- Nov 30 Tue 2021 00:01
- Nov 30 Tue 2021 00:00
【大天使加百利】2021-11-22 內外一致是至關重要的
Dear Ones, you cannot expect people to treat you respectfully if you do not do that for yourself.It is the energetic equivalent of"do as I say, not as I do" which has limited success over the long run because it is an approach that is not rooted in self responsibility.Your own energetic leadership and congruency is essential as you continue on your ever-evolving emergence into the new.
- Nov 29 Mon 2021 00:00
- Nov 29 Mon 2021 00:00
【大天使加百利】2021-11-21 愛與接納自己
Using the Divine Combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, is another way you can heal any worthiness issues you may be experiencing.When you see how loved and guided you are by Source, the more you come into acceptance of your own worth.
- Nov 28 Sun 2021 00:01
- Nov 28 Sun 2021 00:00
【大天使加百利】2021-11-20 自我關懷/自愛的最終目標是…
Self love leads to accepting your inherent worthiness and competence.When you feel worthy and competent you are much more likely to allow your beingness to lead the way, and from there a far more authentic and satisfying life can be experienced.Do you see? The ultimate goal of your self care/self love practice is providing the conditions for you to experience your highest expression of self and to create a life you don't need a break from, and you do that by allowing your truest essence to lead the way.
- Nov 27 Sat 2021 21:55
【柯博拉】2021-11-26 神聖介入冥想的情報更新和宣傳影片
We are approaching a powerful Solar eclipse on December 4th at 07:35 am UTC :
- Nov 27 Sat 2021 00:01
- Nov 27 Sat 2021 00:00
【大天使加百利】2021-11-19 讓你本質的核心來引領道路
Allowing your beingness to lead to your doing supports your happiness and success because it is allowing yourself to be internally guided by your true essence, so it is a beautiful and empowered expression of self.Doing to try to define yourself has limited success because it is looking to an external to try to make yourself whole.
- Nov 26 Fri 2021 00:00
【本傑明·福爾富德】2021-11-22 每週快訊
There is a massive attack taking place against the Satanic ruling cabal in most Western countries.This is being seen in mass demonstrations, military moves and criminal prosecutions.
- Nov 26 Fri 2021 00:00
【大天使加百利】2021-11-18 只採取受啟發的行動
The path of beingness doesn't mean you no longer do anything.It means you simply take inspired action when the energies support it and it feels good and aligned for you.You are evolving beyond the old ways of doing, doing, doing in order to feel good about yourself or worthy.Do you see? It is time to let your beingness lead to your doing, rather than trying to make what you do prove who you are.When you put your authenticity at the core of all that you do, you become the purest emanation of your truest life expression, and that is when you experience far greater satisfaction with your journey than ever before.
- Nov 26 Fri 2021 00:00
【大天使加百利】2021-11-17 存在和感恩
Presence and appreciation are a dynamic duo that want to introduce you to their good friend, wonder.