Dear Ones, so many of you approach a new year with trepidation, hoping it will be a good one.While it is true that different years will have certain energetic traits, you are always powerful creators.What essence do you wish to experience more of this year? Decide your mission statement and surrender into its creation and unfoldment.

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What we want you to understand as you move forward into a new year and a new decade is that nothing is carved in stone.The energies are expansive and malleable, as are you.By embracing your alignment with your beingness, understanding that alignment might be in a different place each day depending upon what the energies are doing and where you are in your own personal shifting(but you can always find with your intention), you start to experience yourself as part of how the flow flows.Your willingness to move with whatever is being supported is how you experience yourself as a valued and necessary part of the flow, which supports your growth, expansion, and highest discoveries as well as your beloved planet's.There is such joy moving forward for you as you accept yourself as an essential part of the heartbeat of the universe, for you will no longer experience yourself as separate from anything.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Many of you have issues with the word power.This is due to your many, many incarnations exploring power, which will include lifetimes where you have had power and used it inappropriately, had power and tried to use it appropriately and it didn't work out well for you or for others, or had it misused against you.The major theme that will continue into 2020 and beyond is the further exploration of power—what it is, what it isn't, and how to navigate through your own authentic power.

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Dear Ones, what we want you to really understand is there can be great joy in not knowing what is next as you are poised to move forward into the energies of 2020 and beyond.Think of young children.They come into the body with a remembrance of how to simply be.They naturally embrace their curiosity, imaginations, and sense of wonder, which are all essential elements of creation.They embrace the full potential of each now moment.All of these are higher vibrating traits that many of you lose as you mature into adults.

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

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Many of you are experiencing a space of not knowing.Not knowing what is next for you, which direction to go in, or even who you are or what brings you joy.While we understand this can be disconcerting, this is actually a very good thing and proof positive of the work you have done.

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