
LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones, just as you must exercise faith and trust during an energetic lull, you must also use your faith and trust during a period of acceleration in order to fully ride the wave of forward movement. This is all part of willingly moving with the ebbs and flows of the universe. If you surrender into each phase you will be harnessing the immense gifts that are inherently part of both.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

一連介紹了幾個在英國發現的麥田圈,現在終於輪到法國了。位於法國大東部大區(Grand Est region)摩塞爾省的薩拉勒特羅夫(Sarraltroff)和戈埃爾蘭讓(Goerlingen)之間的一座麥田於2018年6月11日出現了一個大型的新麥田圈圖型,這是自2006年以來在該地區出現的第7個麥田圈,也是法國今年的第一個麥田圈,與去年在利克桑(Lixheim)的麥田圈相差不遠。

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God said:

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God said:

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Saying no to behaviour that doesn't honour you serves everyone, for it is never loving to support someone in continually showing up in such a limited version of self.

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2018年6月10日,在英國威爾特郡鄰近奇克雷德(Chicklade, Wiltshire)的凱爾西坡地(Keysley Down)被發現出現一個新的麥田圈圖型,在這個麥田圈旁邊就是英國一條車水馬龍的A303號公路,經由這條道路可以通向位於埃姆斯伯裡(Amesbury)神秘的巨石陣(Stonehenge)。

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

God said:

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We wish to explain to you how we can say things are no longer energetically supported, yet they seem to continue in your reality.

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