Surrendering into the flow with your faith and trust is a grand energetic declaration that you are giving your permission to be carried, guided, led, or floated beyond your challenges into the greatest discoveries.What we want you to understand that it is a completely supported, solution based system that is a co-creation between your soul and your team of guides.As such, it is impossible for it to take you somewhere worse as it is programmed to only take you to your next highest experience.There is nothing to fear with the act of surrender as it is designed to bring you energetic comfort and tangible signs and direction when you cannot see the next steps from your vantage point.It is how you use your free will to work in tandem with spirit and fully utilize the guides and supports that have always been in place for you.
- Jun 29 Tue 2021 00:00
【大天使加百利】2021-6-26 伴隨著信念和信任臣服於流動
- Jun 29 Tue 2021 00:00
【大天使加百利】2021-6-25 如何能對自己有完全的信心和信任?
What does it mean to have complete faith and trust in yourself? It means stepping out of self abuse into loving acceptance and self care.It means creating safe attachment with your wounded aspects of self so they can stay in an energetic space that supports their healing and reintegration.It means you make decisions from a place of wisdom and love for the empowerment of all, including you.Moving into a deep level of acknowledgement and trust in your innate wisdom and divine capability is the foundation of embodiment.
- Jun 29 Tue 2021 00:00
彼得·畢特博士的真相錄音帶 摘錄8 颶風、空震以及蘇聯對美國的威脅
- Jun 28 Mon 2021 00:00
(莫妮克:我看到許多非常明亮的存有。他們對我說: —)
- Jun 28 Mon 2021 00:00
【大天使加百利】2021-6-24 信念和信任
While faith and trust are often used as interchangeable terms, there is a distinct difference.Faith is the belief in something bigger than you.Trust is knowing that bigger something is always and consistently there for you in whatever ways you need.Most of you have the belief piece firmly in place, but wobble when it comes to the trust piece.But could the missing trust piece be a lack of trust in yourself?
- Jun 28 Mon 2021 00:00
【大天使加百利】2021-6-23 你的成長就是你的服務
A common theme many of you experience is wondering if you are doing enough.To this we ask, have you felt the energies? Are you consciously trying to walk your own unique path? Are you self aware? Are you sensitive? Are you kind? Are you interested in healing and growth? Are you perfectly imperfect and trying to do your best?
- Jun 28 Mon 2021 00:00
美國UFO報告:144起不明空中現象 未排除外星來源可能性
- Jun 27 Sun 2021 00:00
大家好,我是來自美國俄勒岡州波特蘭市的催眠師艾莉森·寇(Alison Coe)。以下信息均來自我在量子催眠治療中的對話記錄。
- Jun 27 Sun 2021 00:00
【柯博拉】2021-6-25 給地表民眾的簡短訊息
- Jun 27 Sun 2021 00:00
彼得·畢特博士的真相錄音帶 摘錄7 大韓航空902號班機空難真相
- Jun 26 Sat 2021 00:01
- Jun 26 Sat 2021 00:00
【本傑明·福爾富德】2021-6-21 每週快訊
A fundamental sea change has taken place at the highest levels of world power on or around June 21st, 2021. The world's military and intelligence agencies have decided to treat the ongoing fake pandemic medical emergency as an act of war and react accordingly. To quote from MI6: