The Satanic Khazarian mafia have revealed their hand. They have set up a fake Donald Trump at Mar a Largo and unveiled a fake cabinet filled with Zionist warmongers. Their plan is to try to use this fake government to seize power before January 20th and prevent the real Donald Trump from assuming the presidency. They are also trying desperately to start World War III yet again, this time by offering Ukraine long-range missiles to attack Russia with.
英國跟進允烏用長程飛彈攻俄 庫斯克州影片曝光
They are not even hiding it anymore. Deep State financier Alex Soros is openly celebrating the potential of US long-range weapons being fired into Russia. They are openly pushing for WW3. Trump is a threat to their business model.
他們現在甚至不再隱藏了。深層政府資金提供者亞力士索羅斯(Alex Soros)公開慶祝美國長程武器可能會射向俄羅斯。他們公開推動三戰,而川普是他們商業模式的威脅。
Don't worry though, the Russians know what they are dealing with and FSB sources promise they will not be fooled into starting a nuclear war. They are also aware of the fake Trump.
Now let us look at the evidence the Trump show now appearing in our media is fake. First of all, this photograph of Elon Musk together with the so-called Trump family shows a Donald Trump who is shorter than Trump Jr. The real Trump is 6'3"while Jr. is 6'1". Also, in another dead giveaway, Melania is absent from the picture.
The next thing we note is the first world leader to visit the Mar a Largo Trump is the child-sacrificing Satanist Xavier Milei of Argentina.
接下來我們注意到的是,第一個拜訪海湖莊園的世界領袖是阿根廷的撒旦教徒祭品米萊(Xavier Milei)
We contacted the US Space Force -commanded by the real Trump- about the show at Mar a Largo and got the following answer:
"The opera [sic] isn't over until the fat lady sings. Impostors do not count. A big surprise is coming very soon."
MI6 for their part, say what we are witnessing is an attempted power grab by Elon Musk. Here for reference, is a picture of Musk wearing a Satanic suit of armour.
As we have repeatedly warned, these people have been in power for thousands of years and do not plan to go quietly into the night. We must not under-estimate them.
At this point, some background explanation is needed so we can understand exactly who and what we are dealing with. The Secret Space Force admits their most powerful enemy is the 322 Skull and Bones faction.
We have direct experience with this. When the Asian Secret Societies were given a list of the members of Bilderberg, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bohemian Grove (we now know this list overlaps with Epstein's list of blackmailed pedophiles) and told this was the group trying to kill 90% of humanity they threatened to take action against them.
我們有直接的經驗。當亞洲秘密會社獲得了畢得堡、外交關係委員會(CFR)和波希米亞樹林(Bohemian Grove)成員名單時(我們現在知道這份名單與愛潑斯坦的勒索戀童癖名單有重疊),並被告知這是試圖殺害90%人口的集團,他們威脅要對其採取行動。
This prompted the 322 group to send Leo Zagami to Japan to negotiate on their behalf. Zagami threatened to use occult ceremonies to invoke demons and devils to do things like create storms and earthquakes. The NSA has records of him making these threats.
這促使322集團派遣扎加米(Leo Zagami)到日本作為代表進行談判。扎加米威脅要使用神秘儀式來召喚惡魔,進行如創造風暴和地震等行為。美國安局有記錄顯示他發出了這些威脅。
Later, when I visited him in Rome he showed me the original skull and bones in the basement of an ancient church used by the Satanists. He also tried to have me framed, imprisoned and killed.
He also fooled the Asians into continuing to finance the US Corporation by offering a black communist as President. He once bragged to me Obama was his man. The Asians now know Barack"Thunder of Satan"Obama is a Satanist who is being blackmailed with videos of him torturing children to death. Obama and his husband Mike, by the way, have fled to Dubai which does not have an extradition treaty with the US, according to Pentagon sources.
The 322 group also intimidated the Japanese slave government back into submission with their March 11, 2011 (311) nuclear and tsunami attack on Japan. Zagami at the time bragged about being involved in this.
322集團也通過2011年3月11日(311) 對日本的核災和海嘯襲擊,再次迫使日本奴隸政府屈服。扎加米當時吹噓自己參與了這一事件。
The Italian white nobility P3 reacted to this crime by filing criminal charges against Zagami. He was forced to flee to the US to avoid arrest. Zagami is now at Mar a Largo running the fake Trump show, the P3 say. We contacted Zagami for comment but did not get a reply.
As an example of why he needs to be dealt with, look at Zagami's would-be Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth. Zagami writes Hegseth is a member of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem that is devoted to a holy war against Islam.
作為必須處理的例子,看看扎加米所謂的國防部長人選赫格塞斯(Pete Hegseth)。扎加米寫道,赫格塞斯是耶路撒冷聖墓騎士團成員,該騎士團致力於發動一場聖戰對抗伊斯蘭教。
Hegseth and the other rabid Zionists in the fake Trump cabinet have prompted a lot of dismay. As geopolitical analyst Joachim Hagopian writes:
赫格塞斯和假川普內閣中的其他狂熱錫安主義者引發許多失望。正如地緣政治分析師哈戈皮安(Joachim Hagopian)所寫:
Synagogue of Satan Owns Trump and His Administration
The list of Trump's Zionist Israeli Firsters racing to Armageddon in the Middle East keeps growing all week to fulfill the Masonic plot/prophecy of the Zionist vs. Islam World War III nightmare we are all now facing with Trump as the next US president.
The other worrying sign is the selection of Matt Gaetz as Attorney General. Until now, his dealings with the Justice Department have been as a suspect under investigation for sex crimes. Here you can watch Gaetz say only ugly and overweight women attend abortion rallies.
另一個令人擔憂的跡象是馬特蓋茨(Matt Gaetz)成為總檢察長。直到目前為止,他與司法部的往來一直是作為一名性犯罪調查中的嫌疑人。在這裏可看到馬特蓋茨說,只有醜陋和超重的女性參與墮胎集會。
The aim here is clear, use Gaetz to vent popular anger by cracking down on illegal immigrants and crime while protecting the pedophile mass murderers. When I did a Google search of"Gaetz promises to arrest pedophiles,"I got the reply"It looks like there aren't any great matches for your search."
Anyway, rest assured Mr. Hagopian and others, this group of imposters will never be allowed to take charge of the US military or law enforcement. Instead, it is more likely special forces will soon raid Mar a Largo to clean out this nest of scorpions.
Already, as this report was about to go live, French intelligence informed us Israeli Crime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu"experienced an extreme medical emergency while traveling in Kirya in the North of Israel and is now in a hospital in Tel Aviv."A Mossad source comments"What this tells me is that the Zionists may use this as the "official narrative' that Netanyahu has passed away…. We both know that the real Satanyahu is already dead."
Also, not all the news about Trump is coming from the impostors at Mar a Largo. The real Trump just put out this ad showing him with Melania and promising"the best is yet to come."
As an example, Robert F Kennedy Jr. really has been appointed as head of the Health and Human Services Agency. RFK Jr. says there will be COVID trials once he is appointed as Secretary of HHS. He says the Trump administration will use RICO filings to break up big pharmaceutical cartels and punish corruption with severe legal penalties.
舉個例子,小羅勃甘迺迪確實已被任命為衛生與公共服務部(Health and Human Services Agency)負責人。小羅勃表示,一旦他被任命為衛生與公共服務部長,將推動對新冠的審判。他說,川普政府將利用《反敲詐法》(RICO法案)來解散大型製藥流氓,並對腐敗行為施加嚴厲的法律懲罰。
News items like this one are sure to proliferate soon:
A federal judge on Nov. 13 ordered Kraft Heinz to face a proposed nationwide class action lawsuit over allegedly defrauding consumers by falsely labeling its macaroni and cheese as a product with"no artificial preservatives."
11月13日,一名聯邦法官命令卡夫亨氏(Kraft Heinz)公司面對一項提議的全國集體訴訟,該訴訟指控其通過假標註其起司通心粉產品為「無人工防腐劑」來欺詐消費者。
No wonder Bill Gates has fled the country and is now hiding at his underground bunker in Karuizawa, Japan.
Japanese military intelligence say police have surrounded the complex. He will be arrested for mass murder in due time along with the rest of the pharmacidical mafia.
This real-life James Bond villain was hoping to use the engineered pandemic to leverage his privately owned WHO into an instrument of global dictatorship. Now the WHO decided not to vote on the Pandemic Agreement until 2025 after trying to rush it through in December 2024.
Even more important, the Federal Reserve Board -the source of the KM's power- is going to be removed.
"We have spoken with our five vision partners about repealing the Federal Reserve Act. The draft document is being considered by the President of the United States and both Houses,"the MI6 chief said.
Negotiations are underway to replace it with a future planning agency with meritocratic staff. On November 24, there will be a meeting between representatives of the Western White Hat Alliance and Asian secret societies to discuss this matter. Another meeting between the White Hats and representatives of the BRICS countries will be held in Moscow at the end of January, after the real Trump comes to power, according to sources involved in the negotiations.
There is already agreement in principle that the financial reorganization will include debt forgiveness or writing off all public and private debt. There is also consensus that the assets resulting from the Central Bank fraud will have to be returned to the people.
However, this process will take some time as it involves verifying real assets to ensure that the new system is correct. As part of that process, White Hat officials are flying to the Philippines this week to confirm that the Asian gold promised to finance the new financial system actually exists. If gold cannot be confirmed, a basket of goods will be used instead. Thats why people shouldnt expect instant messages.
Elon Musk also appears to support the call to abolish the Federal Reserve Bank, posting:
"tweet from Utah Sen. Mike Lee calling for greater executive control over monetary policy and abolition of the central bank".
「猶他州參議員邁克李(Mike Lee)呼籲增強行政部對貨幣政策的控制並廢除央行。」
Lee argued that Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powells recent statement that he would not step down even if incoming President Donald Trump asked him to do so represented a system out of control. Lee wrote about it via his social media account:
邁克李辯稱,聯邦儲備主席傑鮑威爾(Jerome Powell)最近表示,即便新任總統川普要求他下台,他也不會辭職,這顯示出系統已失控。邁克李在社交媒體帳號上寫道:
"The executive branch should be under the leadership of the president. This is written in the Constitution. The Federal Reserve is one of many examples of how we have deviated from the Constitution in this regard. Another reason to ditch the Fed."
Lees call to abolish the Federal Reserve banking system in the United States reflects a growing sentiment among strong money advocates and Bitcoin (BTC) maximalists who argue that centrally controlled fiat currencies are vulnerable to monetary inflation and currency devaluation.
Of course, Musk hopes to keep the Fraudulent AI he works for in power by switching the American corporation to Bitcoin, thereby avoiding bankruptcy. The problem is that you cant eat bitcoins, and the alphabet agencies (with the three letters) have back doors.
Elon Musk and RFK Jr. are pushing for Howard Lutnick to become Treasury Secretary. RFK Jr. suggests that Lutnick would be a strong supporter of Bitcoin, which he describes as:
馬斯克和小羅勃正推動盧特尼克(Howard Lutnick)成為財政部長。小羅勃認為,盧特尼克會強烈支持比特幣,他形容:
"a hedge against inflation for middle-class Americans, a cure for the decline of the dollar as the worlds reserve currency, and a way out of the crippling national debt."
As Henry Makov notes:"Lutnik, the CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald, is clearly a Chabad supporter. He is clearly a Zionist. But on September 11, Lutnik lost 658 employees due to the collapse of the Twin Towers. Lutnik lost his own brother. How could he not have received the "call to the Jews"?
正如馬科夫(Henry Makow)指出的:「盧特尼克是康泰富茲(Cantor Fitzgerald)CEO,顯然是查巴德(惡魔)支持者,並且是錫安主義者。但在9月11日,盧特尼克因雙子塔倒塌失去658名員工,自己也失去親兄弟。怎麼可能他沒有收到『猶太人的召喚』呢?」
The bombing of Cantor Fitzgerald and the World Trade Center was carried out by the Skull and Bones faction to stop the US paying gold to the Chinese royal family in Taiwan. This gold will partially support the new financial system.
康泰富茲(Cantor Fitzgerald)和世界貿易中心的爆炸是由骷髏組織(Skull and Bones)所發動,目的是阻止美向臺灣的中國皇室支付黃金。這些黃金將部份用於支持新的金融體系。
Either way, its a sign that the old financial system is over, that the climate change people demanding trillions of dollars to "decarbonize" the world (ignoring that life on Earth is carbon-based) had their big COP29 meeting last week, were left empty-handed. Ilhan Aliyev, president of COP29 host country Azerbaijan, explained why when he told the UN climate change conference that oil and gas were a "gift of God".
無論如何,這顯示出舊有金融體系的終結,要求花費數兆美元來「去碳化」全球的氣候鬼話人士(忽視地球生命是碳基)在上週舉行的大型COP29會議後一無所獲。COP29主辦國阿塞拜然總統阿利耶夫(Ilham Aliyev)解釋了原因,他在聯合國氣候鬼話會議上表示,石油和天然氣是「上帝的禮物」。
The sooner the climate change freaks are out of business the better. In Germany they just blew up a 140 meter double smokestack at the Moorburg coal power plant.
The mighty Murburg was discovered in 2015 and can generate up to 11 terawatt hours of energy per year, meaning it can power an entire city by itself. The construction costs 3 billion euros.
The high energy prices caused by this green madness are currently destroying much of German industry, including many, many companies that have been in business for hundreds of years. The deindustrialization of Germany was part of the global plan of HM-Zionism.
The shift in narrative control underway will soon make it impossible to turn unscientific nonsense like "carbon causes global warming" into public policy. The collapse of the old mainstream media that propagated these lies is now accelerating.
One sign of this is that the State Department is closing its"Global Engagement Center,"home to more than 60,000 online influencers, journalists, media outlets, TV stars and writers. I guess theyre hoping to avoid arrest by disbanding it.
Chances are they will at least be sued. Trump is suing the media for $10 billion, accusing them of bias. He has filed lawsuits against the New York Times, CBS and other organizations for defamation and political bias.
The use of "celebrities" to influence public opinion also failed. Now we learn that Kamala paid Harris campaign:
– Beyonces $10 million 碧昂絲1000萬美元
– Megan Teng received $5 million 梅根坦500萬美元
– Person received $2.3 million 某某230萬美元
– $1.8 million for Eminem 阿姆180萬美元
– $1 million for Oprah 奧普拉100萬美元
Lets see if they sue Kamala for non-payment.
As further evidence that the tide in the information war has turned, Alex Jones announced last week that the left-wing satirical news site The Onion had purchased Infowars in an auction.
作為信息戰局勢轉變的進一步證據,亞力士瓊斯(Alex Jones)上週宣佈,左翼諷刺新聞網站《洋蔥報》(The Onion)通過拍賣購買了《信息戰》(Infowars)。
The next day, Infowars went live again with the following headline:
"Breach:Corrupt DOJ Criminal Case Against Alex Jones Should Be Investigated by Trump"
The UK mainstream media is also losing control of its coverage. Nigel Farage, who stole the last UK election, now hosts GB News and officially has more viewers than Sky News and BBC News. Last night they reached 130% of Sky News viewers and 108% of BBC News viewers.
英國媒體也在失去對其報導的控制。法拉奇(Nigel Farage),這位在上屆英選舉中竊取勝利的人,現在主持GB News,並正式擁有比《Sky News》和《BBC News》更多的觀眾。昨晚,他們的觀眾數量達到了Sky News的130%和BBC News的108%。
In the US, CNN anchor Chris Wallace was fired as the channels first star to be forced to cut staff amid falling ratings.
在美國,CNN主播華萊士(Chris Wallace)被炒掉,成為該頻道首位因收視率下滑而被迫裁員的明星。
CNN reported that reporters were seen crying and hugging in the hallway. They may need therapy.
You can contact the Swedish Minister for Gender Equality for advice. She seeks professional help to deal with her painful fear of bananas. I suspect you are reminding her of a fact about "gender" that she is trying to avoid.
More importantly, the media must be held accountable for covering up war crimes. I will personally sue the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan for complicity in the Fukushima cover-up and other war crimes.
Changes are coming soon in Australia as well. The current administration is trying to pass legislation that restricts free speech and uses misinformation as an excuse.
澳洲擬立法罰社群媒體不擋假消息 馬斯克怒轟法西斯
What they are really trying to do is hide information about their vaccine mass murder campaign. They will fail. Queenslands Chief Health Officer John Gerrard has just announced his resignation, saying threats of physical violence over his decisions on COVID-19 are "probably the lowest rate of my entire career."
他們真正試圖掩蓋的,是關於疫苗大規模謀殺行動的信息。他們將會失敗。昆士蘭州首席衛生官傑拉德(John Gerrard)剛剛宣佈辭職,表示他因為在新冠上的決策受到身體暴力威脅,這是他「整個職業生涯中可能最低的時候。」
It is only a matter of time before they are all charged with war crimes.
Speaking of war crimes, a whistleblower received 10 GB from the Robert Koch Institute, the German Center for Disease Control. This so called RKI leak shows that Covid is a scam from start to finish. The presentation took place in the second largest chamber of the German Bundestag, which is actually reserved for investigative committees, and was recorded on November 2, 2024 in Berlin with English subtitles provided by the speaker.
說到戰爭罪,一名揭露者從德國CDC羅勃科赫研究所(Robert Koch Institute)獲得了10GB的資料。所謂的洩漏顯示,新冠從頭到尾都是一場詐騙。這次公開展示發生在德聯邦議院的第2大議事廳,這個廳實際上是為調查委員會保留的,並於2024年11月2日在柏林錄製,講者提供了英文字幕。
Now the persecuted German lawyer, old Dr. Rainer Fuel, turned the tide by filing two criminal charges against prosecutors and judges on the 37th day of the trial.
現在,遭受迫害的律師,老年律師雷納福爾(Dr. Rainer Fuel)通過在審判第37天對檢察官和法官提出2項刑事指控,扭轉了局勢。
In the U.S., Rep. Marjory Taylor Green (R-Ga.) said she is "pretty sure" the next attorney general will prosecute people for "crimes against humanity" committed during the COVID-19 pandemic.
在美國,喬治亞州共和黨代表瑪爾喬莉(Marjorie Taylor Greene)表示,她「相當確信」下一任總檢察長將會對在新冠大流行期間犯下「反人類罪」的人提起訴訟。
Trump supporter and insider Kash Patel promises:
川普支持者及內部人士帕特爾(Kash Patel)保證:
"We will uphold the Constitution and the rule of law, but make no mistake, we will make all the conspirators pay dearly for lying to the American people, whether its government officials or members of the media, they are on official notice that we will take them down."
RFK Jr., who just published a book called THE DRUGS AND PHARMACEUTICALS DESTROYING MACHINE, will soon head the CDC, FDA, and NIH. You can be sure that these murderers will be brought to justice. (*)
剛出版了名為《摧毀機器:毒品與製藥業》(THE DRUGS AND PHARMACEUTICALS DESTROYING MACHINE)的小羅勃,將很快出任CDC、FDA和NIH(美國國家衛生研究院)的領導人。可以確信,這些謀殺犯將會被正法。
By the way, a sign of how irrational this industry is if you think youve heard it all… They just released a vaccine that stops cows from farting. Its safe to assume that the real intent is to kill the cows so they can force us to eat bugs. They are essentially war criminals and will be brought to justice.
By the way, this is a sign of how irrational this industry is Another war criminal heading to the gallows is Canadas Justin Castrudo. Castrudo tried to hide the names of 900 Nazis who entered Canada, a move Jewish groups called "shameful." They say they dishonor Holocaust (burning of Satan) victims and survivors like Henry McCaw.
順便一提,這正顯示了此行業的非理性。另一個即將上絞刑架的戰犯是加拿大的杜魯道。他曾試圖隱瞞900名納粹份子進入加拿大的姓名,這一行為被猶太團體稱為「可恥的」。他們表示,這種行為侮辱了大屠殺(撒旦燒灼)受害者及生還者,像亨利麥考(Henry McCaw)等人也因此遭受侮辱。
Our sources say Mark Carney, former Bank of England governor and mastermind of the global warming scam, is being charged as he now intends to replace Castrudo as KMSs top agent in Canada after his takeover attempt failed due to climate change.
根據我們的消息,前英格蘭銀行行長、全球鬼話詐騙的主謀馬克卡尼(Mark Carney)正面臨指控,因為他現在打算取代杜魯道,成為可薩黑手黨在加的首席代理人,而他先前的接管嘗試因為氣候鬼話而失敗。
In any case, the Ukrainian Nazis that Kastrudo protects will soon be out of hiding.
Ukrainian dictator Volodymyr Zelensky said Ukraine was an "independent" country and Trump would not "force it to listen."
According to the CIA, he has the following capabilities:
1) Accept Trumps terms for negotiations to end the war, cede Donbass and Russian-speaking territories to Russia, cooperate with the investigation into the development of biological weapons in Ukraine, and he will probably become a dead man.
1. 接受川普的條件,談判結束戰爭,將頓巴斯和俄羅斯語區域割讓給俄羅斯,配合對烏生物武器開發的調查,那麼可能會成為死人。
2) Reject Trumps terms, cut off all funding, Ukraine runs out of money/ammo/equipment/soldiers, then Putin takes over all of Ukraine and hes DEFINITELY a dead man.
2. 拒絕川普的條件,切斷所有資金支持,烏將耗盡金錢/彈藥/設備/士兵,然後普丁將接管整個烏,那他肯定會成為死人。
Is there a 3rd option - TO RUN?The answer is no, because soon there will be no place left on this planet for Satanists to hide.
Not even Israel can protect them. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan imposed an arms embargo on Israel and severed trade relations with the country, isolating it from the rest of the world.
"Israels goal is to establish itself in the Gaza Strip, eliminate the Palestinian community in the West Bank and ultimately annex the territory. This is the path Israel wants to take. We have to prevent this," he said.
Israel will soon cease to exist and will be replaced by the state of Judea, in which the local Jews will receive full civil rights.
And no, the US military will not fight to defend the satanic state of Israel.
Donald Trumps selection of Tulsi Gabbard to be the head of intelligence makes it clear that the white hats will control the 17 intelligence agencies. Gabbard has already established contacts with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Of course, the real test will be whether she does anything against the still very powerful pedophile extortion network.
川普選擇蓋巴德(Tulsi Gabbard)為情報局局長,表明白帽子將控制17個情報機構。蓋巴德已與敘利亞總統阿薩德和普丁建立了聯繫。當然,真正的考驗將是她是否會對仍非常強大的戀童癖敲詐網絡採取行動。
As Julian Assange points out,
"The reason the FBI was reluctant to reveal Epsteins client list in court is that then their blackmail would no longer be useful and the CIA would lose control of all the powerful people it had been building for decades."
We can confirm that our CIA sources have told us,"Epstein was a white hat and we are using his blackmail to control the government."This is nonsense because the real white hats want to bring the pedophile murderers to justice. Government should be controlled by the people, not blackmailers working in secret.
The latest sign is that pedophiles will be eliminated:
The head of the Church of England, who trusted Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, said on Tuesday he would resign after scathing reports found he did not act quickly enough to stop a despicable serial pedophile.
The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, who as head of the church presided over both the coronation of King Charles III and the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, said he was resigning over the appalling crimes of the churchs then storekeeper, John Smith.
坎特伯裡大主教韋爾比(Justin Welby),作為教會的領袖,曾主持查理三世的加冕典禮及英女王的葬禮,他表示,由於教會當時的庫存管理員史密斯(John Smith)所犯下的駭人聽聞的罪行,他決定辭職。
This is important because our sources say the next head of the Church of England will not cover up blackmailed pedophiles like Prime Minister Keir Starmer. It would also probably put an end to the fake King Charles operation.
這一點很重要,因為我們的消息來源表示,英格蘭教會的下一任領袖不會像首相斯塔默(Keir Starmer)那樣掩蓋戀童癖者。這也可能會終結所謂的假查理王(King Charles)計劃。
This is an example of blackmail replacing government leadership in the West:International Criminal Court prosecutor Kerim Khan complained that after deciding to seek an arrest warrant for Netanyahu, "high-ranking politicians" persuaded him not to because the ICC was created "for Africa and thugs like Putin," not against the West and its allies.
這是敘述敲詐取代西方政府領導的範例:國際刑事法院檢察官凱裡姆汗(Kerim Khan)抱怨道,在決定尋求對班傑明·納坦雅胡發出逮捕令後,「高層政治人物」說服他放棄這一行動,理由是國際刑事法院是為了「非洲和像普丁這樣的暴徒」而設立的,並非針對西方及其盟友。
He can now be removed from office for "sexual misconduct."
"The XM controllers told him, warned him. Now lets see what happens. They always play the sex card," commented a Mossad source.
In addition to sexual extortion, XM also conducts mass psychological operations. For example, HM used its January 6th "uprising" to try to challenge Trumps 14th Amendment victory. The 14th Amendment bars anyone guilty of "sedition" from being president.
House Democrats are also currently forming a shadow government to undermine Donald Trumps plans.
If you try this, we should all learn from Maori how we should respond. Just look at the Maori fury that erupted in New Zealand over the controversial Treaty of Waitangi revision bill.
In Europe, anger over uncontrolled immigration is felt in a similar way. The Netherlands has just followed Germanys lead and introduced land border controls. This happened after all their satanic elite were forced to leave the country.
As we wrap up this week, we note that the Pentagon failed an audit (inspection) on Friday for the seventh year in a row as the agency failed to fully explain its massive $824 billion budget.
Secret Space Force sources say $21 trillion of the Pentagons budget shortfall is being spent on off-planet operations. Maybe they should reciprocate taxpayer sentiment by handing over some of their secret technology, such as anti-gravity.