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新冠病毒奪走全球近30萬人性命,各國競相研發疫苗,不過疫苗發展是一條漫漫長路,就連有「美版陳時中」之稱的白宮醫學顧問佛奇(Anthony Fauci)都坦言,「無法保證研發出的疫苗一定有效。」

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones, you do not need to fight against what is unwanted.Your true power, your sovereignty, is in your beingness.You do not need to prove it, it simply is.Do you see? That is what is meant by,"You are the change".All you must do is accept your divine truth and innate wisdom and lead from there, for that is the grounded expression of your empowered, embodied self.

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Acceptance receives as well as trusts that things are always occurring for your highest good, even if you can't  see how just yet.This is the exact energy that keeps you poised for forward movement as soon as it is energetically supported.So we would suggest if you perceive yourself as being stuck that you explore how you can infuse your situation with more acceptance and trust.You may be surprised at how quickly that can shift you into the greater peace and comfort that comes from being willing to receive the gifts of any phase you may find yourself in.This is choosing, with your wisdom, to fully embrace and harness the benefits that are built into the divine unfoldment of your own transformation.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Laying the foundation of your dreams is one of the most important things you can do.It can also feel like the least fun phase of creation.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

We spoke yesterday of being open to receive what exists beyond what you can see as being exactly what is required to invite miracles into your life.Many of you still doubt that miracles are available to you.So how do you know you hold the energy to attract miracles? It is simple, Dear Ones, because the fact is you are already a miracle of creation and you can always attract more of what you truly are.

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What loud energetic no's are holding you back from receiving? Do you believe in miracles, in magic, in wonder? If you do, do you believe they are available to you? Can you shift into having complete trust in your own soul, along with the help of a universe that adores you, to lovingly flow you forward in the most delightful, supported ways? Being open to discover and receive what exists for you beyond what you could imagine is exactly how you invite miracles into your life.

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