Rejecting more than you accept can create blockages to monetary abundance or any other desired creations because rejection is a"no" energy while moving into abundance is a result of"yes" energy.Concentrating on resisting or rejecting, if it is your predominant energy, can result in energetics that say no to everything.You are far better served by acceptance than resistance, in all ways, always.

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What you include in your present moment is what creates the foundation for your tomorrows.In the buffet of life, what do you wish to add as part of your experience and what can you simply leave behind?

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

診間幾乎沒有機會看痣的問題,因為痣一般不痛不癢的,而且痣本身也不是什麼大問題,所以很少人會去關注,頂多看不順眼就請人點掉而已,不會單純因為痣的問題來找我看診,所以過去沒有機會看到痣的問題。 這個病人是因為突然長出一串的黑痣,害怕是否有什麼身體的狀況,所以來找我看診。以下是我們的對話。

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

A lot of people have a fear of surrender because they feel like it may take them somewhere worse.Dear Ones, it simply does not work that way.Surrender is how you follow the desires of your soul, along with the full assistance of a universe that adores you, into your highest life expression.

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Many of you are at a point where you simply don't know what is fun for you anymore.This is yet another reason why the retrieval and reintegration of your inner child is such an important thing to do at this time.You serve your inner child by welcoming it back into the safety and security you can now offer it.Your inner child serves you because its specialty is fun!

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