Shelley's Note:One of the things that has always amazed me over the years of working with Gabriel is how often he gives information before you need it.Yesterday this recent daily message from March7came back into my awareness and I was struck by how it so perfectly applies to what we are going through right now.Since it is thursday I decided to share it again as a throwback thursday post because I feel that it even though I just recently shared it, it has more impact today than the day it was posted.I hope you are being safe, honouring your needs and feelings, and are able to find some of the gifts this peeling back process is opening up for us.We are all in this together.
- Apr 05 Sun 2020 13:02
【大天使加百利】2020-4-2 強大的重新創造階段
- Apr 04 Sat 2020 12:45
【訪談】2020-4-2 薔薇聖女團採訪柯博拉:揚升時間線/終結冠狀病毒冥想
Sisterhood of the Rose organized a recent interview with Cobra about the importance of the upcoming Ascension Timeline/End of Coronavirus Meditation on April 5th at 2:45 AM UTC.In this interview,they discuss the coronavirus,financial situation,ascension,and much more,including the importance of the Ascension Timeline/End of the Coronavirus meditation on April 4th/5th,2020.
- Apr 03 Fri 2020 15:39
問:拉烏爾教授是一位高尚的智者嗎?[譯註:法國馬賽醫院大學教授狄迪耶·拉烏爾(Didier Raoult)近日宣稱發現一種名為磷酸氯奎的藥物,能迅速治癒新冠肺炎並大大降低病毒傳播能力。他宣佈用此藥治療其醫院的所有新冠肺炎患者。這迫使法國政府做出讓步,允許醫生在醫院集體決定使用這種藥治療重症病人。]
- Apr 03 Fri 2020 15:34
【大角星人】2020-3-22 當前的困難時期
- Apr 03 Fri 2020 15:33
【大天使加百利】2020-4-1 觀察而不評判任何情況和體驗
Being observational rather than judgmental of your circumstances and experiences is what helps keep you in empowered forward movement,for it is your inner wise one that does the observing and navigates by responding rather than reacting.This allows you to stay out of resistance and to stay in the flow.It is the flow that supports you in every now moment,and if there is anything that needs to be adjusted or tended to,it will naturally come up into your awareness.
- Apr 03 Fri 2020 15:32
【大天使加百利】2020-3-31 返璞歸真
Dear Ones,the reset you are experiencing involves taking things back to basics.It is through going back to basics you can create the strongest foundation for yourselves moving forward.
- Apr 02 Thu 2020 15:11
【RIYA SOKOL】Thank you, Coronavirus
- Apr 02 Thu 2020 14:58
- Apr 02 Thu 2020 14:57
【約書亞】2020-3-29 當前的危機
- Apr 01 Wed 2020 19:40
【訪談】2020-3-25 PFC、本傑明、柯博拉談冠狀病毒和戰爭
Prepare for Change welcomes back Cobra and Benjamin Fulford for a very important conversation about the Corona Virus and escalation in the war for planetary liberation.
- Apr 01 Wed 2020 15:48
- Apr 01 Wed 2020 15:40