Co-dependency is attempting to apply the martyred service paradigm to your relationship.When you start to honour your needs and growth in all relationships, whether personal or service oriented, dynamics will begin to change and evolve in ways that support the balance and empowerment of all.It is from there you will finally be able to experience the joyful, supported connections you seek.

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The words thank you indicate the end of a transaction.The act of saying thank you as the last step of an energetic release serves to wrap up that phase while honouring the gifts and anchoring in the wisdom that came from the experience.Gratitude is the indicator that you have found your way to acceptance, which allows the final shift of any particular healing cycle to occur.

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

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Co-dependency begins to heal when you take your own loving care, focus, and encouragement and give it to yourself, because it is at the point when you pivot your attention from an external to the internal that true growth and change can occur.Dear Ones, please understand it is your love and attention you"ve been seeking all along! Once you receive it, from that space of wholeness and balance your connections will naturally shift into much healthier dynamics that support the empowerment and wellness of everyone involved.

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It can be easy to fall into the belief that there is no forward movement in your life, but in reality there is always growth and expansion.As a human being, you experience the flow in two ways—the action phase, which contains tangible movement, and the lull phase, where the movement is occurring energetically behind the scenes as a precursor to taking form.

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What if thinking you"re blocked is the blockage? We understand you wish to be diligent, but believing you are blocked is demonstrating judgment and resistance toward the perfection of your now moment.It also denotes a lack of faith and trust, both in yourself, and in the universe.

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