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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Practicing resistance on your enlightenment journey is actively denying the next steps your soul is calling you to take.This amounts to tending the soil, lovingly planting a seed, watering it with care, and then placing a stone slab over top of it.The seed may eventually work its way around the stone toward the light but wouldn't it be easier and give a faster result if you allowed it to use all that energy to simply grow unimpeded and bloom? It is safe to trust in your own evolution and the wisdom of your soul, Dear Ones! Is it time for you to release any self imposed barriers and truly blossom into the beauty of your ever-evolving full potential?

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Pauses in your forward movement give you the time to strengthen your foundation for even greater things to be built upon.

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You cannot kick or berate yourself up the stairway to enlightenment but you can certainly love and encourage yourself there.What compassion can you have for yourself today?

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Practicing forgiveness for yourself is so important in order for you to be able to move forward in the full embrace of who you truly are today.If you have behaved in a manner that you have trouble forgiving yourself for, we recommend the following:

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Forgiveness is the embodiment of the energy of grace.

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The events of the past week,and the coming weeks,will go down in history as one of the biggest,if not THE biggest,revolutions in history.We are not talking just about the fall of the United States of America Corporation.We are talking about the end to a system of slavery that has continued for thousands of years.

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