The key to staying anchored in trust is following the direction of your heart along with the guidance of your inner wise one. The combination of the two keeps you from making reactive decisions based in fear and doubt, and holds the space long enough for your highest outcomes to take form.

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Trust is the permission slip that allows your guides, helpers, and your highest self to lead you to your next grand adventure and your highest outcomes.

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Dear Ones, as the energies continue to move you forward on your enlightenment process, you will experience great moments of alignment and expansiveness.You will then anchor it in a human manner. It is connecting to the greater whole and then integrating it individually. This is all part of the process. Do you see? Your very human responses are just as important to the process as your spiritual discoveries, as both are working together to expand, balance, and serve the entirety of the whole.

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

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What part of you needs your love and attention today? The most healing thing you can do is to acknowledge, tend to, love, accept, encourage, and celebrate any aspect of yourself that hasn't received everything it needed. This is a powerful act of self love and integration, and one that is well within your capability to do.

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A wonderful question to ask yourself if you are feeling energetically overwhelmed is,"What will bring me comfort today?"Many of you think comfort is being in a soft nest and barely moving at all. But comfort can also come from nature, moving your body, taking inspired action, from embracing expansion, and harnessing the gifts of whatever the latest wave of energy is supporting. You get to decide what comfort is to you, and it may show up in many different ways depending upon what your needs are at any given time. Know you can always discover the comfort you seek by giving yourself permission to follow the subtle bumps and nudges from your soul.

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