"Something Magical is Birthing(某件神奇的事情正在發生!)" 聽到這句話,你的第一反應和首先想到的是會不會是一件發生於你身外世界的事情呢?
- Nov 11 Thu 2021 00:00
- Nov 11 Thu 2021 00:00
【大天使加百利】2021-11-4 擁抱你最真實的本質
Your authenticity is your greatest gift both to yourself and the world, for it is embracing your truest essence and offering your unique energetic contributions that add to the mosaic of the whole.From this perspective, can you see that your beingness is an essential aspect of your service? In fact, we would go so far as to say it is the foundation that is necessary for all other things to be built upon.
- Nov 10 Wed 2021 00:01
- Nov 10 Wed 2021 00:00
【大天使加百利】2021-11-3 接納自己
Embracing your authenticity is coming out as your truest self.There is a deep relief when you drop the pretences that you had adopted in order to conform to whatever model you thought you had to adhere to for acceptance, and you will quickly learn that your truest matches will respond in the most remarkable ways to you because you will be emanating the clearest, most beautiful vibration that draws them near, and from there your truest path will activate.That has been the real journey—coming to accept yourself in all your glory and giving others the opportunity to do the same.Simply put, when you deny yourself you not only constrain the possibilities available to you, you also deny others the joy of seeing and knowing the true essence of you, and that may be exactly what they've been searching for all along.
- Nov 09 Tue 2021 19:22
【柯博拉】2021-11-8 讓它發生!神聖介入冥想(12/22 00:00)
It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long.Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process.Therefore we are using the opportunity of the solstice on December 21st to create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and trigger the process that will lead us one step closer to the liberation of the planet.
- Nov 09 Tue 2021 00:01
Just One Expression of Joy
- Nov 09 Tue 2021 00:00
【大天使加百利】2021-11-2 你可以安全地擴展
If you knew you could expand safely would you? Let us reassure you, when you proceed with your presence and the guidance of both your inner wise one and your heart, you don't make mistakes, you make divine discoveries.
- Nov 08 Mon 2021 00:00
- Nov 08 Mon 2021 00:00
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Nov 07 Sun 2021 00:00
- Nov 07 Sun 2021 00:00
【大天使加百利】2021-11-1 身體的重要性
Not wanting to be in your body for your embodiment process is like having a lifelong dream to be a sailor but not being willing to get in the boat.
- Nov 07 Sun 2021 00:00
【大天使加百利】2021-10-31 你的抗拒是在告訴你…
Your resistance tells you there is a part of you that is struggling with moving forward.It deserves your love and compassion, not your judgement or denial.