The United States is headed for civil war as red October begins, multiple intelligence agency sources say. This war will also affect Israel, Ukraine, the UK, Japan and other countries still controlled by the Khazarian mafia.

Here is what CIA white hats had to say about the situation:

When Ukraine falls, it will be the end of the Deep State. That is why Trump met with Zelensky. To inform Zelensky that end game is coming very soon. Don't be surprised if Zelensky disappears within the next few weeks. The State of Israel will be taken care of at last and cease to exist. I was also told that the WH military alliance coup was going to not look like a coup. CIC Trump has already been placing the National Guard in key cities across the US. In preparation for what is coming during Red October. The military is not expecting the Presidential election on November 5. There will be another assassination attempt against one of the doubles. This is when the real CIC Trump will appear. The National Guard and the military alliance will take over and a type of martial law will be enacted. EBS will be used to communicate for several days. There will most likely be civil war. The Deep State will not know what to do other than fight back. The borders will be shut down. Airspace will be closed to stop the Deep State actors still remaining from escaping. The military Alliance knows exactly where all the satanic Deep State operatives are. They can run but cannot hide. There will be deviations as nothing is set in stone. The timeline is changing daily now.


一同現身!川普稱跟澤倫斯基有「非常良好的關係」 和普亭也是

與澤倫斯基閉門會談...川普稱「學到很多」 對俄烏戰爭立場仍沒變

We have confirmed the airspace over Washington DC has already been shut down to prevent bad actors from escaping.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-9-30 每週快訊

In a sign the Khazarian mafia is anticipating a white hat offensive, what appeared to be the real Hillary Clinton warned on X 「The press needs a consistent narrative about the danger that Trump poses…I anticipate that something will happen in October as it always does.」 She also makes a Freudian slip about the need to combat 「false disinformation,」 in other words –according to logical analysis- truth. She then referenced the 「crazy story about me running a child trafficking operation…」

This writer has posted videos of her torturing a 10-year-old girl to death. Of the 12 New York City policemen who saw the video, 9 were killed in an attempt to suppress this video.

Even more interesting is how she says 「Something will happen in October as it always does.」 High-level sources in various intelligence agencies agree we have been stuck in some sort of repetitive time loop. White hats stage an offensive in the Autumn, the dark hats strike back in the winter, there is a stalemate until summer and then a new Autumn offensive is seen.

However, there is evidence the loop has been broken this time and a breakthrough is coming.

As an example, Israeli Crime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu went to the annual UN gathering of heads of state to deliver his usual diatribe against Iran. However this time, he delivered it to an empty chamber. Also, Mossad sources said this year it was a 「fat body double,」 and not Netanyahu himself who appeared.

Not only that, Italian P3 Freemason and Mossad sources say Netanyahu was rushed to the Souraski hospital in Tel Aviv after his plane from the United States was hit by two Yemeni Houthi missiles while landing at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv. Hospital sources then confirmed he was declared clinically dead.

Further evidence came when Netanyahu failed to appear at a press conference to brag about the bombing that took out much of the Hezbollah leadership. 「He released a pre-recorded video. Are we facing an intervention of artificial intelligence?」 a P3 source asked.

Mossad sources said 「Firstly the real Netanyahu was taken out as we know.  The clone/avatar in NY at the UN General Assembly was a fake.  Just as the fat guy giving orders from his hotel room…. A photo op…Yes, Netanyahu, the avatar was injured by a Houthi ballistic missile on his return from NY, at the Tel Aviv airport.  This may be how they will begin the release of his demise, in stages. The whole thing is a stage. We are watching a movie.」

British MI6 and the Rothschilds also contacted us with market advice saying the thing to do now is cliffhanger SELL!

Of course, we must bear in mind the Rothschild adage that the best time to make money is when blood is flowing in the streets. My guess is they are going to try to crash the markets big time and then pick up the pieces for a song. 「A lot is going to happen in the next 48 hours. Let's see how gold does,」 a Mossad source comments.

In any case, at midnight tonight, the US Corporation is expected to go bankrupt. Even though they will be given until mid-October to come up with the money, there will be severe financial turmoil for sure as they struggle to kick the can down the road yet again.

At this point, we need to look at exactly who owns the US Corporation The short answer is the Vatican. First of all, ask yourself why it is called America and not Columbia. The story put out is that it was Amerigo Vespucci who discovered it was a continent. Yet archaeological evidence shows there were European settlers in the Americas before Columbus. This was suppressed because the Vatican needed to claim ownership of America by 「right of discovery.」 That right would be invalidated by the evidence. In any case, now that the Vatican has denounced the doctrine of discovery, it means they no longer have a legal claim to own the US.
此時,我們需要仔細看看到底誰持有美國公司。簡單的答案是梵蒂岡。首先,問自己為什麼叫美國(America)而不是哥倫比亞(Columbia)?傳聞美洲是由美利哥·維斯普西(Amerigo Vespucci)發現的。然而考古證據顯示,在哥倫布之前,已有歐洲定居者在美洲。但這點被壓制了,因為梵蒂岡需要通過「發現權」來宣稱擁有美國。這項權利將因證據而失效。無論如何,現在梵蒂岡已譴責了發現教義,這意味他們不再對擁有美國有法律主張。

Now let us ask why is the Vatican named after Vatica, the Goddess of the Underworld?


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When I went to the Vatican to meet the P2 Freemasons, they showed me a snake around a cross in a Cathedral and admitted they worshipped an entity known as the Black Sun. Satanic imagery is everywhere when you go to the Vatican.


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The Italian nobility who control all of this are Zoroastrians who believe in an eternal battle between good and evil. That is why they have Francis as the White Pope, Pepe Orsini as the Grey Pope and Arturo Sosa as the Black Pope.
控制這一切的義大利貴族乃信奉「祆教」(Zoroastrianism或可稱之為拜火教),他們相信善惡之間的永恆戰鬥。這就是他們有方濟各作為白教宗,奧爾西尼(Pepe Orsini)作為灰教宗,以及索薩(Arturo Sosa)作為黑教宗的原因。


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Christianity, as far as they are concerned, is a religion designed to keep the slaves under control.

So, the bankruptcy of the Vatican-owned US Corporation will mean an end to Satanic rule of the American people. The US, along with Switzerland and Israel, have been behind most of the wars, terrorism and mayhem around the world because of this Satanic control. So -if the white hat offensive succeeds this autumn- we will finally have world peace.

Of course, you can be sure these people do not intend to go silently into the night. Previously they have counter-attacked with events like Fukushima and the Covid 19+Vaccine mass murder. This time, evidence is growing they have some sort of long-planned space event horror show waiting for us. In a sign preparations for Operation Bluebeam are well underway, this UAP (formerly known as UFO) reference guide has been sent to all police chiefs in the US.
當然,可以確信這些人並不打算就此罷休。之前他們曾以福島事件和新冠病毒加疫苗大屠殺進行反擊。這次,證據顯示他們正為某種長期計劃的太空事件驚悚秀做好準備。作為《藍光行動》(Operation Bluebeam)準備進展良好的跡象,這本UAP(之前稱為UFO/幽浮)參考指南已發送給美所有警察局長。

The Satanists need to stage something big because their crimes are being exposed. The arrest of the rapper Puff Diddy, aka Sean Combs, is the latest example. Under his house police discovered:
撒旦教徒需要策劃一些重大事件,因為他們的罪行在曝光中。饒舌歌手吹牛老爹(Puff Diddy)的逮捕就是最新的例子。警方在他家發現:




A dense maze of underground tunnels that look a lot like those tunnels that child survivors of human trafficking talk about. This is where the most unspeakable horrors against the innocent take place. This is where the ogres who control the global pedophile network take their victims to abuse them, and then, not infrequently, kill these children in sacrificial rites in homage to the Luciferian cult practiced by these monsters. These tunnels are not very different from those that were found under the Chabad Lubavitch synagogue in New York, in which dirty mattresses and children's high chairs were found. The former are used for acts of necromancy, or the 「art」 of black magic that aims to evoke the spirits of the dead through corpses…
密集的地下隧道迷宮,看起來與人類販運倖存兒童所描述的隧道非常相似。這裏是對無辜者施加最不可言喻的恐怖的地方。控制全球戀童癖網絡的食人魔將受害者帶到這裏進行虐待,然後在祭祀儀式中殺死這些兒童,以向這些怪物奉行的路西法崇拜致敬,這種情況並不少見。這些地道與在紐約查巴德-盧巴維奇(Chabad Lubavitch)猶太教堂地下發現的地道並無太大區別,其中發現了骯髒的床墊和兒童高腳椅。前者用於死靈法術,或黑魔法的「藝術」,旨在透過屍體喚起死者的靈魂…

Names that are popping up in the investigation of this pedophile network include Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, Kayne West and Leonardo DiCaprio.
在此戀童癖網絡的調查中,出現的名字包括珍妮佛·羅培茲(Jennifer Lopez)、金卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)、肯伊·威斯特(Kayne West)和李奧納多·狄卡皮歐(Leonardo DiCaprio)。


荒誕畫面曝!吹牛老爹參加「女體盛」派對 一堆巨星在場

吹牛老爹涉性販賣荒淫派對解密!李奧納多、翹臀珍、SJP一串大咖都在場 好萊塢風聲鶴唳

It also turns out P Diddy wrote a book called The Adrenochrome Witch.
此外,吹牛老爹還寫了一本名為《腎上腺鉻巫師》(Adrenochrome Witch)的書。

Adrenochrome Witch tells the story of young women in the industry for whom youthful beauty is the holy grail. These women want to look like a 12-year-old again, even though they are in their 30s and 40s.

So they start seeking out ways to have eternal youth, and finally meet a rap music empressario with more than a striking resemblance to Diddy who throws huge parties full of naked people who he feeds with vials of blood taken from the veins of young children.

Barack Obama's older brother Malik went on record accusing him of being addicted to adrenochrome, the elites' drug of choice.

Border Patrol agents warn kids as young as 8 are being drugged and smuggled into the US by traffickers posing as their parents or family members — and nobody knows how common the horrifying practice is.

「I hate thinking about it because there were thousands of kids and who knows where they all ended up…「Sometimes we encounter criminal actions so horrendous, they defy human decency,」 said Gregory Bovino, the Border Patrol chief of California's El Centro sector in the southeast of the state, in response to the case.
加州東南部埃爾森特羅分區的邊境巡邏隊隊長博維諾(Gregory Bovino)在回應此案時說:「我討厭去想這件事,因為有成千上萬的小孩,天知道他們最後都去了哪裏…」有時候,我們遇到的犯罪行為如此可怕,簡直喪盡天良。

Under the Biden-Harris administration, 323,000 unaccompanied kids have gone missing.


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Polish intelligence for its part says:

Elite Satanists of the 9th Circle, a child sex cult, rule Europe – and traffic in children, organizing 「man hunts」 where kidnapped/drugged children were stripped naked, raped, tortured, chased on horseback through the forest and ritually killed by nobles and their guests (who drink the blood of their victims). This powerful few also turned to cannibalism and ate parts of their 「victims」 for the demonic deity they worship. The surviving witnesses appeared before the International Court of Common Law in Brussels in 2014. A 5-judge/27-member jury considered the evidence. Witnesses stated that child sacrifices were regularly performed in the Vatican, catacombs of Catholic cathedrals, private estates, groves and government military bases in Belgium, Holland, Spain, Australia, Ireland, France, England and the United States. The children were from detention centers in Belgium/Netherlands, according to a former member of Octopus.
剝光衣服、性侵、折磨和騎馬在森林中追逐,並被貴族和他們的客人(喝受害者的血)以儀式殺死。這些少數權貴也開始吃人,他們吃掉 「受害者 」的身體部份,以供奉所崇拜的惡魔神靈。2014年,倖存的證人在布魯塞爾國際普通法院出庭。由5名法官/27名成員組成的陪審團審議了證據。目擊者稱,在梵蒂岡、天主教大教堂的地下墓穴、私人莊園、叢林園以及比利時、荷蘭、西班牙、澳洲、愛爾蘭、法國、英國和美國的政府軍事基地,都會定期舉行兒童獻祭活動。據八角集團的一名前成員透露,這些兒童來自比利時/荷蘭的拘留中心。


紀錄片Sound Of Freedom自由之聲



The international investigation into elite predation of children is leading to an internal war inside the FBI between 「an extremely rotten and corrupt part that wants to stop Trump's run」 and another 「that wants to prosecute and put behind bars the lords of pedophilia in America, who are the men who have tried to kill Trump several times,」 Italian P3 sources say.

The majority view in the military and the agencies is in favor of mass arrests. The problem lies with the blackmailed people concentrated at the top of these agencies. 「I want to get a hold of those videotapes [from Epstein Island] and identify everyone in Washington DC who was on those tapes,」 says Field Marshall MacGregor, expressing a common white hat view.
軍方和各機構的主流觀點支持大逮捕。問題在於集中在這些機構高層的被勒索者。馬克格雷戈元帥(Field Marshall MacGregor)表示:「我想拿到那些(來歡樂島)錄影帶,並找出華盛頓特區上出現的每個人」,這表達了共同的白帽子觀點。

This is not just a Western problem.

In China too, the Supreme People's Court is cracking down on child trafficking and abduction. They are trying to prevent the use of legal charades to illegally separate children from their guardians and will pay the legal and other expenses of parents seeking to find their children.

Here, by the way, is what looks like a Chinese ad for Adrenochrome.

Back in the West, the military and intelligence community are working hard to uncover the network of pedophile blackmail and control over politicians.

In a concrete example of this, Ukrainian President Zelensky recently tried to blackmail the British government into agreeing to use Anglo-French Storm Shadow cruise missile in a decapitation strike against the Kremlin, hoping to kill President Putin and the Russian leadership, MI5 sources say.

It turns out the pedophile blackmail control of UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer is run by Sue "von' Gray, the PM's Chief of Staff, who gets a higher salary than he does, according to MI5. This blackmail network is now being dismantled.
根據軍五的說法,英首相斯塔默的戀童癖勒索控制是由他的首席幕僚格雷(Sue "von' Gray)運營的,後者的薪水甚至比他還高。現在此勒索網絡正被拆除。

In a sign Starmer will soon be gone, 25 members of HIS OWN PARTY voted against his decision to cut payments that offset winter heating costs for millions of retirees.

In another sign, Donald Trump is publicly claiming Nigel Farage won the recent UK general election. 「They acknowledged that he won, but for some reason you have a strange system over there,」 Trump said.
在另一個跡象中,川普公開聲稱法拉奇(Nigel Farage)贏得了最近的英國大選。他表示:「他們承認他贏了,但不知為何你們那邊的系統奇怪得很。」

This system is Babylonian street theater stage managed by Freemasons and the world is starting to figure this out.

According to Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov, Zelensky's entire recent visit to the US was staged as a 「Hollywood show」 with the sole aim of dragging out the conflict. Antonov went on to accuse the US of being a party to the conflict 「by providing assistance to Ukrainian Nazis」 and 「inciting them to criminal provocations,」 such as Kiev's incursion into Russia's Kursk Region.
根據俄羅斯大使安東諾夫(Anatoly Antonov)的說法,澤倫斯基最近的美國之行完全是為了製造一場「好萊塢秀」,其唯一目的是延長衝突。安東諾夫還指責美是衝突的一方,「通過向烏納粹提供援助」和「煽動他們進行犯罪挑釁」,例如基輔對俄羅斯庫爾斯克地區的侵入。

The video below of the white hat actor playing Trump as he meets Ukraine's Zelensky in New York is an example of this theater. Zelensky is 5'7」 tall.  Compare this with the Trump double who is not 6'3」 tall.  Oops.


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Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is also aware of the absurd nature of what passes off as government in the West these days as this exchange shows:

Reporter:「Zelensky says that Russia plans to use tactical nuclear weapons.」

Lavrov:「He says many things. Depends on what he drinks or what he smokes.」

Unlike Hollywood, the Freemason theater can and does involve mass murder on an unimaginable scale. The desperate KM in Israel are still frantically trying to kill enough people to provoke their long-desired World War 3:

Yesterday, when Israel used 2,000-pound Bunker-Buster Bombs, dropped from fighter jets onto downtown Beirut Lebanon, which collapsed six apartment blocks, killing hundreds of Lebanese families in order to assassinate Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, any goodwill the Israelis may have had in the Arab world, evaporated instantly.,,, the entire Arab world may launch against Israel at the same time.
昨天,以色列為了殺真主黨領導人納斯魯拉(Hassan Nasrallah),從戰鬥機上向黎巴嫩貝魯特市中心投擲了重達2000磅的「地堡剋星」炸彈,炸塌了6座公寓大樓,造成數百個黎巴嫩家庭死亡。


This is a video of the aftermath of the attack by these war criminals:

The situation has reached the point where the Chinese, the Americans, the Germans, the British and others are evacuating their nationals from Lebanon and Israel.


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The KM is desperate to kill us all quickly with a world war because the world is finding out they have been killing us slowly.

For example, Robert F. Kennedy Jr warns the chemical atrazine -that is sterilizing and feminizing the population- is banned all over the world but is in 63% of the US's drinking water.

In another example, more than 3,600 chemicals approved for food contact in packaging, kitchen utensils, or food processing equipment have been detected in humans, Among them are compounds known to be highly toxic, such as PFAS, bisphenols, metals, phthalates, and volatile organic compounds. Many are associated with cancer, hormonal disorders, and other serious health problems.

The bottom line is to stay away from plastic.

Then again they have also been trying to kill us with pharmacidical products. For example, Remdesiver has been busted again:

An investigation by Gilead, maker of remdesivir [used in hospitals to treat Covid patients] confirmed the presence of glass, according to the company recall notice posted on the FDA website warning the contaminated vials can cause stroke and 「even lead to death.」

Then of course there are all those vaccine murders. Here you can watch Alex Jones confront Dr. Francis Collins over the 20 million vaccine deaths.
當然,還有那些疫苗造成的死亡。在這可觀看亞力士瓊斯(Alex Jones)與柯林斯(Dr. Francis Collins)就2000萬疫苗死亡事件進行對質。

Many of the vaccine pushers are now desperately trying to pretend it never happened. Former U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield told the media that both Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. have 「got everything right.」 Kennedy was surprised and 「appalled」 to find out. 「Robert Redfield, who I really go after in my Fauci book, wrote an editorial in Newsweek magazine today saying that he was endorsing President Trump because President Trump was gonna restore American health,」
許多推廣疫苗的惡棍現在拚命試圖假裝這一切從未發生過。美CDC前主任雷德菲爾德(Robert Redfield)告訴媒體,川普和小羅勃甘迺迪「都說得對」。甘迺迪對此感到驚訝和「震驚」。「雷德菲爾德,我在弗奇書中對他進行了猛烈抨擊,今天在《新聞週刊》上發表了一篇社論,表示他支持川普總統,因為他將恢復美國的健康。」


It is almost as if a Redfield from a different timeline has appeared and is contradicting what his alternative dark side equivalent did. Either that or he is desperately trying to cover his ass.

This comes as the United States premiere of 「First!Do No Pharm」 takes place in the US Capitol building, hosted by Senator Ron Johnson.
首先,不用藥物(First!Do No Pharm)的美國首映在國會大廈舉行,由參議員強生(Ron Johnson)主持。

These efforts are waking up the masses to the fact they have been mass poisoned.

Facing this global awakening, the KM are still desperately trying to seize world power. This weekend the unelected UN just passed a 「pact for the future.」

Hidden among fuzzy feel-good talk about ending poverty etc. the document calls for mandatory ID and vaccinations for everyone on the planet. It is basically the mark of the beast.In the video below, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny explains the tyranny hidden in the new UN pact.
在關於結束貧困等模糊的美好談話中,這份文件要求全球每個人都必須持有身份證和接種疫苗。這基本上就是獸印。在下面的影片中,滕佩尼醫生(Dr. Sherri Tenpenny)解釋了新聯合國協議中隱藏的暴政。

Speaking about the UN; four out of the five veto-holding permanent members of the Security Council:the UK, France, Russia and the US all support putting India on the UN Security Council. It looks like China is blocking it. How about it China?

On another front, we are seeing more and more of the use of AI to try to create an alternative reality. A case in point is Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller. 「See the attached photos of the several different Mark Zuckerberg Rockefellers. A few have the red eyes.  As we know AI – CGI can't get the red out of the eyes yet.  A give away. Also look at the different ears, nose, teeth and hair in the different photos attached.


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Very obvious. His latest photo is with nice curly hair and strange ears,」 a CIA white-hat comments. This seems to be part of an effort to keep control of all social media he used to control by creating the appearance Zuckerberg is still alive. We shall see.

The KM also came out with a version of John Kerry looking like the Walking Dead. This avatar Kerry says:「It is harder to build consensus today」 because the First Amendment blocks them to censor more 「disinformation」 entities.
可薩黑手黨還推出了一個看起來像《陰屍路》的約翰克裡(John Kerry)版本。此虛擬約翰克裡說:「如今更難建立共識」,因為第一修正案阻止他們對更多「假信息」實體進行審查。

As an example of people waking up to real information, the Freedom Party in Austria, founded by Nazi WW2 veterans in Austria, just won the national elections there. These are not the Zelensky-style Zionist Nazis but patriots fighting for their country.
作為人人覺醒於真實信息的例子,奧地利自由黨(Freedom Party),由二戰納粹退伍軍人創立,剛剛在那裏贏得了國家大選。這些人不是澤倫斯基式的猶太納粹,而是為國家奮鬥的愛國者。


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However, in a sign people can still be fooled. In Argentina, the Satanist Javier Milei is looting his country on behalf of the KM. Argentina's poverty rate jumped from almost 42% to 53% during the first six months of Javier Milei's presidency, the statistics agency reported Thursday, a steep rise reflecting the pain of the country's most intense austerity program in recent memory.

This makes it clear that Milei's job is to loot Argentina on behalf of his banker bosses.

Here is an example:Argentina's President Javier Milei announced steps Friday to privatize flag carrier Aerolineas Argentinas amid a standoff with unions over salaries and labor rights. So, he wants to hand the state airline to his KM masters so that they can extract money by cutting salaries and impoverishing employees.
這裏有個例子:米萊週五宣佈將國家航空公司《阿航》(Aerolineas Argentinas)私有化的步驟,此時他與工會在工資和勞動權益問題上僵持不下。因此,他想把國有航空公司交給他的可薩主子,以便通過削減工資和使員工貧困來提取資金。

米莱将签署法令 宣布阿根廷航空可私有化

阿根廷大規模示威 抗議總統米雷伊削減大學經費

The KM have bought 1000 miles of coastline in Patagonia and are counting on Milei to protect them from the coming war crimes tribunals. He will not be able to do so.

Finally, this week, let us look at the situation in Japan. Shigeru Ishiba has been elected as the new Prime Minister. Ishiba is aligned with the Western White hats. He supports Japan staying allied with the Five Eyes but as an equal partner, not a colony.

Also, the call for armed men to storm the US Embassy in Japan and arrest fake Ambassador Rahm Emanuel sparked considerable turmoil in the Japanese underworld, military, police and intelligence community. The conclusion seems to have been reached that, in accordance with the Vienna Convention, Emanuel will not be arrested but will be declared persona non grata by the Japanese government and asked to leave the country. Japanese military intelligence inform us Emanuel will be arrested when he arrives in the US.

Nonetheless, this writer and many Japanese activists -including members of the underworld- will show up at the US Embassy in Tokyo at 1 PM on October 1st to make sure the whole country and the whole world knows that as the senior US official in Japan, Emanuel was responsible for the murder of over 500,000 Japanese via toxic vaccines. We hope readers around the world will take similar action against the mass murderers in their own countries. Act because the KM is trying to kill you and your loved ones.












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