Whenever an energetic theme loops back around into your awareness, it is much like a movie you have already seen being rebroadcast.You might have loved that movie and will watch it again just for the joy of it.You might decide to watch it again because you know you always pick up more details from a movie when you see it more than once.Even though you know how everything turns out, there is still value for you to have the experience again.Or you may have already watched the movie so many times you realize there really isn't anything else it can offer you, and decide to pass.

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There are times where you might find aspects of your past looping around to find you again.This might be for you to experience healing and release, to see how far you've come energetically, an opportunity for you to step back onto a path you had abandoned previously, or to step onto a brand new path by making a different choice.

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

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You can only move at the speed that is perfect for you.Thinking that you've got it wrong, that you've taken too long, that you should be moving faster, only makes you miss the beauty and wonder of the unfoldment of your soul's evolution—a divinely intelligent system that is designed to move at the pace that best supports you and allows all the elements to fall into place for your greatest success and growth.The idea that it can be wrong in any way is not only faulty, it denies the comfort that is available for you through the faith, trust, and acceptance that your now moment is serving you.

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Each soul is in a different stage of their personal development, and the evolutionary gap between Starseeds and the unawakened can be significant.

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Events are coming to a head in the United States and worldwide as information warfare morphs into kinetic warfare, Pentagon, MI6, and FSB sources agree. The U.S.military and intelligence agencies are now rallying around President Donald Trump because the citizens of the United States legally elected him, Pentagon sources confirm.

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Dear Ones, what you want already exists.Your yearning combined with its energy calling you forward is a powerful force.What we want you to know is you don't need to know all the steps to get to that experience.It will take on its own flow of unfoldment.What you do need to do is release any resistance, limitations, or constraints that prevent you from moving into intersection with the experience.

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印度14歲天才少年阿南德(Abhigya Anand)因準確預言2020年將有如疫情、戰爭、全球股市大跌等而爆紅。他在最新的預言指出,現在研發中的新型冠狀病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫苗不是他曾說過可解決疫情的方案。此外他指2021大半年內,災難會繼續出現。

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