
The white hats have won the secret war for the planet Earth. We are now in an interregnum. However, not much will be visible to the public until preparatory work for new institutions and world norms is finished. Public announcements are likely in the autumn.

Nonetheless here are the rough outlines of what is about to happen:The United States of America Corporation will officially declare bankruptcy. The Republic of the United States of North America will replace it. It will build a new capital, possibly in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
儘管如此,以下是即將發生的大致輪廓:美利堅合眾國公司將正式宣佈破產。北美聯邦共和國(The Republic of the United States of North America)將取而代之。它將建立新的首都,可能位於加拿大曼尼托巴省(Manitoba)的溫尼伯(Winnipeg)。

The state of Israel will also cease to exist. It will be replaced by the state of Judea. The original Judeans (misleadingly called Palestinians) will manage the new state together with the European immigrants. Both peoples will have equal rights and guarantees of religious and personal freedom.

The United Nations Security Council will be replaced with a seven-member World Council. It will probably be headquartered in Laos. The members will be representatives from Africa, the Americas, China, and East Asia excluding China (but including Oceania), Europe (including Russia), India and the Muslim world.

Decisions on issues affecting the entire planet will be reached by a majority vote. Each region will have a veto only applicable to that region. With the two exceptions mentioned above, existing nation-states and corporations will continue business as usual.

The transition process to the new system will start with a jubilee. This will involve a one-time cancellation of all debts, public and private. It will also involve a redistribution of assets. The details will be worked out in public with feedback from the people, the private sector, governments and other interested parties.

There will also be war crimes tribunals together with a truth and reconciliation process to ensure the criminality that infested so many governments and institutions is removed root and branch.

The functional parts of the World Bank, the IMF, the BIS, etc. will be taken over by a newly established meritocratically staffed Future Planning Organization. Each region will have its own separate future planning systems.

The Western military-industrial complex will be given a new mission. Instead of stealing resources for oligarchs, they will be protecting earth life, including human life. This means they will be using force, if necessary, to stop things like the destruction of rainforests and overfishing. They will also hunt down and destroy transnational criminal organizations, in particular the global slave traders. They will be subject to international law and act as the enforcement arm of the International Criminal Court.

The decisions mentioned above are the result of years of negotiations between representatives of the East, West, North and South.

A hundred trillion dollars' worth of gold-backed dollars will be issued to make all these changes possible. Also, as soon as the systems are in place, more funding will be made available to start a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and then massively increase the amount and variety of life.

The big breakthrough that made all this possible came last week when Russia and Persia gave the US military an ultimatum:Either abandon Israel or watch it be annihilated by nuclear warheads delivered by hypersonic missiles.

Here is what a US Space Force Commander had to say about the situation:

「Persia has more than 30 nuclear active warheads. Persia and Russia are the only nations that have hypersonic missiles with a speed over Mach 20. The Israelis and the Americans don't have the technology to detect it, let alone intercept them.

This advanced technology from Persia to the US military alliance scientists (under CIC Trump) will be given in exchange for peace in the region.

The US government has agreed to throw Israel under the bus in exchange for this technology.

The US government has sold out Israel, but they have to keep face to the rest of the world.

Israel will pay a heavy price once the situation is sorted out. An independent Palestinian State will be approved within the United Nations, which is going to be done sooner rather than later. It is most likely that the State of Israel will cease to exist and all of Palestine [Judea]:will be restored again.

Israel will have to pay war damages to the Palestinian [Judean] Nation and will have to rebuild the whole Nation free for the Palestinian [Judean] people which means what is left of the Zionist Deep State will have to pay for the reconstruction.

If he does not have a fatal accident first, Netanyahu will be in the Hague to face war crimes. He will be found guilty and publicly executed.

There are some news items to back up these assertions.


For example, CIA Director William Burns flew to Qatar to deal with 「a situation that demands immediate action.」
例如,中情局局長伯恩斯(William Burns)飛往卡達處理「必須立即行動的情況」。

Also, for the first time since the October 7 genocide started, the Biden administration has stopped weapons shipments to the Israeli military.

美媒:以哈戰爭以來美首度暫停彈藥運送 以色列高度關切

For his part, Iran's foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian says international pressure on Israel to end its genocidal war on the Gaza Strip has increased, meaning the rights of Judeans (Palestinians) will be upheld and that the Israeli genocide in the besieged Gaza will stop.
至於伊朗外交部長阿卜杜拉漢(Hossein Amir-Abdollahian)表示,國際社會對以色列結束對加薩地帶種族滅絕戰爭的壓力增加,意味將堅持猶太裔(巴勒斯坦人)的權利,並且圍困中的加薩地帶的以色列種族滅絕將停止。

The International Criminal Court is also publicly preparing to file war crimes charges against the Israeli government. The ICC has also warned Israel not to threaten its staff.

Here is what a Mossad source had to say about the situation:

「The Avatar Zionist Netanyahu who is not of Hebrew descent but a Zionist Khazar, sings their favorite song …anti-semitism.

Netanyahu says that because he's Jewish, the International Criminal Court (ICC) CANNOT issue an arrest warrant against him because that would be "Anti-Semitism.'

In making this claim, he just inadvertently suggested that every criminal in America simply convert to Judaism, and then when they carry out rapes, murders, carjackings, home invasions and child trafficking, they can simply tell the police, "You can't arrest me!That would be anti-Semitic!'」

Polish intelligence agency sources confirm 「sufficient evidence to issue an arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes and genocide against the Palestinians was transmitted to the ICC on a confidential basis. The USA has been forced not to intervene in what is happening.」

Another war criminal is House Speaker Mike Johnson who just condemned himself to death on charges of inciting genocide by saying 「The calls for a [Gaza] ceasefire are outrageous.」
另一名戰犯是眾議院議長強生(Mike Johnson),他因為表示「呼籲(加薩)停火是荒謬的」而為自己定下死罪,被指控煽動種族滅絕。

Most other US politicians are also likely to face war crimes charges related to KM controlled Israel and Ukraine.

Only 7 out of 100 senators have not taken any money from AIPAC:

Tommy Tuberville- Alabama

Alex Padilla & Laphonza Butler- California

Maxie Hirono- Hawaii

Rand Paul- Kentucky

Bernie Sanders- Vermont

Cynthia Lumis- West Virginia

Amazing how the Zionists control the government. Not for much longer.

【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-5-6 每週快訊

Turkey is also forcing Israel to hand over Netanyahu and his fellow Satanists by cutting off all trade. Forty Percent of Israel's annual oil consumption is piped to the Turkish oil hub port of Ceyhan and then shipped to Israel. Oil and other shipments from the Red Sea to Israel have also been cut off by the Houthis.

【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-5-6 每週快訊

The Houthis are now also going to cut Israel off from the Mediterranean.「We will target any ship heading to Israeli ports in the Mediterranean, in any area we are able to reach,」says Houthi spokesperson Yahya Saree.
胡塞武裝現在還將切斷以色列與地中海的聯繫。胡塞武裝發言人薩利(Yahya Saree)表示:「無論什麼區域,只要我們能航行到的,都將瞄準前往地中海以色列港口的任何船隻。」

【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-5-6 每週快訊

【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-5-6 每週快訊


Israel will now have no choice but to surrender, just like the Ukraine.

The ICC will also definitely be issuing war crimes indictments against the criminal regime of Vladimir Zelensky in Ukraine. Polish intelligence notes they are now rounding up 「mentally disabled people, alcoholics and drug addicts, schizophrenics and epileptics,」 for slaughter. This won't last long because only 15 percent of conscripts are currently fighting, the sources say.

By the way, even though the fake Trump being shown on most US screens is a Zionist slave mouthing support of Israel and Ukraine, the real CIC Trump is throwing both under the bus as the source above notes. For confirmation there is more than one Trump, look at the photo below and decide for yourself.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-5-6 每週快訊

This is what Polish intelligence sources had to say about the actions of the real Trump:

「Around the world, special operations teams composed of elite military units and top-secret intelligence units are conducting risky raids aimed at dismantling Biden's network of actors and clones. From hidden facilities in European warehouses to secret underground complexes in Asia, these teams storm bastions of deception and uncover the grotesque truth, one clone at a time.」

Field Marshal Douglas Macgregor is also rallying US forces against the satanic globalists.
道格拉斯元帥(Douglas Macgregor)也在號召美軍反邪惡的全球主義。

The 4th Psychological Operations Group is basically telling us that the world in which we live in is a digital battlefield filled with psychological warfare in every corner and every sector within society… aka The Matrix. They are now working for the white hats to take down the KM.
第四心理作戰集團(4th Psychological Operations Group)基本上告訴我們,世界是數字戰場,到處都充滿心理戰,涉及社會的每個角落和行業…也就是說,是個「矩陣」。他們現在轉向白帽子陣營以打倒可薩黑手黨。

Also, even though KM controlled media reports Russian troops have entered an airbase in Niger occupied by US troops make it seem some sort of fight is brewing; The truth is the opposite as the video of Russian and US troops dancing there linked below shows.

The US military white hats are working with the Russians to take down the KM.

In a visible manifestation of this international take down, El Salvador's Predident Nayib Bukele announces that he is investigating every single official in the executive branch of his government for bribery.

A similar process will happen throughout the West as the white hat military end state capture by criminals, the head of MI6 promises.

The pharmacidical corporations are a case in point as these news items show:

Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer reportedly 「chose not to」 inform Health Canada, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and other regulatory agencies that the cancer-linked Polyomavirus Simian Virus 40 (SV40) DNA sequence was in their widely distributed COVID-19 vaccine.

This corroborates the evidence Bill Gates deliberately injected tens of millions of people with cancer causing vaccines.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-5-6 每週快訊

They have also been trying to cause heart problems:

AstraZeneca faces up to £255million compensation bill for "defective' Covid vaccine after pharma titan admitted it DOES cause ultra-rare blood clot side effect.


A Pentagon medical doctor says 「When this is finally exposed globally, all of the pharmaceutical CEO's and their cohorts will be tried and executed for crimes against humanity including attempted Genocide.」In any case the Zionist US Corporation behind these crimes is visibly ending.

The Federal Reserve Board, owners of the US Corporation just released numbers showing they have just $51 billion in capital versus $948 billion in losses. This means the Fed is insolvent 19 times over.

美聯儲嚴重資不抵債!知名金融博客:銀行業融資工具到期 新一輪「爆雷」開始了…

They are trying to cover this up with funny money and outright fraud. For example last week they yet again used 「seasonal adjustment (=fake data)」 to turn a $37 billion bank deposit outflow into a $126 billion inflow.

In the hilarious clip below Jared Bernstein, the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers -the main agency advising Biden on economic policy- is forced to spout nonsense as FRB fraud is exposed.
在下面的滑稽影片中,經濟顧問委員會主席伯恩斯(Jared Bernstein);主要負責向拜登提供經濟政策建議的機構被迫胡言亂語,因為美聯儲的欺詐行為被曝光了。

The fraud is leading to hyper-inflation. If you add up the various subcategories in this Gallup Poll linked below you will find 81% of Americans think inflation and dropping living standards are their main worry.

In yet another sign the corporation is bankrupt, the Ludwig Institute used government data to show the real unemployment rate is 24.2% and not the 3.5% the government says.
又一個顯示該公司破產的跡象是,路德維希研究所(Ludwig Institute)使用政府數據顯示,真實的失業率是24.2%,而不是政府所聲稱的3.5%。

The situation is so bad that in April, 43 percent of all small business renters in the United States were not able to pay their rent.

The years of Fed fraud means more than 40 percent of the total population fall in the category of ALICE — Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed earning above the poverty line but less than what's needed to get by or else live in poverty.
多年來聯邦儲備系統的欺詐意味超過40%的總人口屬於「ALICE」(Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed)群體,即資產有限、收入有限、就業收入高於貧窮線但低於生活所需或是陷入貧困。

Speaking about fraud; here you can watch the director of NASA basically admitting the lunar missions were fake when he said 「we don't know」 what is on the far side of the moon.

Of course the Rockefellers are trying to keep their fraudulent corporation in business by stealing from soon to be former allies like Japan, the EU and Canada.


Japan and the EU have now revolted by refusing to pay through the nose for Rockefeller oil or buy more US debt.

Americans are still paying the price though. Canada in March posted the largest trade deficit since June 2023 following unplanned shutdowns at refineries in the US Midwest — an important destination for Canadian crude oil. This was the Rockefellers forcing Americans to buy expensive oil they control instead of cheap Canadian oil they don't.

Of course Canada has its' own problems under the incompetent Castrudeau. He lets in more than a million immigrants per year even though there is no housing for them. This is creating an unprecedented housing crisis. Also Canada's low labor productivity level means it is losing to Mexico.

Canada has low productivity because Castrudeau created too many government jobs to enforce things like LGTBQ etc. ideology. It reminds of the joke:「How does a bureaucrat wink?」

「He opens one eye.」

Canadians spend 46% of their money on taxes to support this.

Castrudeau's government is definitely going to be forced to back down from its bureaucratic push to promote anal sex etc. though as Scottlands' example shows.

Scotland's leader Humza Yousaf resigned last Monday after the Scottish public flooded law enforcement agencies with fake calls accusing various trans activists and even political leaders of various hate crimes following the enactment of his wildly unpopular 「Hate Crime Act.」
蘇格蘭領導人約薩夫(Humza Yousaf)在上週一辭職,此前蘇格蘭公眾在他嚴重不受歡迎的「仇恨犯罪法」通過後,向執法機構大量舉報假報案,指控各種跨性別活動人士甚至政治領袖犯下各種仇恨犯罪。


蘇格蘭新法禁煽動跨性別仇恨 JK羅琳嗆期待被捕

Another false leader, the rubber-masked 「Pope Francis,」 meanwhile has openly endorsed transgender godparents and blessed same-sex couples.He also hosts about a hundred transvestite prostitutes in the Vatican.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-5-6 每週快訊

【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-5-6 每週快訊

These self-proclaimed perverts are increasingly resorting to violence to maintain power. In the video below, you can see how opposition leader Pierre Poilieuw is expelled from the House of Commons for calling Justin Castrudo crazy. He should have called him a mass murderer. Note that the Speaker of the House of Commons is Castrudos secret boyfriend.
這些自稱變態的人越來越多地訴諸暴力來維持權力。 在下面的影片中,可以看到英國反對黨領袖普利歐爾(Pierre Poilieuw)因稱杜魯道為瘋子而被驅逐出下議院。他應該稱他為大屠殺兇手。請注意,下議院議長是杜魯道的秘密男友。

You can watch MEP Christina Andersen expose Ursula von der Leyen before turning off the microphone below:
可在關閉下方麥克風之前觀看歐洲議會議員克裡斯汀娜(Christina Andersen)揭露馮德萊恩(Von der Leyen):


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-5-6 每週快訊

"We need to show Von der Leyens red card - now prosecutors are investigating her for corruption… Von der Leyen awarded €35 billion vaccine contract to Pfizer CEO via SMS."

See how they shut her down while others want to hear her message.

Mute is soft on these people.

"The collective West, led by the United States, uses violence and murder against opponents as a normal political process," said Viktor Medvedchuk, leader of the Other Ukraine movement.
其他烏克蘭運動的領導人梅德韋德楚克(Viktor Medvedchuk)說:「由美國為首的西方集體將暴力和謀殺視為正常的政治過程。」

Heres an example. Popular actress Ann Heche was alive and tried to get out of a stretcher with a body bag after the accident. She was later pronounced dead. She was killed because she made a film about child trafficking.
舉個例子。知名女演員安海契(Ann Heche)在事故後仍活著,並試圖從擔架上爬起來,身上還裹著屍袋。後來她被宣佈死亡。她之所以被殺,是因為拍攝了一部有關兒童販賣的電影

They have done it all over the world.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi stated that "The United States has attempted to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments, has crudely interfered in elections in at least 30 countries, and has attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders."

China appears to be taking steps to stop this. The number of Chinese citizens illegally crossing the southern border of the United States has increased by 7,000% since 2021, and at the current rate will be 14,000% by the end of the fiscal year.

They are part of a 20-million-strong army of foreign military personnel who have moved into the United States starting in 2021. You can be sure that these people are there to help destroy corporate America.

The takeover of Great Britain is also underway. In the last 20 years alone, the number of Christians in the country has decreased from 81% to 48%. And the number of pure Muslims increased from 3% to 18%, that is, six times. Based on demographic data, it is easy to calculate that within 20 years, Muslims will outnumber Christians.

Christian schoolchildren in Germany are turning to Islam out of fear and desperation to fit in with migrants, according to a new study. In some schools in big cities like Berlin or Frankfurt, Muslim children make up more than 80 percent of the students because of heavy immigration over the past eight years.

Currently, 67.8% of students believe that the Koran is "more important" than laws in Germany; 45.6% think "Islamic theocracy is the best form of government" and 35.3% say they understand violence against people who insult Allah or the Prophet Muhammad.

Soon there will be a change of regime in Britain and Germany and the number of native Europeans will increase again.

Europe as a whole will no longer be under the control of the Khazarian mafia. Chinese President Xi Jinping is in Europe this week to confirm this. China is working on "close coordination and cooperation in response to climate change, biodiversity protection and global governance," he said.

「France is promoting reindustrialization based on environmental innovation, while China is accelerating the development of new quality manufacturing forces. Our two countries can deepen cooperation in innovation and jointly promote green development,」 he said.

For their part, French intelligence sources report that Emmanuel Macron has been replaced by an avatar who will support the EUs plan to unify with Russia as part of the transition to a polycentric world with seven major divisions.

The Paris Olympics should show that. As French journalist Thierry Meysan reports:
巴黎奧運應該會展現這一點。根據法記者梅森(Thierry Meysan)的報導:

According to Macron, the upcoming Olympics will provide an opportunity to manipulate the masses in order to expand the "United States of Europe" so that they are spontaneously ready for the collapse of the EU member states … remember, there will be Russian athletes, but no Russians anthem and every time the member country wins, the European anthem will be played… the war in Ukraine is a pretext for a gigantic arms transfer, so today no member country has the ability to defend itself for more than two days if it is subject to a traditional attack by a developed country [Russia]… Its supporters tell us they want to create an organization capable of competing with the United States and China. [They] laid the foundations for greater technological and industrial sovereignty (with Germany in the battery sector, then in the hydrogen sector, electronics and healthcare).

This is confirmed by Polish sources who say that Germany is about to launch the hydrogen spirit.

As hopeful as it sounds, the war is not over yet. The WEF Satanists just held a big meeting in Saudi Arabia to rally their forces. Note that Klaus Schwab Rothschild was not there. Oh, I forgot, hes dead.

However, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink was there and confirmed that he was working for the rogue AI when he said that"the replacement of humans by machines will be much easier in countries where the population is declining."
然而,貝萊德公司CEO賴瑞芬克(Larry Fink)參加了會議,並確認他在為流氓AI工作時說:「在人口下降的國家中,將人類替換為機器將更容易。」

Mexican cartel sources promise that Fink will no longer be with us.

We also saw doomsday preacher Al Gore speaking at the WEF and saying:
我們還看到末日傳教士阿爾戈爾(Al Gore)在世界經濟論壇上發言:

"[Greenhouse gases] now trap as much additional heat as would be released by 600,000 Hiroshima-class nuclear bombs exploding each day."

We heard that he made a lot of money from such algorithms.

HMs attempts to force us to submit to starvation also continue.

"Four years ago, a farmer had to sell 171 tons of wheat to buy a tractor. Now he has to sell almost 500 tons. These data confirm the shocking scale of the crisis in agriculture, especially since then the purchase prices were lower", says the doctor Arkadiusz Zalewski from the Polish Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics.
波蘭農業與食品經濟研究所的扎列夫斯基(Arkadiusz Zalewski)表示:「4年前,一名農民不得不賣出171噸小麥來購買一輛拖拉機。現在他必須賣出近500噸。這些數據證實了農業危機的驚人規模,尤其是由於當時的購買價格更低。」

One of the main drivers of this process, Bill Gates, said at COP 28:「The problem with food systems and climate change:many farmers cannot grow crops, which is a tragedy for them. Were going to talk about using innovation to completely solve this problem.」

Globalist Ambiguous Translation:

Due to our deliberate war on agriculture, many farmers are unable to grow crops, which is a boon for us as it allows us to replace traditional farming with bug farms and fake meat labs to take complete control of the global food supply under the guise of "saving the planet"

The video below shows how they use 3D printers to create meat from stem cells.


Meat Tech 3D Produces 3D Printed Animal Free Meat from Stem Cells

The Chinese went even further. Youve heard of fake news, and now they have fake food. This video shows how they use plastic to create all kinds of fake foods that end up in supermarkets.Scary Fake Foods in China:Fake Beef and Lamb Chops, Rice Made of Plastic, Aluminum Dumplings

There is a backlash for that. In Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis signed SB 1084, banning the sale of lab-grown meat in the state of Florida. Florida is taking action to thwart the World Economic Forums goal of getting the world to eat lab-grown meat and insects.
對此已出現了強烈反彈。在佛州,州長德桑提斯(Ron DeSantis)簽署了《SB 1084》,禁止在佛州銷售人造肉。佛州在採取行動阻止世界經濟論壇的目標,即讓全世界吃人造肉和昆蟲。

Of course, in the future we will learn that food will be produced using digital replicators, which will completely eliminate the need to kill animals. It is assumed that traditional agriculture will also continue to supply people who want "real food". All I can say for sure is that we are definitely entering uncharted territory.












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