just before the pandemic was staged in 2020. In other words, they are trying to bankrupt farmers in Europe in order to orchestrate a food crisis.
In the US a DEW attack on Texas just destroyed 80% of the grazing land for cattle.
德州史上最大野火!逾百萬英畝土地遭吞噬 2人罹難數千牛隻死亡
美國德州牧場大爆炸 1.8萬隻乳牛被燒死「歷來最慘烈」
Now the utility provider Xcel Energy says its facilities appeared have played a role in igniting a massive wildfire in the Texas Panhandle that grew to the largest blaze in state history.
現在,公用事業供應商《Xcel Energy》表示,該公司的設施似乎在引發德州麥迪遜縣的一場大規模野火中發揮作用,該火災擴大成為該州歷史上最大的火災。
Look who owns Xcel:BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard. The usual suspects.
A document from another of their subsidiaries, the UN, explains why they want to starve us:
「Starvation is essential for the economy because it creates cheap labor」 a 2008 UN article entitled 「The Benefits of World Hunger」 says. 「No one works harder than hungry people,」 the report says.
The European farmers are not going to let that happen. Here is the latest from their war on the WEF Satanists:
Czech farmers dump manure in front of government offices
不滿歐盟進口政策 捷克農民傾倒糞便抗議
Belgian farmers spray police with sewage
比利時農民開拖拉機逼近歐理會大樓 向警察噴灑肥料
The largest army in Europe is now the farmers
Russia will also ensure there is enough food. President Vladimir Putin says Russia's"food of the future"will not consist of beetles and moths, like in the West
The White Hats also take out other KM agents. Here are some examples:
Rapper P. Diddy is now accused of engaging in sex trafficking similar to Jeffrey Epstein, soliciting underage prostitutes, committing RICO racketeering and grooming men for sex. Britney Spears and Justin Bieber may have been victims.
饒舌歌手庫姆斯(P. Diddy)現在被指控從事類似愛潑斯坦的性交易,招攬未成年妓女,實施《反詐騙腐敗組織集團犯罪法》(RICO)中的敲詐勒索行為,並誘騙男性進行性交易。小甜甜布蘭妮和小賈斯汀可能也是受害者。
Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is being brought down over nursing home deaths so he can sing like a canary and denounce his KM puppet masters.
前紐約州州長庫莫(Andrew Cuomo)因護理之家死亡事件而被打倒,會轉作污點證人,指責他的可薩傀儡主人。
Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is the first head of state of a Western nation to be summoned to the [International Criminal Court] under Article 15 of the Rome Statute for"aiding and abetting genocide"in the Palestinian enclave of Gaza.
澳洲總理阿爾巴尼斯(Anthony Albanese)是西方國家首位因在加薩地帶「協助和支持種族滅絕」而被國際刑事法院根據《羅馬條約》第15條傳喚的國家元首。
"This is a real problem,"says the Pentagon.
The Canadian police are finally after Justin Castrudeau. The last straw was this:
"Project Brisa"resulted in 182 indictments, 20 arrests and seizures of drugs worth an estimated $61 million. However, according to Canadian intelligence, Castrudeau ordered the gangsters to be released and the drugs returned to them.
"Is Castrudeau a criminal?
"It looks like the RCMP think it could be him. Apparently he's being investigated with a little pressure from the WH Alliance,"a Mossad source commented.
We also note that the white hats now appear to be controlling the masked avatar claiming to be Pope Francis. This"pope"caused a hysterical reaction among the KM puppet politicians (who identified themselves as demanding the continuation of the war) when he called on Ukraine to"have the courage to raise the white flag."
教宗喊話烏克蘭 勇敢「舉白旗」、發現「被打敗」要有勇氣談判
There was also an uprising by anti-globalization activists in the British Parliament when MP Andrew Bridgen asked:
在英國國會,反全球化活動人士也爆發起義,當議員Andrew Bridgen問道:
"Why is the UK ceding sovereign powers to an unelected, unaccountable, diplomatically immunized organization; the Director-General of the WHO was appointed by an unholy alliance of Bill Gates and the Chinese Communist Party… The petition, which is a debate on this The topic was not approved, even though it easily reached the 100,000 signature threshold."
MP Marjorie Taylor Greene did her part when she told BBC newsreader Emily Maitlis to"fuck off"after she tried to label her a conspiracy theorist. Note that it was the BBC that"Jewish Space lasers"mentioned.
We also note that high-ranking KM satanist general Netanyahu will soon leave this world.
議員瑪喬莉(Marjorie Taylor Greene)也盡了一份力,當她告訴《BBC》新聞主播艾米莉(Emily Maitlis)「滾開」,因為梅艾米莉試圖把她貼上陰謀論的標籤。注意,提到「猶太太空雷射」的是BBC。我們還注意到,高級可薩撒旦教徒班傑明·納坦雅胡很快就會掛掉。
French journalist Thierry Meyssan reports:"Netanyahu, son of Vladimir Jabotinsky's private secretary, has not hesitated to compare the Palestinians to the ancient Amalekites. This implies that they must all be exterminated."
法國記者梅桑(Thierry Meyssan)報導說:「班傑明·納坦雅胡是賈博提斯基(Vladimir Jabotinsky)私人秘書的兒子,他毫不猶豫地將巴勒斯坦人與古代亞瑪力人相提並論。這意味他們必須全部被消滅。」
Jabotinsky's revisionist Zionists are those who claim sovereignty over all areas from the"Nile to the Euphrates."
Netanyahu is angered by War Cabinet Minister Benny Gantz's trip to Washington, telling him that"there is only one prime minister."
班傑明·納坦雅胡對於戰爭內閣部長本尼甘茨(Benny Gantz)前往華盛頓感到憤怒,告訴他「總理只有一個」。
"Oops, the avatar Bibi is really nervous. It looks like a deal is being made with the KM Deep State in DC to throw him under the bus. I smell a split in the Israeli ranks,"comments a Mossad source.
The rest of the world is pushing for action. China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi called the war in Gaza a"disgrace to civilization."
He spoke at a major annual Chinese political gathering. To confirm that China has banned the KM from its politics, note that no one is wearing masks, unlike at the last such gathering.
With the removal of KM agent Ayatollah Khameini, Iran is now also taking an effective stance instead of trying to promote Armageddon.
隨著可薩代理人哈梅尼阿亞圖拉(Ayatollah Khameini)的被革職,伊朗現在也改變了策略,不再試圖推動末日情緒。
Iranian justice chief Gholamhossein Mohseni-Ejei has called on Muslim countries to cut ties with Israel and sue the occupying regime in international courts for its crimes against the Palestinians.
This is an example of a war criminal facing the death penalty:
Rabbi Eliyahu Mali, head of the Shirat Moshe (religious school) yeshiva in the occupied city of Jaffa, called on the Israeli army to kill everyone in the Gaza Strip, including children.
位於被佔領的雅法市的Shirat Moshe(宗教學校)猶太教學院院長拉比馬利(Rabbi Eliyahu Mali)呼籲以軍殺死加薩地帶的所有人,包括兒童。
Of course, the KM is still fighting to the bitter end. For example, they are still trying to vaccinate us all to death.
"We need to make sure everyone gets an updated flu shot and an updated Covid vaccine,"says CDC KM Puppet Director Mandy Cohen as she spreads fear porn to promote vaccine poisoning
CDC可薩傀儡主任曼迪科恩(Mandy Cohen)在散播恐懼色情以推廣疫苗毒害時說:「我們必須確保每個人都接種最新的流感和新冠疫苗。」
They also try to suppress free speech. Eduard Prols, director of CitizenGO in Germany, was found guilty of sharing this image on his Facebook page.
他們還試圖壓制言論自由。德國《CitizenGO》的負責人普勞爾斯(duard Prols)因在其Facebook頁面上分享圖片而被判有罪。
He now has a criminal record and was sentenced to a fine of 6,000 euros. It is the judge who must go to prison in this case, and in due course he will.
It also appears that the KM is now trying to use Moldova to start its long-planned Third World War.
The Republic of Moldova has signed a defense cooperation agreement with France. Just as this was happening, Polish intelligence informed us:"Pro-Russian rebels in Moldova's separatist region of Transnistria asked Russia for "protection' on Wednesday, fearing the area could become a new flashpoint in Moscow's conflict with neighboring Ukraine."
An indication that the fake Biden compared the current situation regarding the war in Ukraine to 1941 and himself to Franklin Roosevelt. Roosevelt, of course, led a reluctant US population into World War II.
As the Polish secret service tells us:
"There are very few Poles in the Polish government and no Russians in the Russian one. Facts are facts."You could also have added that there are no Americans in US corporate government.
The Germans seem to have had enough. This comes after NATO's recent"Steady Defenders"exercise was literally brought to a standstill because the Russians disabled all of their high-tech GPS-controlled weapons, according to German intelligence sources.
You inform us:
The German government has made a radical decision regarding energy production in Germany. Hydrogen power plants should now make history and finally solve the problem of high electricity costs and a lack of security of supply. If this gigantic plan succeeds, Germany will be able to produce and even export electricity for cents, even without natural gas, coal and nuclear power! You would then no longer be dependent on other countries for electricity. The upcoming hydrogen power plant technology is unique in the world. Germany is considered a global pioneer and driver of innovation in this field. The new technology is base load capable, environmentally friendly, flexible, controllable, inexhaustible and cost-effective. The perfect solution for our power grid.
If the Germans unleash hydrogen power, that will be the end of environmentally harmful electric cars.
The German magazine"Stern"reports that Tesla has already been warned five times since March 2023 for exceeding the permitted amount of wastewater released into the environment.
The switch to hydrogen would also put a major dent in Chinese plans to monopolize the batteries that are important for electric cars.
China has 70 thousand workers on the island of Sulawesi engaged in nickel mining. China controls this industry. Since nickel is essential for battery production, this means that China is about to take complete control of all batteries used in electric vehicles etc.
However, Japan, along with Germany, could have the final say. Listen to why Toyota doesn't believe electric cars will save the environment,Toyota also has all the technology needed to enter the hydrogen era.
Finally, we would like to publish an anonymous statement that was sent to us:
"Today we have no choice but to face the truth…
That our governments lie 政府在撒謊
That our education is indoctrinated 教育是灌輸
That our doctors are misinformed 醫生被誤導
that our viruses are patented 病毒被專利
That our diseases are created 疾病被創造
That our medicines are poisons 藥物是毒藥
that our media is propaganda 媒體是宣傳
that our elections are fraudulent 選舉是欺詐
That our water is poisonous 飲水有毒素
That our banks are dishonest 銀行不老實
that our taxes are illegal 稅收乃非法
that our wars are planned in advance 戰爭是預設
that our countries are corporations 國家是企業
that our history was covered up 歷史被掩蓋
that our religions are hypocritical 宗教是虛偽
that our children were sacrificed 孩子被犧牲
That our division is being fueled 分裂被助長
That our opinions are being manipulated 意見被操縱
That our cancers can be cured 癌症可治癒
that our energy can be free 能源可免費
That everything in our external world is not what we were told… and that we are therefore determined to find the truth, which we do every day and will continue to do until it comes to light."
外部世界的一切不是我們被告知的那樣… 因此,我們決心找到真相,每天都在努力,並將繼續努力直到真相大白。
The truth will set us free.