- Oct 12 Sat 2019 14:12
【柯博拉】2019-10-10 敘利亞和平冥想
The next few days will be crucial to determine how the situation about the Turkish invasion in northern Syria will unfold.
- Oct 12 Sat 2019 14:10
【大天使加百利】2019-10-11 信任
Trust is what allows you to embrace accelerated forward movement with openness and excitement.Many of you are about to enter periods of big movement. The deeper your trust, both in your readiness for this next phase and in a universe that adores you, the more exhilarating and joyful the ride will be. Savour the unfoldment in all its glory, Dear Ones!
- Oct 12 Sat 2019 14:09
【大天使加百利】2019-10-10 整體能量的喜悅融合
Dear Ones, we encourage you to think of yourselves within these shifting times as being part of an orchestra.There are so many different notes and vibrations coming together to create the vibrational masterpiece that is the ascension of you and your beloved planet. Just like you could not say one instrument makes the orchestra, there is no one energy that is responsible for the amazing times you are experiencing, rather, the delightful melding of the energetic whole.
- Oct 11 Fri 2019 14:17
【大角星人】2019-5-19 人類最大的錯誤
- Oct 11 Fri 2019 14:16
【大天使加百利】2019-10-9 去發現更多的可能性
Dear Ones, the more you can use broad intentions for your manifestations, the greater the possibilities.From your side of the veil you are not able to see the glorious outcomes that are available for you. You naturally have a tendency to try to create through the lens of what you think is possible. Being willing to discover what is actually possible vs what you think is possible is the key to allowing your life to get as big and beautiful as it wants to be. You do that through the co-creating system of surrender, faith, flow, and trust.
- Oct 09 Wed 2019 14:35
- Oct 09 Wed 2019 14:34
【大角星人】2019-8-25 清理舊能量不會失去個性
這一時期傾瀉在地球上的越來越高頻的能量,正在帶出深埋在個人及所有人身體、情緒、精神和靈性層面上的恐懼 — 已經覺醒和沒有覺醒的人都是如此。
- Oct 09 Wed 2019 14:33
【大天使加百利】2019-10-8 顯化是一個共同創造的舞蹈
Dear Ones, manifestation is not a singular event.It is a flow of unfoldment. It is a dance of co-creation.
- Oct 09 Wed 2019 14:32
【大天使加百利】2019-10-7 是時候要去更加深入的瞭解自己了
There is a beautiful you that has been sitting under many layers of societal expectations, old belief systems, family conditioning, and your own self imposed fears and doubts.Due to the shifting, releasing, and integration work you have so diligently done, you are now able to access more and more of that true you.
- Oct 08 Tue 2019 14:44
- Oct 08 Tue 2019 14:43
- Oct 08 Tue 2019 14:34
【大角星人】2019-5-5 丟下陳舊虛假的事物