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這是科幻電影Independence Day第3集場景?一名稱為Sunder Thongam的網友於9月5日上週三在他的臉書中發佈一段影片,讓一些網友驚呼:這根本就是Independence Day第3集場景!

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There is great joy to be had in the process of creation. As you birth an idea and begin to allow it to manifest and unfold, we encourage you to savour each phase just as you would enjoy the growth and development of a beloved child. Each stage can be filled with delight and discovery as the elements come together and take on shape and form, and as such, will increase your gratitude and presence, which further adds to your satisfaction and enjoyment of the entire experience, not just the intended end result.

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北歐冰島城市雷克雅維克(Reykjavik, Iceland)的天空出現一個不尋常的景象,一個巨大如飛碟狀的影像浮現在空中,讓一些網友大感驚訝!

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God said:

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

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Allowing your inner beauty and truth to shine is embodying your version of heaven on earth.

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God said:

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We were recently asked,"How do you handle competitive people when they want to compete against you and it triggers you?" We would like to address this today.

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God said:

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