Today we will make a detour from our normal subjects to bring your attention something you may be coping with without even being aware of it.Because once you are aware of it, you will find that you are already quite prepared to deal with it.

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2017-5-4 英國威爾特郡威洛比樹籬的麥田圈1.jpg

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God said:

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Are you having trouble trusting the process? You are not alone.Today we would like to focus your attention upon trusting the process of your desired manifested goals.

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我一向對TED的影片有很多質疑,雖然我知道這個由美國非營利機構Sapling Foundation所設立的教育平台,為全球許多『值得分享的點子』製造機會,讓更新穎的科技(T)、娛樂(E)與設計(D),透過十幾分的演講時間,用簡單明瞭的語言,傳播至世界各隅。

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Although drastic action was taken, the situation with directed energy weapon attacks upon Lightworkers and Lightwarriors is far from being resolved and the following article still needs to go viral, translated in as many languages as possible and posted on blogs worldwide:

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Khazarian mafia offensive loses steam but high level intrigue continues

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