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(莫妮克:我看到許多非常明亮的存有。他們對我說: —)

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While faith and trust are often used as interchangeable terms, there is a distinct difference.Faith is the belief in something bigger than you.Trust is knowing that bigger something is always and consistently there for you in whatever ways you need.Most of you have the belief piece firmly in place, but wobble when it comes to the trust piece.But could the missing trust piece be a lack of trust in yourself?

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A common theme many of you experience is wondering if you are doing enough.To this we ask, have you felt the energies? Are you consciously trying to walk your own unique path? Are you self aware? Are you sensitive? Are you kind? Are you interested in healing and growth? Are you perfectly imperfect and trying to do your best?

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

大家好,我是來自美國俄勒岡州波特蘭市的催眠師艾莉森·寇(Alison Coe)。以下信息均來自我在量子催眠治療中的對話記錄。

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

A fundamental sea change has taken place at the highest levels of world power on or around June 21st, 2021. The world's military and intelligence agencies have decided to treat the ongoing fake pandemic medical emergency as an act of war and react accordingly. To quote from MI6:

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Dear Ones,on the topic of mistakes—you expand from your experiences.Sometimes you try something and you like it so you include it as part of your preferences.Other times you might try something and find it isn't a match to you at all.Sometimes you will show up as a beautiful expression of your highest self.Other times you may be having a bad day and know you could have done better.All of these give you an opportunity to decide what you want more of and what you wish to leave behind or do differently.

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We understand that many of you,in your desire to be diligent and get things right,worry that you are missing things or stuck.But when you are constantly doubting and re-evaluating how you are doing,you are falling into a trap of being judgmental or resistant to yourself and your own mastery.Dear Ones,you are the ground crew on an ascending planet.You are doing a magnificent job!

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