If you could settle into the absolute certainty that everything is unfolding exactly as it should with divine perfection (and it is!), what would that free you up to do?How would that change your focus? How much more grace and ease would you experience? How much more peace would you feel, and from that space of calm assuredness, what choices would you make?

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We spoke yesterday of the role many enlightening human beings are finding themselves in, that of energetic stabilizer and space holder.We realize that many of you are tired and anxious to move forward. We wish to reassure you this is not a phase that lasts forever. In fact, it is quite a short yet pivotal phase.

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雅各·弗蘭克爾(Jacob A. Frenkel)是摩根大通國際企業的主席,三邊委員會成員,他曾擔任兩屆以色列銀行行長以及獲得義大利共和國大十字功績勳章。弗蘭克爾也是義大利亞斯平研究所以及美國和義大利理事會的董事會成員。弗蘭克爾是一名服務義大利黑貴族的以色列銀行家。

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Dear Ones, we realize many of you feel frustrated by a lack of movement in your lives.We wish for you to know that you are making progress. Many of you have volunteered to take one step forward and then hold the space for the collective. Once they have integrated an energy, then you take another step forward, and so on. This is a phase, not a permanent position, and we wish for you all to know that progress is accumulating for you throughout it all, for serving the one must serve the whole and vice versa.

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Power is evolving, Dear Ones.The old 3D power models were outwardly focused, looking for the external to define the self, and generally served the one. They supported separation due to the fear of there not being enough for everyone.

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