- Feb 24 Mon 2020 14:58
- Feb 24 Mon 2020 14:52
- Feb 24 Mon 2020 14:49
【大天使加百利】2020-2-22 今天你可以對什麼說yes呢?
Dear Ones,you cannot resist and receive at the same time.Resistance is a loud energetic no that doesn't discriminate.It announces its no to everything.
- Feb 24 Mon 2020 14:47
【大天使加百利】2020-2-21 尊重你的感受和需求
Ebb and flow is designed to provide an overall model of balance and support for you.This applies to your relationships,as well.There is a natural rhythm which ideally contains times of closeness and times of solitude within relationships.
- Feb 24 Mon 2020 14:36
- Feb 24 Mon 2020 14:27
- Feb 23 Sun 2020 13:11
【大角星人】2020-1-26 透過覺醒的眼睛去看
- Feb 23 Sun 2020 13:10
【大天使加百利】2020-2-20 活出並述說你的真理
Taking the time to be clear with yourself—to know your wants, your needs, your emotions, and what is aligned for you at any given time, is not only a great gift to yourself, it is a gift to others as well.By living and speaking your truth, you become much more trustworthy, because people can take you at your word without worrying about some kind of underlying energy.What you say and what you mean are totally aligned.
- Feb 23 Sun 2020 13:01
- Feb 21 Fri 2020 11:47
【大天使加百利】2020-2-19 與自己真正本質連接
An interesting question to ask yourself might be,"Am I being or am I reacting?"When you are being, you are calm, balanced, and operating through your truth.It is a state of embodiment and empowerment.When you are reacting, you have stopped being your own energetic leader.Rather than being the bringer of energy you are the responder of energy.You are always playing catch up, if you will, rather than blazing your own trail.
- Feb 21 Fri 2020 11:46
【大天使加百利】2020-2-18 流動與成長
When you think you already know everything you need to know, you automatically put constraints upon what can be created or experienced.It is rejecting the discovery of new possibilities and potentials.Please know you are designed to be in a constant state of evolution, an unfoldment that is continually expanding into the new.This is where your strength is!