Your true power exists in the Now moment.It can be disconcerting to be in a space of not knowing, yet this is the gift of where you are right now, for the only thing that is supported is making your highest choice, one Now moment at a time.This is teaching you how to get comfortable and trust in the unfoldment, which is the path that is always leading you to your highest outcomes.You are developing new skills that are essential to the creation and discovery of the next phase of your incarnation, so keep your focus but be kind and gentle with yourselves, as well, as you learn how to navigate primarily through the presence of your heart and the wisdom of your soul.
- May 18 Mon 2020 12:08
【大天使加百利】2020-5-16 你真正的力量存在於當下
- May 18 Mon 2020 12:07
【大天使加百利】2020-5-15 你的成長是你服務的基礎
The more you heal, the safer a person you become for yourself, and for others.Every single discovery, release, integration, and expansion you make drives the shift upon your planet.We cannot impress upon you enough the power your personal transformation has upon the whole.Your growth is the foundation of your service, and all other things become possible from there.
- May 18 Mon 2020 12:06
【大天使加百利】2020-5-14 擁抱自己美麗且不間斷的展開
Blessed are those who stay true to themselves, for it is the people who have an unwavering commitment to following their hearts and the calling of their souls who get to experience the joy and satisfaction that comes from contributing to the whole through their beingness.Your soul mission is both simple and profound—to embrace the beautiful and continual unfoldment of you.
- May 18 Mon 2020 12:04
【新聞】準確預測新冠疫情 神童警告:12月有更嚴重的災難
印度有一名少年阿南德(Abhigya Anand),本身是一名占星師,去年8月在YouTube上傳了一傳影片,竟成功預測到新冠肺炎疫情爆發。近日,他又再度上傳影片並提到,另一場更嚴重的災難將會在2020年12月20日降臨,直到2021年的3月底才會結束。
- May 17 Sun 2020 13:18
- May 16 Sat 2020 15:14
- May 15 Fri 2020 15:56
【大天使加百利】2020-5-13 "愛"和"連接"是多維度的
Dear Ones, we realize it can be quite challenging to be separated from loved ones.What we wish for you to understand is that you are always, always connected to those you love.If you are not able to see someone in the physical you can absolutely visit them through meditation.
- May 15 Fri 2020 15:55
【大天使加百利】2020-5-12 放下過去,展望新階段的曙光
If something is removed from your life,it is for your highest good.If you are stuck in the past,it is from not knowing this at the core of your being.Anything that leaves,or comes in,is all designed for your redirection and expansion,which can only take you into a new energetic phase that has much to offer you that the old one could not.
- May 14 Thu 2020 16:28
- May 14 Thu 2020 16:23
- May 14 Thu 2020 16:12
新冠病毒奪走全球近30萬人性命,各國競相研發疫苗,不過疫苗發展是一條漫漫長路,就連有「美版陳時中」之稱的白宮醫學顧問佛奇(Anthony Fauci)都坦言,「無法保證研發出的疫苗一定有效。」
- May 14 Thu 2020 10:08